It's 'Flu Fear Season!

in #health7 years ago

Panic! You're all going to die! This is serious! We're trying to protect you! (etc)

I'm always deeply suspicious & cynical about these 'health drives' . When the 'powers-that-shouldn't-be' (as James Corbett calls them - @corbettreport) use emotive language designed to elicit a fear response from the public, there's a pretty good chance we're being lied to.

See, we get the word 'horror' in the title, AND the death of a child?

And immediately in the first sentence we're getting urged to get a 'flu vaccination. Oh, now we get the name of a 'young dad' that died of the 'flu. This is a rather obvious attempt to make this 'horror' appear more personal & real. They are hoping the public will respond with a shrill: 'IT COULD HAPPEN TO MY SON/HUSBAND! HE'S A YOUNG DAD TOO! I MUST URGE HIM TO GET THIS VACCINE')

I'd just like to quote a part of the article:

“"What it does show us is that we have a horror flu season on our hands,” Hennessy told media on Monday."The number of people with influenza has doubled. People are not just getting the flu, they’re getting very, very sick with this flu."

I don't believe ANY official figures around these infectious diseases anymore. A measles case doesn't get recorded as 'measles' by the doctor if they've been vaccinated. They'll call it 'viral rash' or some euphemism - then say 'see measles rates are down 95% since the introduction of...'. It's Bullshit. And when there is a vaccine 'push' on, they'll diagnose a lot more cases in that area. So, HOW do they know 'flu incidence has doubled? They don't.

Then there's the assertion that 'people are getting very sick with this 'flu' (fear! fear! It's a bad one)

“Do not underestimate how serious ... influenza can be. Don’t dismiss your symptoms."

Fear! Fear! etc

“The reality is we can’t beat nature. The ongoing lesson is we have just got to keep trying to make sure that we are better protecting and better supporting people through better vaccines and care and support.”

This line is very telling. They're still trying to 'beat' nature, rather than live in harmony with it. 'Beat nature', what an absurd concept. The implication is clear - nature is dangerous, only government & science & daddy can protect you! This taps into our primal fears of when nature WAS dangerous, when we were living in small groups surrounded by vast, unknowable nature full of predators.

"There have been more than 13,000 flu cases in Victoria over the past few months, including 95 deaths, many of which were at aged care facilities."

And there you go. The people who die from 'flu are the very elderly & people who are severely immuno-compromised. Will the 'flu vacc 'protect' these people? Well, the drug-pushers & government haven't provided any evidence that it will (The Cochrane Report couldn't find any evidence that 'flu vaccines were effective in elderly populations for example).

When public health has become fear-based propaganda to sell ineffective & dangerous drugs made by corrupt & evil corporations, something has gone very wrong. Don't fall for their bullshit. Take some immune-supporting (and patent free) supplements & tell the government to take a running jump.


Great post. We are already seeing the push for flu shots. I never know how blown out of proportion the whole thing is. I do think the propaganda is becoming obvious. Thanks for your post. Appreciate reading the latest from you. 🐓🐓

Nice Post @alanfreestone propaganda has always been an alternative to the government to cover other issues that are in the public spotlight, and it still continues not only in your country as well as in my country Indonesia.

I like this post warm regard from Aceh-Sumatra @dilimunanzar

Great post. I grew up without vaccines or medication. Nothing that these entities are pushing could scare me.

We're not in flu season yet and anyway here authorities and the media only start the scare-mongering campaign in mid-winter when they realize once again people aren't coming in to get vaccinated. Not that it matters much, because the flu vaccines are already bought and paid for by the government, as children and old people get the flu shots free!
At the same time, the MSM are still busy with the 'measles' epidemic. On average, every week one more death from measles is announced. Not many details are given, obviously, but in some of the cases that made it to the press it was clear that the dead children had other terrible underlying conditions. In one particular case, the measles diagnostic was made only the child had been dead for a few days. Who's gonna know anyway, especially when we're talking about poor families from rural communities? They won't fight to have the truth established and that family's tragedy can be used to scare the rest of the population.

Yes measles 'epidemics' are popular here too & I notice exactly the same thing, they'll say '1 girl died from's very dangerous'...but a little investigation will show that she was very ill with a compromised immune system or something like that. The other side of the coin is gov. vaccinating people in developing countries with no access to clean water, kids playing in open sewers etc & expecting that they'll be healthy!

I just read the article you linked and wanted to say I'm impressed with the level of commitment to the cause of vaccinations demonstrated by Australian authorities. The premier extending condolences to the family of the poor child - that's a nice touch! Extra media coverage, stronger my country, public officials go for a more bullyish approach!

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