A Day in The Life of a Homeopath: Thursday 18th Jan 2018

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I almost didn’t make this installment. Too many things to do, not enough time. I’m actually writing this on the 18th in one of those fancy cafe’s where everything costs twice what it should. First this morning I went for a run in the winter sun, now I’m writing the prescriptions for all the patients that I saw yesterday. As always, I’ll run through each case in the order they came.

1). E.W 30 years, female. Aus. Delayed development. New case, an adult which is nice for a change. Febrile seizures as a baby and put on anti-seizure medications for decades. Needs order, control. Dislikes change. High levels of anxiety. Needs reassurance, living in an ‘extended childhood’ and clings to mother figures. Low muscle tone, tight muscles, poor co-ordination and stamina. Very whiny to get her way.
Prescription: Baryta Carb 200c. She hits all the keynotes of this remedy, let’s see what it does for her after the 4 weeks.

2). T.A 2 kids, both with autism. 6yrs & 3.5 yrs. UK Ongoing cases. Quite interesting, both with high levels of anxiety and both with elective mutism. Both had extraordinary levels of Arsenic in their hair samples (quite common with people from Indian subcontinent who eat a rice-based diet it seems). Both have done remarkably well on an Arsenic detox. Their autistic symptoms, anxiety and mutism are gradually disappearing with treatment.
Prescription: More metal detoxes for both + Thuja 200c and Phos 200c. After this we’ll do another hair test and see how much this ‘placebo’ treatment has brought their Arsenic levels down by.

3). Introduction Appointment from someone in Egypt who failed to respond to my calls and emails.

4). L.L male, 26yrs, US. Fatigue and lack of motivation. Update of existing case. Failed to take my last prescription. Talked to mum who wanted my help with reducing his alcohol and drug intake. An impossible thing when the person won’t take their remedies!

5). New enquiry from US. Two sisters with PANS - symptoms of OCD which started after exposure to house mold. They’ve booked-in to see me soon.

6). L.C Follow-up Male, 5 years, US. ‘Autism’ and poor immunity. When they first came, mum reported that he functions like a normal 5 year old, but on exposure to any illness he becomes aggressive and ‘spacey’. Constantly sniffly with cold symptoms. He has had to be taken out of school because of this constant exposure. Frequent rages where he shows no remorse. Anxiety, needs control. Has to sleep with parents, fear of going into a room alone. Light sensitive, salt cravings. 1st prescription: Nat Mur 200c + Carcinosin 200c + Thymus Gland 12c.
Result: Much better. No illnesses in last 6 weeks (mum astonished, ‘best month in years’), no more rages, anxiety greatly reduced (sleeps in own bed now & goes into rooms alone), no salt cravings. We’ve also seen a burst in development - increase in imaginative play.
Prescription: Same again in higher doses. A happy customer!

7). L.D Male, 11 years, US. ‘ASD(ish)’ Update. After previous presciptions, parents felt progress wasn’t quick enough and started heavy metal chelation with DMSA and DMPS. Reacted badly, became run-down, canker sores around mouth. This has now become Impetigo (Staphlococcus skin infection) and they’ve stopped. They’ve come for treatment of this.
Prescription: Mercurius 200c + Staphlococcus 30c

8). T.C male, 7 yrs, US. ASD. Ongoing case, this is an update. He’s been a long-term patient and has improved nicely over the months. Mum had suspected that he had problems with intestinal parasites because of his symptoms, so last prescription was to test this theory. Yup! Reacting to parasite remedy.
Prescription: Continue parasite clear + Calc Carb 200c

9). F.F Male, 4 yrs, UK. Autism & developmental delays. Update. Is improving beautifully and beyond my expectations. Has already detoxed UK vaccine schedule with lots of improvements. Next we clear up the rest: BCG, Hepatitis B, Varicella etc. Parents very pleased.

