Your Doctor Is A Saleman: Cutting Bodies & Dealing DrugssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Your Doctor Is A Salesman

Ever thought about the fact that your doctor is selling you his services? It's easy to forget that he's getting paid, or that he makes a lot of money because we're so disconnected from the process. Normally when you buy services from a business, you pay with cash or credit card after the services have been provided. We typically just pay a co-pay for medical services, if anything at all. Who cares what the total bill is? We're only concerned with how much we're paying out of our pockets. This disconnect has led us to a scary place where the medical industry can charge anything they want and we're willing to accept it. Keep in mind, your doctor is a salesman.

Whenever there are profits to be made when giving a service, you have to keep in mind that there's a company behind it that gains from providing that service. Healthy skepticism is a good thing. That's not to say that the profit motive is bad but people often question the profit motive of other industries but neglect to exercise the same caution when dealing with the medical field.

The Truth About The Medical Industry

If the medical industry had nothing but perfect, virtuous people running it, as some people unconsciously conclude, we wouldn't have to have any skepticism of the industry. Somehow the general public blindly believes what ever the doctor says, and even does what he recommends, without any level of skepticism. But that same person will ask you if you're sure it's OK to take the vitamins you give them. It's no mystery as to why either. Even doctors are weary of natural medicine and vitamins. The educational system beats common sense out of people and fills their heads up with nonsense that's imperative for them to believe in order to make the medical industry run the way it does today.

The doctors and nurses aren't to blame. Most of them believe what they're doing is right and they think they're offering the best solution to people's problems. It's the system that is to blame. The medical system is very misleading. The world is full of fraud masquerading around as some humanitarian cause. The medical system is no different. Admittedly, it does have its time. When it comes to acute trauma, such as in an emergency, Western medicine is great. They can work miracles in a life-threatening emergency situation. But when it comes to the prevention and treatment of chronic disease, they're clueless. Most of the deadly diseases are idiopathic, meaning of no known origin. They don't know the cause, much less the cure.

The Focus Is On Profits, Not Prevention

Western medicine doesn't focus on prevention. Suspiciously, if they did focus on prevention they'd lose out on business, which decreases profits. Companies that are publicly traded on the stock market have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders and therefore are legally obligated to increase profits.

Doctors Aren't Taught About Natural Health

The reason why doctors don't know much about the prevention or treatment of chronic disease is because of their education. They aren't taught about natural health principles, such as eating healthy. In fact, very little of their education involves nutrition. Not to mention the many other aspects of natural health, such as the importance of vitamin D. In college, students are taught about the dangers of the sun and are led to believe it's more important to stay out of the sun than it is to get the proper amount of exposure responsibly.

Even more alarming is the reason why medical students aren't taught about natural health. Big pharma has been been funding the medical schools, which presents a serious conflict of interest.

How The Medical System Builds Value To Increase Sales

There's a marketing term called "building value." Building value is when you present your offer in such a way that maximizes its perceived value. You'll notice that they build value in infomercials when they say, "but wait, there's more!" And then they give you a few extra bonuses to entice you to act now. It's sales and it works.

It's easy to build value with digital products. You can throw in a free ebook, or a free report. When a salesman builds value the prospect is more likely to feel like they're getting a great deal.

The medical industry builds value by making doctors go through many years of expensive schooling. It's a prestigious position and pays well too. We generally think of doctors as health experts. After all, they're the go-to people in the healthcare industry. Only they don't know much about health and the fact that they don't live any longer than the average person is evidence of it. Their education is focused on treating sickness, with questionable methods. So that's what they do. Nevertheless, we assume they're at the cutting-edge of health. We mistakenly believe that our doctors would know if there were a better way to treat illness. And because there is, doctors must do a good job of building value so that we trust them with our health exclusively.

When we go into a hospital we're usually walking into a huge building that would cost millions of dollars to buy, and it's filled with expensive equipment that we know so little about we'd be intimidated to try it for ourselves. Hospitals are neat and clean. They sometimes have restaurants in them and can resemble a shopping mall, even decades ago. You know they mean business when you're in their office. It's like how attorneys rent nice offices in a prime location to impress their clients. After looking at the complexity involved and capital needed to create a hospital, you feel a false sense of security believing you're in good hands. Your guard goes down and you're completely receptive to their sales tactics. Then they usually sell you on at least one of two things:

  1. Cutting your body
  2. Dealing you drugs

Cutting Bodies For A Fee

Doctors don't cut bodies for free. They cut bodies for a fee! Sounds scary right? What's even worse is they sell you on it without you knowing they're selling you. They call it a surgery and consider it a medical operation so it doesn't sound as bad. While not all surgeries are bad, and some can even be lifesaving, they should be a last resort. Doctors are too quick to cut someone open. I think it's too invasive to be so quick to cut someone open. First, do no harm.

Like many other kids, I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out when I was about 5 years old. They're quick to spot cancer and cut it out too. Never mind the immune system our bodies have in place to keep cancer at bay. Just cut it out and hope it doesn't come back. Forget about the cause of the cancer, which leaves clues as to why it formed in the first place. Clues that would also help prevent it in others.

Cutting Babies Out Of Their Mothers

The most common operation in the U.S. is the cesarean section (c-section). During a c-section the doctor cuts the mother open and takes the baby out. This surgical procedure should only be performed in a life or death situation. Unfortunately, many people leave their birthing process up to a trained surgeon. And when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. What would be a beautiful birth is often turned into an excuse to cut people open. In fact, about 1/3 of hospital births are via c-section, dramatically up from 4.5% in 1965.

