Yoga OR a Date with Badass Self?

in #health6 years ago


One of the most beautiful things that ever happened to me on my human journey was discovering and befriending Yoga.

Because of the common misconception of this incredible science,
this mind opening philosophy, I was really sceptical about it at first.
I thought it was all about twisting your body into pretzels and head stands, or sitting still and chanting.... and none of it appealed to my ever aching and challenged body.
"That is for strong and fit people, not the unwell and challenged like me," I thought. curiosity and passionate hunger for the most sacred knowledge of the Universe lead me to the right books on the subject, and finally - to my first date with... my Self, my first yoga practice.

Yeap. That is what yoga does - it leads you to your essence, to the deep real Self!
It shows you who you are, underneath all that human bs: layers of conditioning, illusions, and imposed nonsense... It shows you what you are really made of. It shows what you can become, if you choose so.
Personally, I appreciate a gentle moving force taking me to a better version of my Self!


It is like - You are on a date, finally, with the most important person in your life - You, but not the You that you came to think yourself to be, but another You - cosmically wise, mentally clear, stripped of bs, courageous, discerning, Soulful, extraordinary and total badass.

I have learned that
Yoga is not at all about looking good in that fancy yoga outfit, and it is not about perfecting poses.
Yoga does not give a damn how long your hamstrings are and how perfect your headstand is. That is not how we make this world better.
In fact Yoga has nothing to do with anything physical whatso-freaking-ever.
Yoga is making you your best friend - your own inner guru, who knows how to accept and love you just as you are and inspire you to bloom.


It gently shows You what You could become.
It reveals to you the greatest secrets of the Universe - we are all parts of the Mystery, unique elements of some kind of cosmic mandala, we are spiritual beings tripping human for awhile.
All we need to do is breath and love, and be as aware as we can... that is all!


What I have learned from 19 years of dating myself.

  • Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE!

  • Our Body is a sacred vessel through which the SPIRIT has a chance to express itself.

  • Nothing is solid. We can change and reshape anything - be it our Body, Mind, or our Reality!

  • Healing is available to any of us who are willing to step out of the ordinary... out of the box.

  • Our primal relationship in life is relationship with the Mystery, with the Source, with the Higher Force/God, whatever word we like ti use here. The rest comes after.

  • There is nothing to fear. We are so much more than this world ever allowed us to believe.
    We are eternal. We will shed the body like an old skin that is no longer needed, and we will keep moving forward!

This is what I usually advice to those who are just about to step on this extraordinary journey:

  • Be gentle with yourself! Dont force, dont push anything that does not feel right.

  • Trust and Listen to your Body. It will tell you when to stop and when to go deeper!

  • Remember to be Patient! As long as you are HERE and NOW - you are in the right place and the right time!

  • Breathe! Let your body and breath dance together.

  • Watch your muscle of the SPIRIT - AWARENESS - getting stronger and stronger every day. Celebrate it! That is the purpose of life. You got this.


It is through practicing yoga that I have learned the most precious lessons of my life.
I learned to love myself so I could love others, to see my own bs and bs of others, to be patient with myself and with others, I learned to heal myself, so I could assist others to heal themselves.

Once we create the most loving and harmonious relationship with our Self.... it is easy to create harmonious relationships with others.
And what is better that a world full of beautiful harmonious people living together as One?


So, now that you know what I learned from yoga, you understand why I am such a big fan of this cosmic glory.
It offers healing, and we need a lot of that here.
Is there anything more gracious than becoming a HEALING presence for this world?

Thank you for spending time with me here. We are all connected through invisible threads, we are all in this together!

Health/Yoga Educator, Healing Assistant, Author, Dreamer of a better world... among gazillion of other things.


I love this post! My experiences with yoga are very similar but you expressed it all so well. I am following!

More sage words from Anna, who has really "Got it!"
Throw out your latest spandex yoga wear and wear yourself, warts and all, with the deepest respect and dignity.
More please, Oh Wise Woman!

beloved. Thank you for seeing me as someone who has "got it." I am honored. Even though I dont deny the depth of my cosmic intelligence, I am far from getting it, my love. Humanly - I am as lost as the rest of us. I know how to heal the most dreaded dis-harmonies..... but get lost on among a few buildings and get puzzled by the way this world works often. Gratitude for our connection @cause-no-harm.

Dearest Anna,
As you know, knowledge and wisdom are infinite, so "Getting it", especially in this crazy 3D world we created, is a limiting description.
I read all your FB posts and marvel at the depth of integrity, authenticity and consciousness you portray out into the world.
I am a big fan!
You are not alone in your puzzlement and occasional lostness!

That's an amazing post! I would be surprised if someone could read it without trying it afterwards! I had the same opinion that you had on yoga, but your posts makes it seem like it's very good for yourself and how you see things :) Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely try it in the upcoming week :)

Thank you love. let me know how it goes.

Really good. I'm resteeming. Glad to meet you.

we are spiritual beings tripping human for awhile.

I've never thought of it as tripping. I like that.

I also really like how you refer to dying as shedding an old skin. Indeed, it will be old and done by the time we die. That gives me comfort. Somehow I think of death as never being ready. But certainly I will be when it's time.

Going to check out your account now!

Thank you @brightstar. So happy to connect with you.

another really good article, I love how you see yoga, how it is all about making yourself your best friend, I really need to get back into it, to make the time daily, thank you for this great motivation to do just that.

Thank you for seeing me, love

It is through practicing yoga that I have learned the most precious lessons of my life.
I learned to love myself so I could love others, to see my own bs and bs of others, to be patient with myself and with others, I learned to heal myself, so I could assist others to heal themselves.

I couldnt agree more. What a gorgeous post. Still cant do arm balances though... i know its not important but gee id love to get it one day.

So much goodness in one post! Yes yes yes!
I love this quote:
"Yoga is making you your best friend - your own inner guru, who knows how to accept and love you just as you are and inspire you to bloom."

Every time I spend quality time on my mat I feel so much better. I do become my best friend when I step on to that mat, and let go of all the mental chatter and chaos of the day. It's not about flexibility, it's about connecting with yourself. With you breathe. To something bigger than you.

Great post. Hopefully this will inspire more people to try out yoga and give their bodies LOVE!

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