Benefits of Bengkoang Fruit for Skin Beauty

in #health6 years ago


Benefits of Bengkuang Fruit for Skin Beauty - Bengkuang or Bengkoang is a flora that originates from tropical America and enters the legume tribe aka Fabaceae. In its place of origin, bengkuang is known as xicama alias jícama. Javanese call it besusu.

Jicama is a fruit that is widely used as a basis for beauty. In addition to the fresh and tasty bengkuang fruit, bengkuang also includes fruits that contain a lot of water so that this fruit will provide refreshing benefits for those of us who consume it.

Bengkuang fruit is included in the tubers, but has a taste that is not much different from tubers in general. This fruit tastes fresh when eaten. Not only for eating, this fruit has benefits for beauty. Because jicama fruit contains a lot of water, it is good to help supply fluid in the body. High fluid content in jicama is highly recommended for consumption for diabetics and you who want to diet.

Below are Some Benefits of Jicama Fruit for Skin Beauty

1.Brighten Skin.
Bengkuang fruit has starch content which can be used for beauty. This starch is believed to brighten the skin by removing dark spots or dull stains on the face. Therefore, the use of jicama for the face is brighter.

Starch can be obtained can be done several things. First, peel the yam and wash it thoroughly so that no germs in it are contained. Then grated and squeezed. Wait a few minutes to get the starch from the yam. Then throw the water and you can use it for a mask. If you expect to be used next time, then dry the sludge dry. Masks can be used at night and rinse in the morning to get maximum results.

2.Prevent Aging.
Bengkuang contains vitamin C which can be beneficial for health. But not only that, Vitamin C can actually be useful in preventing aging. This factor can be obtained by using a yeast mask at night, as in the example number 1. Make this factor regularly so that it can protect our skin from free radicals.

3.Caring for your skin to look healthy.
Bengkuang has quite a lot of nutrients and mixes in water. Vitamin B and vitamin C are among them. These vitamins can make the skin look healthier and fresher. The benefits of this fruit can be obtained from the use of yam masks at night or by using a direct tutorial and can also be made into juice. If you want to make jasmine juice, add enough sugar and honey to make the flavor of the drink fresher. As for masks, you can use it for your face or in other places, such as arms, legs, etc.

4.Eliminating Acne.
In addition to health, bengkuang can also be useful for beauty. This factor has been known since time immemorial and has become a secret to the former royal queens. One of the benefits of this fruit is that it can remove pimples on the face. Acne is really feared by everyone, especially women. With this yeast can help you to prevent it even remove pimples on the face. Crooked masks are a suitable option for this.

The benefits of yam for pimply face are how to peel the yam then grated. and you can immediately use it or you can wait until the mask dries. Before wearing the mask, make sure your face is clean from germs and dirt. Use a mask for approx. 15-30 minutes then rinse thoroughly. In order to get the maximum results possible, use this mask regularly every day at least 2-3 times a week.

Thus the Benefits of Jicama Fruit for Skin Beauty, yam can be an option for facial treatments. Hopefully this article can add to our insight and make us more attentive to skin beauty, especially for women. That is all and thank you.


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