Practising mental Silence for instant healing

in #health6 years ago (edited)

For the first time this year I got sick, and that started roughly on November 5. I have been feeling a lot of pain in my sacral chakra area and I have also been experiencing intense heat waves from one moment to the other and intense coughing. Two days ago I cleared deeply programmed emotions of residual guilt and fear, making me wake up every half an hour at night. Quite exhausting!

Then, last night I went to bed and decided to focus all my attention onto mental Silence by means of flicking away any incoming thoughts, and after some minutes I was able to enter this state of complete mental calm and maintain this very state. It took half an hour until I fell asleep, and when I woke up 2 hours later, all these symptoms were stronly mitigated: my sacral bone felt lighter, the need to cough had decreased, the heat was gone, and my body felt lighter and more relaxed overall. Yet when I realized this, I didn't stop my mental Silence but the opposite: I practised it further. So I continued flicking away these thoughts consciously until the Silence became a very natural and effortless feeling. This time, I didn't fall asleep that quickly, but instead I was about three consecutive hours in a state of complete mental Silence with my eyes closed, during which I literally felt the stifness in my limbs easing immensely, and my coughing and sacral bone pain went toward zero. Finally, I fell asleep.

Now I am sitting here writing this, feeling much better than before I did this mental practise yesterday before going to sleep. Zero coughing, no sacral bone pain, feeling much fresher physically and mentally. I felt like it was the overthinking I was entangled in ever since November which caused me to become sick to begin with, so I find it quite astonishing to see how powerful an immediate effect this mental Silence had on my entire well-being in every aspect.

Practising mental Silence this way has been a true panacea.


Wow thats some skill there!! I really struggle with falling asleep whilst meditating. The most I have managed is an hour, tried sitting in different places and positions, different times of the day. Its as though once the thoughts dont require flicking away anymore and I do reach silence, I don't have very long before Im outters, unless Im doing a visualisation meditation for a specific reason.

Have you always been able to stay awake so long or did that build up after time?

Thanks for your nice comment!

I totally understand you. Three consecutive hours of complete mental Silence was indeed something I hadn't experienced before. Ever since about 2016 I need 10-15 minutes of complete mental Silence in order to fall asleep, because otherwise my mind would be too chattery. But normally the Silence in my mind then would naturally float me into the dream state. So these 10-15 minutes are somewhat a minimum requirement on a daily basis. Depending on the necessity I had some experiences where I stood awake much longer, but these three hours yesterday were new to me. But it felt great to feel like:"I don't need to think now, the entire world is overthinking already, so let it be". Surely, there is a practise factor to it as well :)

Thanks for sharing :) maybe one day I won't fall asleep. Lots of practice shall be practised ! x

I find topics like this very interesting to read, especially when it comes from someone's personal experience, thanks for sharing yours. :)

Good to see! I have been practising mental Silence for many years now, but yesterday the way it worked for me was just amazing. :)

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