C-sections cost far more than vaginal births. They're not only done for more profits, but for the doctor's convenience too. Plus it protects them from liability. For all of these reasons it makes business sense for doctors to push c-sections. But it's the mother and baby that lose. The mother is at a higher risk of infection and other complications, plus the baby misses out on the probiotics that are specifically in the birth canal during birth to set the stage for the baby's immunity.

Of course, there are some cases when a c-section is necessary, but even the World Health Organization admits no country can justify having a cesarean rate higher than 10-15%. Your doctor is salesman. Remember that.

In the peer-reviewed Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, a landmark study showed planned home births for low-risk women have low rates of interventions without increased risks to the mother or baby. The study noted that the cesarean rate among home births is 5.2%, which is about 1/6th of the rate in hospitals. That means that 5 out of 6 cesareans performed in hospitals are either unnecessary or made necessary by the negligence in the medical system.

I went into more detail about the horror of the medical industry hijacking millions of women's natural birth process in documentary review of Pregnant In America. Watch The Business of Being Born and Pregnant in America. They're both great documentaries on the subject and there's a few other good ones too.

Gallbladder Removal

Another really common surgical procedure is removing the gallbladder. Doctors usually do nothing to keep their patients' gallbladders healthy, and when someone comes in complaining of gallbladder pain they're quick to cut it out. Doctors aren't aware of natural methods to save the gallbladder. They don't try to get it functioning optimally again. They just cut it out. Just because you can live without a gallbladder doesn't mean that you should. They undervalue the role the gallbladder plays in health, while underestimating the side effects of doing so.

The gallbladder stores bile for the release whenever you eat fat. Bile helps to break down fat so you can get the fat-soluble vitamins from the food you eat. It is also one of the body's main ways of detoxifying. The gallbladder wouldn't be in the body if it didn't serve a significant purpose. However, doctors cut them out and send patients to go home and get on with their lives as if nothing happened.

Since doctors don't give patients advice on how to help compensate for not having a gallbladder, I wrote an article giving some great tips for anyone who has had their gallbladder removed.

Prevent Surgeries Naturally

A surprising amount of surgeries could be prevented with natural means. 5/6 of the cesareans could be prevented by simply having a home birth. We did and the experience was great! I can't imagine having a baby in the hospital. You can also take care of your gallbladder to reduce the formation of gallstones and increase bile flow. There are gallbladder flushes you can do, and a few Facebook groups full of people with success stories who are willing to help. Some of them were even told they'd have to have their gallbladder removed, and then did flushes until they were better. Andreas Moritz wrote The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse, which goes into detail about why gallbladder flushes are so important, why they work, and how to do them.

Doctors Dealing Drugs For Profits

When we think of drug dealers we picture some sketchy dude in a dark alley selling drugs indiscriminately. Doctors are the biggest drug dealers. They're salesmen for the big drug companies, most of which have plead guilty to fraud. We're talking about criminal organizations, but it's business as usual. No one goes to jail, and nothing changes. Just money transferred from big pharma to the government, like local street thugs paying off the mob boss to do business in his territory.

About the same amount of people die from prescription drugs as they do from car accidents. More people die from prescription drugs than they do from heroin and cocaine combined! It seems as if the war on drugs is aimed at the wrong people, with most drug arrests being from non-violent marijuana users. Meanwhile about half of all Americans are on at least 1 prescription medication, including children! So much for the campaign telling us to "say no to drugs." They gave us dire warnings regarding illegal drugs, but never warned us against prescription drugs.

Prescription medication has been a failure. Most medications only mask symptoms and never to anything to fix the root of the problem. The side effects are sometimes worse than the condition the drug is meant to treat, causing you to need more medications to mask the symptoms of those side effects. It's a downwards spiral. No wonder why we're so sick, despite being so heavily medicated.

How We're Disconnected From The Sales Pitch

When a drug dealer sales drugs, we call it "selling drugs." But when a doctor sales drugs, we call it "prescribing" drugs. It isn't just called prescribing because the doctor is the one making the decision. We've all heard the words in a drug ad, "ask your doctor about...."

We're unaware of the fact that there's sales going on when we're in a hospital. Since we don't realize we're being sold, we're an easy sell. We take whatever the doctor sells us on. After all, he's the expert. But what if we had to pay for it completely out of our pockets?

Socialized Medicine Is Expensive

Most of us don't pay out of pocket for medical treatment. We either have insurance or we're on medicare or medicaid. As long as we're not coming out of the pocket much, we don't care about how much the treatment actually costs. We only care about what we pay. They can charge us hundreds of thousands of dollars, and if we only pay $50, we think we're getting a good deal. So we're happy. If we were paying out of pocket, and the hospitals didn't virtually have a monopoly on medicine, prices would plummet and medical expenses would be much more affordable.

The medical system is cleverly crafted to make maximum profits without doing much good, all without us knowing or caring. Whenever you're in the hospital, and the doctor is recommending treatments, keep in mind there's probably a superior alternative they don't even know about, and remember they're a salesman pitching their services.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Always consult with a medical professional to give you the professional medical advice for your individual situation. If you click on some of these links and buy something, I may receive a small commission.


Good job here is my upvote as a gift to you for your hard work

@arevolution A great deal details thanks for sharing. Like it..

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