Energy. How To Create It and Why...
Are You familiar with I-just-wanna-stay-in-bed feeling? No energy to run on?
As someone living with the auto-immune condition meds-free, I have been long-term friends with this feeling. There are better friendships to have, I have learned, but I also learned a lot from sitting in those no-energy holes.
There are times in life when everything gets too intense.
We are feeling drained, exhausted and empty, but we must keep going.
Life does not stop, demands and expectations do not end, if you noticed. Our dreams, our jobs, our family and friends, our bodies, our minds, and our souls…… everything needs energy to remain alive and keep on going. Try not to water your plants for a week and you will see exactly what I mean.
Without energy - dreams and goals die, family and friends distance, our physical bodies become dysfunctional, mind gets dull … and Soul wilts like a neglected flower...... everything runs on energy.
Do you follow me so far?
If you do, then I have something special to share with you here. Being who I am (!) on my personal spiritual path, having to choose Nature over big pHarma, I had to find my own ways to stay well and learn to extract and have energy to keep myself alive. Endless self experiments (not all of them were success) led me to see and remember our connection to Nature (to Universe) and her wisdom that I seem to carry in my modern-medicine-woman genes.
This easy energy cultivating program is my heart sharing with you.
It helped those I worked with, my friends in need of an energetic pick-me-up, and my own self... every time.
Take what resonates with you, dismiss what does not... and feel better!
Now. Let us understand how energy works.
Imagine your bank account.
Every day you, big spender, are happily making withdraws from it, you keep spending, but do not make a deposit. You take out a lot, yet you put nothing back in.
How long do you think you are going to last this way?
What is going to happen to your account with no deposits made? I believe bankruptcy is the word here.
It is the same with our energy bank.
Let me tell you a secret - Energy is the most precious currency in the Universe... and everything alive is after it.
I feel that humanity came to a point where we all must be fluent in energy and understand how it all works if we wish to soul survive here (I will cover this subject deeper in my next articles).
We are operating in a realm where energy gets stolen, gets taken without our permission (if we are not on guard), sucked out (literally) and fought for. We all had our encounters with those who would step over others without a slightest hesitation... in order to get energy.
Learning how to create energy, to save it and to guard it with all we have is a number One Soul surviving tool.
Our current energy realm reminds me of a Jurassic Park. It is not much fun when we dont know how to navigate through it, from my experience. Our spiritual naivety and lack of cosmic awareness do not serve us at all.
The answer is really simple, first
- We become aware of the first Universal law - Energy Exchange taking place all the time... everywhere,
and the second - - We ReCharge your batteries on a regular basis.
Go to Nature: grounding, taking a walk on the beach, running through a field, hugging a tree, etc, it all activates our inner G, allowing us to refill our energy tank.
Detox/Cleanse. Give your body a holiday.
Meditate. Rest. Get quiet.
Spend time alone. Alone is when we do our inner work, when we self heal, shift and align.
This is a real basic ReCharge program that I have tested numerous times on myself and those I worked with, for over 20 years. It works miracles, when done with self-love and self-honesty.
Side effects: feeling calm, happier state of being, lightness in the body, clarity of the mind, feeling more yourself and being connected to the Source.
Make time to give yourself this gift. Just a few days of self-love might be life changing.
Prepare for the program by eating only fruits and veggies for a few days before.
Get into the right mind set. Remember You can do anything if you put your mind on it.
Each day start with a big glass of warm water with lemon/lime drops, followed by the 'golden milk' - activated turmeric water (if you still do not know it, google it).
Sit in silence each morning. Meditate or just breathe and be. Doing this under the sun activates our DNA.
Exercise: Power walking/ Gym work/Rebounding/Intense Yoga practice. Whatever keeps you happy, do it for 40 mins at least. Take 100 mg Niacin (B 3 Vitamin) 20 mins before (optional).
Sauna/Steam right after.
Rest. Most people I worked with showed total inability to relax. 432 HZ works miracles on our human hologram.
To me the most fabulous lesson in relaxing comes from cats - just stretch and lounge without a care in the world. Let go!
Have a large re-charge smoothie by mixing fresh pineapple with soaked chia/flax seeds and some greens. Add some spirulina, raw cacao, acai berry or any other superfoods you like. Nutriceuticals are good for your cells and your vibration.
Engage in something creative: write/dance/sculpt/paint/whatever keeps your vibe high. Creativity is the most healing and harmonizing activity we can engage. It empowers the Soul!
Have a massage or a nice hot bath with Himalayan salt in it, or both (!)
Get healthy liquids into your body every few hours, such as fresh juices, healing teas (matcha or home made yogi tea), veggie broth.
Stretch your body (and mind) in the evening to a calming music. Feel what you did not have time to feel, process whatever needs to be processed. Envision yourself where and how you wish to be - healthy and harmonious, abundant and free.
Stay silent as much as you can. Talking and listening/absorbing energy takes a lot of energy, and most of us are unaware how much garbage we absorb. Value your energy.
Have a gentle enema in the evening.
Dream and envision great stuff! Let your vibration rise.
Repeat for a few more days changing activities, music, dreams and greens. If you feel like it - have a heart-to-heart chat with someone who knows how to love. Many of us are still stuck in heartless zones, it is not good for healing.
Focus on GRATITUDE! We all have as much to be grateful for, as we have our human troubles.
It is all a matter of focus.
What we focus on grows - is another Universal Law that we need to understand.
This program can be done from 3 to 7 days.
It is really easy and pleasant on every level, leaving anyone with a glow and extra sparkles, not to mention seriously increased energy level.
Take good care of your Self!
Carry what is You with dignity and respect. You are a majestic part of the You-niverse, dancing human for a while.
Value that!
ps. Taking Niacin will create a flushing-and-blushing sensation, you might go red and itchy for about 20-30 mins. This is very normal response, just have fun with it.
Health/Yoga Educator. Author.
Dreamer of a better world for all.
This is such excellent advice and something I would love to do once my youngest daughter is a bit older. Just reading it gave me a very clear glimpse of how powerful it would be, so excited to follow you and share in your wisdom definite resteem xx
Thank you from my heart.
Awesome, thanks so much for sharing this. I'm on board
Amazing Read Sister.
Keep up the phenomenal Work!
brother. You are my inspiration! Eternal GRATITUDE!
yes we are vessels of energy ! Great post :) Thanks for the niacin tip. I will experiment
GREAT post anna! when we can understand this we can start to shape and effect our world consciously in a very positive direction!
indeed love. Thank you!
Wow looking forward to more of this... I will follow you now.
So glad to meet you @annasuvorova one of the best things, in my eyes you did is realize and take action:
In lakesh soul siStar!!!
This sounds so wonderful! I think I was healed just reading it!