200 Quilts For Sale To Fight Cystic Fibrosis For Mario
Appreciating the vast amount of work it takes to make just one quilt, I can appreciate the effort of 200 homemade quilts, which according to this article took 10 years of her life. Amazing! I am truly humbled by her efforts and that all proceeds are going to a worth while charity.
Such a Wonderful lady, Miss Daniela Di Lorenzo is. If you want a nice gift to give some one for the holidays and want to do some good. Contact the address listed in the article. You will feel real good inside.
I highly recommend this; to those that do charity work I am sure they could use hats, gloves, scarfs and more to help out.
Please let me know if you bought a quilt and who is it for. Or if you donated any items. You will be glad you did.