This is 8 Shrimp Benefits for Health

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Shrimp are animals that live in the waters. Specifically, rivers, seas or lakes. Shrimp can be found in almost all large "puddles" of water. Both freshwater, brackish water and salt water at depth vary from near surface to several thousand meters below the surface.


Many crustaceae are known as "shrimp". For example shrimp mantis and mysid shrimp. Both come from the Malacostraca class as true shrimp. Triops longicaudatus and Triops cancriformis are also popular animals in fresh water and are often called shrimp, although they are from Notostraca, an unrelated group.
Shrimps have a myriad of benefits, especially if you can process them correctly and appropriately. Here are the benefits:

Prevent cancer
Every 85 grams of steamed shrimp can suffice 48 percent of the daily selenium amount of the body. Selenium deficiency has been linked to many types of cancer, including prostate cancer.
Researchers at the Institute of Food Research (IFR) revealed that the combination of sulforaphane and selenium boosted the immune system of cancer 13 times.
Maintain healthy Skin, Hair and Nails
Most expensive shampoo and lotion will not be useful for your hair and skin without adequate protein intake. Protein is a part contained in every living cell network and shrimp is a very rich source of these minerals.

Increase Energy
Exhausted and feeling weak? These symptoms are an indication of the lack of iron levels in the body. Shrimp are very rich in iron content. With mengonsumsinya then the intake of iron which is an important nutrient in the formation of energy will be met.

Strengthens Bones
Animals belonging to this crustacean class have phosphorus content in their body. Calcium and phosphorus are the two substances that will work together to form strong bones and teeth.
Consume shrimp, should be eaten with the skin because shrimp skin contains "glucosamine" which is useful to help the formation of cartilage in bone joints.

Helps process fat
Niacin (vitamin B3) contained in shrimp can help the processing of fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy for the body. Niacin also works to maintain healthy skin and prevent scaly skin.

Reducing Depression Risk
Just like fish, shrimp also contain essential fatty acids, omega-3. Research has shown that omega-3s can provide powerful protection against depression and can help improve the mood for those who are suffering from the disorder. In addition, omega-3s can improve brain intelligence.

Healthy Prostate Channels
Zinc or zinc intake required by the body is relatively small, ie 10-15 mg per day. By eating the shrimp, the body's need for the substance will be fulfilled. And, with the fulfillment of zinc in our body, the growth of prostate cancer cells will be slowed.

Maintaining Health of Thyroid Gland
Shrimp can contribute to the health of the thyroid gland with its copper content. A healthy thyroid can increase cell activity and regulate metabolism in the body well.

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