3 Things that happen when you sleep

in #health7 years ago (edited)

As we are all humans we all need rest, we all feel tired and sleepy during night time and I am not sure if that is optional at least for most people. But there are a few things the body undergoes during the period of rest(sleep).

Image source :http://healthylnb.com/healthandhappy/why-the-child-needs-sleep/

#1. Shut down of the cerebrum.

As we all know we use our cerebrum for performing voluntary actions such as moving the hands, legs etc but during rest one of the first things which occur is shut down of the cerebrum, so after sometime you won't be able to move, although some people still end up rolling in their beds, that may be due to what they dream about and causes the reactivation of the cerebrum. You can confirm this theory by resting with your eyes closed for about 20-30minutes without moving. **Note ** don't move if not it won't work, after the completion of the 30 minutes if you're still awake you are going to find it difficult moving. I have done this myself and confirmed it.

#2. Beginning of eye movements

NREM is an acronym for Non Rapid Eye Movement. NREM is only activated during deep sleep. Deep sleep is very essential as it helps the brain in storing memories, and this is why it is advisable to sleep after reading so you don't just remember what you read, you'll actually have a knowledge of it and know how to reform it. During deep sleep the body also releases substances(hormones) into the body for cell repair and reproduction. According to researches the effects of rapid eye movement(REM) are still not clear.
REM is a period which one has his most vivid dreams, although dreaming is done in both NREM and REM.
During dreaming the activity of the brain tends to resemble that of when the body is awake.

#3. Tissue repair

As I said earlier at #2 during sleep body repair is done, although most of the body system is shutdown with other reflex actions slowed down, during sleep is when most of growing is done, by repairing worn out tissues and supplying the body with new ones. Although it is advisable not to eat too much before going to bed and say your body uses it for growing and tissue repairs as the body only digest the ones needed, as the rest will be stored as fat and used at essential time during adrenaline stimulation(fear or anger) and providing energy when the body is low on food supply.

Thank you for your time. If you have anything you might want to add feel free to drop it as a comment.

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