How Often Make Love In A Week If You Want To Get Pregnant Fast?

in #health7 years ago

Quite a few couples who just got married quickly immediately endowed with pregnancy. However, not a few couples who have tried to get pregnant for many years still do not get it. A question arises, is there an ideal sex frequency in a week if you want to get pregnant fast?


Specialist medical expert named Dr. Med. Dr. Damar Prasmusinto, SpOG (K) mentions that a regular intercourse is included in the way to get pregnant immediately. He himself recommends couples to do it at least 3 times a week. This recommendation is based on several studies that suggest that the chances of success for pregnancy with the frequency of lovemaking is actually much higher when compared with those who do less than 3 times a week.
Not only pay attention to how often to have sex, dr. Damar also advises couples to maintain healthy food intake, including in terms of how to process healthier foods. For example, we should start lowering the intake of fried food even though it is still allowed to consume it. In addition, if we fry food, oil that has been used twice for frying should not be used anymore because it is rich in saturated fat. In addition, dr. Damar also advises couples to consume foods that meet the intake of protein and carbohydrates.
Several types of protein like animal protein from beef, fish meat, and milk, and vegetable protein from nuts are recommended. In addition, consumption of vegetables and fruits on a regular basis can also be more healthy for eggs and sperm couples that increase the chances of getting pregnant.

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