5 tips to Detox Your Liver the Naturally!!!

in #health7 years ago

Hey, guys today I wanted to talk about how to cleanse your liver and the top ways to detox your liver.

The liver is the second largest organ, and it is so important that it is free from toxins; for your overall health.


In this article I'm going to reveal my top 5 tips that you can implement to detox your liver on a regular basis.

Before we dive into the that let me give you a glimpse on why you should remove the toxin from you liver.

So how important it is to detox your liver?

Today, we are faced with so many environmental toxins occurring in our homes, places of work and in our food supply. It is essential for our general health and well-being to keep our livers functioning properly.

What are the risk factors associated with impaired liver function?

Low potassium levels, heavy alcohol abuse, intravenous drug use, exposure to certain industrial chemicals and environmental toxins, obesity, and a diet high in saturated fats, and processed foods, high levels of triglycerides in the blood, viral infections, autoimmune diseases.

Fortunately, you can improve your liver’s functioning. Through a thorough liver cleanse, you can start to feel better in a matter of a couple of weeks.

Let's get started

Clean up your diet:

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Start by removing all the toxic stuff in your diet. Listen, you can take all the pills, all the supplements, all the potions.

They will not do any good until you start getting the junk out of your diet. So number one in doing a liver cleanse is to remove the processed grains, sugars, fast foods and packaged foods.

Get rid of it all and just eat real food.

Fruit it in its whole form, vegetables in its whole form, organic grass-fed meats, sprouted whole grains,

Stick with these types of foods if you want to naturally cleanse your liver, and stay away from packaged, processed foods, especially conventional meat and dairy.

Conventional meat and dairy are loaded with pesticides, herbicides, GMO residue, antibiotic drugs, steroids, hormones.

All these stuffs are stuck in those meat products that you consume. So again, stop consuming conventional meat and dairy to detox your liver for good.

Hydrogenated oils, also known as ‘trans fats,’ have higher levels of saturated fat. The chemical structure of the oil itself has been altered to increase shelf life.

Consumption of trans fats dramatically increases the risk for heart disease by 25% or more. In addition, it is believed that trans fats cause problems with our immune system and can lead to inflammation throughout the body.

Add Liver Detoxifying Herbs:

Start consuming liver-detoxifying herbs.

There's three specifically i recommend milk thistle, turmeric, and dandelion.

Milk Thistle:


Milk Thistle is considered the “king” of detoxifying herbs, making it ideal for a liver cleanse.

Milk thistle helps to eliminate the buildup of heavy metals, prescription medications, environmental pollutants and alcohol in the liver.

It's been shown to specifically boost an antioxidant in your body called glutathione, which helps detox your liver and your cells.

The active ingredient silymarin helps to strengthen the cell walls in the liver, while supporting healthy regeneration.

Typically 150 milligrams twice daily of milk thistle will play a huge role in supporting liver detoxification.


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Turmeric has been shown to be very high in antioxidants that helps both the liver and the gallbladder.

So add about a tablespoon of turmeric daily in your food or supplementing with two capsules daily of about 1000 milligrams.

The other great thing about turmeric is it reduces liver inflammation.

So it reduces inflammation of your GI tract, so it’s good for your colon as well as of your liver.

Turmeric reduces joint pain, is an effective anti-depressant, aids in digestion, helps to restore a healthy blood sugar balance, and supports healthy liver tissue and liver metabolism.

Currently, researchers are studying turmeric for a variety of health benefits for diseases and conditions including Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, depression, osteoarthritis, breast health, prostate health and chronic pain.

Dandelion Root:


Most homeowners hate the dandelion, as it volunteers to populate yards every spring. But, this flower, and its root, is actually packed with vitamins and minerals.

Dandelion root has a natural diuretic effect, allowing your liver to more quickly eliminate toxins. It also helps to strengthen the immune system, balance blood sugar levels, relieve heartburn, and soothe digestive upset.

Dandelion also supports the gallbladder in releasing bile. That's really what's going to cause that liver to dump the toxins.

So there's a great benefit of taking milk thistle, turmeric, and dandelion in a combination in a cell detox or a liver detox supplement.

But again, those three herbal extracts are the most effective herbs at naturally detoxifying the liver.

Work on your emotions:


Next thing you need to do to detox your liver is to work on your body emotionally and detox your emotions.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, the emotions you experience directly affect certain organs.

When it comes to the cleansing your liver the emotions such as frustration, resentment, unforgiveness and anger are the four emotions that directly affect your liver.

So if you know you struggle with frustration, if you tend to get frustrated easily, if you have anyone in your life, including your spouse or co-workers that you tend to have resentment towards.

Know that you're not hurting them, you're hurting yourself.

These toxic emotions are literally shutting down your liver and your body, creating disease in your system.

What I'd recommend you to do is get out a sheet of paper, write down all the people you haven't forgiven, all the people you feel any ounce of resentment towards and work to absolutely forgive and forget.

You may want to work with a counsellor on this, you may want to work with a dear friend that's close to you.

So you really want to make sure that you work on healing and detoxing those emotions.

A great way to do that is practice gratitude; start writing a gratitude journal and just pen down what all thing that you are grateful for.

By practising gratitude, forgiveness, building joy into your life, will help you become free.

Again, if you truly want to detox your entire system and liver, you've got to work on that emotional aspect as well.

Load Up On Potassium Rich Foods:

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Are you getting the recommended 4,700 milligrams per day of potassium?

Chances are, you aren’t. Potassium-rich foods help to lower systolic blood pressure, lower cholesterol and support a healthy cardiovascular system.


In addition it helps to cleanse your liver. If you have been tempted to take potassium supplements, add these healthful foods to your diet tomatoes, beets, greens, bananas, blackstrap molasses, beans.


Add Sour foods to your diet, According to ancient Chinese medicine, the foods that are most nourishing to the liver are the ones sour in nature.

I suggest consuming big spinach salad with sprouts, maybe some tomatoes, some cucumber and then sprinkle a little bit of olive oil.

Then along with that have some apple cider vinegar. Again, you've got the sourness, apple cider vinegar, sprouts, all of those foods are very cleansing to the liver.

Please note: If you have high levels of potassium in your kidneys, foods rich in potassium should be consumed moderately.

Drink Raw Vegetable Juice

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It can be nearly impossible to eat all of the raw vegetables you need to make your liver cleanse effective. However, by juicing a variety of raw vegetables, you can easily get the 4-5 servings of fresh, organic vegetables you need.

Even vegetables that aren’t your favorites can be disguised and enjoyed in a fresh vegetable juice.

With impaired liver function, juicing vegetables has the added benefit of making the vegetables easier to digest, and more readily available for absorption.

Vegetables ideal for a liver cleanse include cabbage, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. While that combination may not sound very enjoyable, you can add other vegetables that you enjoy to the mix including carrots, cucumber, beets and greens.

All of these vegetables help to reduce acid levels in the body, helping to create a more friendly pH balance. Experiment with your favorite flavor combinations; you can add fresh herbs including parsley, mint and others to make the juices more enjoyable.

So there you have it guys, my 5 tips for naturally cleanse and detox the liver. I hope you've learned a lot. Hey, if you've liked what you've learned, make sure to follow me. I've got more of such awesome articles with great information coming out.
Keep locked in on my blog and share this article and make sure you never miss any of my articles. I'll see you soon. Cheers


That's a great post. I'm currently in the middle of a liver cleanse right now. I hadn't considered sharing it. Thank you

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