Ep. 6 | Superfoods: The Most Nutrient Dense Foods On The Planet!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

We all know eating a healthy diet is essential to good health. But what is a healthy diet? Ask 3 different people and they'll probably give you 3 different answers, even the experts! However, it's easy to see that eating nutrient rich foods is important for any diet. Eat natural foods instead of artificial, processed foods. Wild plants and animals are the healthiest, but it’s not practical to live off of wild food. Organic food at the grocery store isn't enough. You can grow nutrient dense food in your own garden, but not everyone will garden. Even if you do, more nutrition wouldn't hurt. Consider it an insurance policy. If you don’t want to garden or can’t, it is still important for them to get enough nutrition. How do you do that if there’s not enough nutrition in the organic food at the store?

Wholefood Vitamins

You could supplement with vitamins but a lot of the supplements on the market are garbage. A lot of supplements are synthetic vitamins that are produced by pharmaceutical companies. Basically, they’re a rip off. The body doesn’t recognize synthetic vitamins very well so it’s hard for it to assimilate them. Plus synthetic vitamins are missing co-factors that would normally be present in the food. Nature is clever and packages nutrients together that need each other to work properly. When you buy a single vitamin with missing co-factors, your body has to find co-factors from other places and use them.

Pharmaceutical companies are capitalizing on the vitamin market and producing cheap products that do little-to-no good. This prevents people who would otherwise be getting more nutrition from getting it. The vitamins end up not working and often people eventually resort to pharmaceutical drugs for relief.

That’s why it’s best to get your food supplements from whole-food sources – from real food. Preferably from the most nutrient dense foods.

Enter The Superfood Revolution!

Thankfully we have the superfood revolution! Superfoods are the ultimate class of foods because they are packed with maximum nutrition. They have a lot of nutrition in just a little bit of food, which is the opposite of the standard American diet where there is a little bit of nutrition in a lot of food. Since we aren’t likely to get all of the nutrition we need from store-bought food, superfoods are essential. They make up for the lack of nutrition found in regular food.

We are living in a global community where the best superfoods from all over the world are accessible to all of us. This is the first time in history we have the knowledge and access to these incredible foods. In order for superfoods to be able to be shipped around the world, they are sometimes concentrated into powders. Raw food expert and author, David Wolfe, lists his top 15 superfoods in his excellent book Superfoods.

Top Superfoods From Around The World

  • Goji Berries – delicious berry with a long history of being a longevity food.
  • Cacao – this is the nut that all chocolate is made from. Perhaps the highest food source of antioxidants and minerals.
  • Maca – very adaptogenic. Great for building hormones.
  • Bee Products (Honey, Bee Pollen, Propolis, and Royal Jelly) – Honey is the most enzymatic food. Bee pollen is one of the most complete foods. Bee products are associated with living a long life.
  • Spirulina – Algae. Highest source of protein. Best source of GLA. Very high in chlorophyll and the blue colored pigment phycocyanin.
  • AFA blue-green algae – Very similar to spirulina, but prefers fresh water. My favorite blue-green algae is the flavored, fresh-frozen E3 Live, especially the Brain-On version.
  • Marine Phytoplankton – Best plant source of DHA and EPA. 100% bioavailable. Wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. UMAC-Core is a popular brand of marine phytoplankton. It's nearly tasteless but almost tastes good. It was criticized by some who pointed out that the liquid in the Oceans Alive brand was green with a fairly strong sea taste, and therefore it was much more potent. Oceans Alive is a better brand, but I don't know how much better. Their new product is supposedly improved, by I haven't had it yet. David Wolfe has his own marine phytoplankton he sells on LongevityWarehouse.com. Because it's David Wolfe's, it's sure to be quality. But it's more expensive up front.
  • Aloe Vera – Beauty food. Great for skin, nails, joints, immune system, etc. Cooling and healing for the digestive system by reducing inflammation. Anti-fungal, anti-viral. Has an enormous capacity to concentrate ormus minerals, especially from Dead Sea salts. You can buy aloe products but I don't recommend it in most cases. It's best to grow it yourself with Dead Sea salts and eat the inner gel and put it on topically.
  • Hempseed – best source of globulin building materials (edestin). High in Omega 3’s and other essential fatty acids, protein, and minerals.
  • Coconuts and Coconut Products – Delicious! High in medium chain fatty acids. Most notably, lauric acid. Coconut Oil is the best oil to cook with. Coconut water is very hydrating. It's tasty because it's sweet, but the sugar content makes it less than ideal to drink a lot of it, unless you ferment it first. By the magic of fermentation, you can use Kefir Starter to make coconut kefir that's high in probiotics but low in sugar. It doesn't taste as good, but it's even healthier!
  • Camu Camu – One of the highest food sources of vitamin C.
  • Chlorella – Highest source of chlorophyll. Extremely high in protein. Great for liver, detoxification, and protection from radiation. You can get the powder but I don't like the taste so I prefer tablets.
  • Acai – Very high in antioxidants. I don't buy acai products much because of quality concerns. It's fun to throw the little frozen packages sold in stores into a blender. It tastes pretty good too. You can buy the powder. But I'd love to eat the berries fresh!
  • Yacon – sweetener with very low glycemic index. Pre-biotic.
  • Incan Berries – One of the most protein rich fruits. High in vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, phosphorous, and beta-carotene.
  • Noni – High in polysaccharides, which carry ormus minerals, and other nutrients.You can buy noni juice, and Noni Powder, but there's nothing fresh noni. If you ever get a chance to visit somewhere tropical with wild noni growing, make sure to drink some noni juice. It tastes really bad, but mix it coconut juice to dilute it and you'll have an extremely healthy drink.
  • Kelp – Very high in minerals, especially iodine. Great for thyroid. Essential for protection against EMF’s and nuclear radiation.

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Excerpt From Gifts From Nature


wow grate post ....i like this..
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Great Post! I try to add to super foods into my diet everyday. My Favourite has to be Raw Cacao Powder though lol!

Good post Sir:) Will give the podcast a listen later

wow grate post ....i like this..
i have some post .....you can chec

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