10). K.T Male, 28 yrs, US. Stomach issues around anxiety - vertigo, nausea. Update. These symptoms are a particular problem as he’s a small aircraft pilot in wildest Alaska and gets the symptoms when he’s flying. A bit of trouble this one, patient keeps self medicating with lots of different remedies in between appointments. Lycopodium suits him beautifully and he responded nicely to it in the last prescription.
Prescription: more Lycopodium + Dys Co (a remedy made from gut bacteria that works well alongside Lycopodium).

11). C.L male, 10 yrs, US. PANDAS. Update. Doing brilliantly on Lycopodium. No more nausea, stomach pains or excess gas. Bad dreams have stopped. His worries have calmed down and he reports feeling ‘comfortable and secure’. However on stopping the Lyc his symptoms have gradually started returning.
Prescription: More Lycopodium + Morgan Gaertner (another remedy made from gut bacteria)

12). A.L male, 22 months, UK. ‘Suspected ASD’. Update. This was my favourite case of yesterday. He had ‘suspected autism’ due to his extreme noise sensitivity. He was way ahead academically, learning his numbers and letters and with an amazing memory. But his sound sensitivity was causing him to be easily overwhelmed in public or social situations. He slept very poorly, waking frequently throughout the night. A lot of teeth grinding at night. Toe walking and hand flapping. Tests showed he was allergic to many foods with problems digesting fats, and he had generally loose bowels with some undigested food present. He was undersensitive to pain. I suspected that the insomnia was just because of his noise sensitivity and decided to start with a great remedy for this: Theridion (made from the Orange spider, Latrodectus Curacaviensis)
Result: ‘Doing great’. No longer sound sensitive, now sleeping through the night with no issues. Toe walking and hand flapping resolved. No more teeth grinding. One very pleased mum! He’s now singing constantly (I could hear him in the background). Mum feels these symptoms are resolved, and was completely dismissive of the previous ‘suspected Autism’ diagnosis proffered by her doctor! She had just come for a minor case of hives (urticaria) on his skin.
Prescription: Apis 200c

13. P.S female, 14 years, UK. ASD. Update...after 18 months! Pain-in-the-bum case. Father a doctor who usually doesn’t follow my prescription. We haven’t got very far at all due to non-compliance. He came for a recurrence of her anxious behaviour with heavy breathing (like hyperventilating) when given any tasks.
Prescription: Aconite 1m which had worked well for her before + Baryta-Carb 200

14. M.E male, 22 years, UK. Never-been-well-since Dengue Fever a few years ago. This was my second favourite case of the day! Healthy life (mum is a herbalist) until he visited Indonesia at 20 years old, where he contracted suspected Dengue Fever. Seriously ill with fevers, muscle aches, swollen glands on his neck, extreme fatigue, headaches. Not treated, he just rested until he recovered then flew home. But symptoms persisted and extensive tests at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London were all inconclusive and no treatment was given. Since that time he has never felt well with frequent relapses of the symptoms. He now has to conserve his energy to avoid these - not easy when he needs to finish his degree and loves surfing!
Prescription: Dengue Virus 200c (I want to see if he reacts to this. This would confirm that it is in fact this virus which has affected him) + Rhus Tox 200x (this is the remedy most closely resembling his symptoms).

15. S.K male, 5 years, Itchy skin with gastrointestinal issues. Update. He has previously responded very well to various remedies: Histaminum, Fluoricum Acidum, Poly Metals. The last prescription was the metal detox which gave him a stammer for the 8 weeks (an old symptom of his), along with various physical signs of detoxing). He’s now better emotionally and much calmer.
Prescription: Pulsatilla and Silica. I expect this to finish this case.

That was the end of my busy day.
Some of the results recorded here remind me that we homeopaths really have some lovely tools at our disposal!

And now time for a moan: Two weeks in a row now I have had a full CaIendar on Friday evening (and had to apologise & turn new patients away because of this), then come Monday morning gaps have appeared as several new patients ‘drop out’ at the last minute. Most frustrating! I Have also been observing just how many patients book my cheap little 15-minute update slots to discuss their cases, and I can feel myself getting resentful. I can see that I am able to achieve some remarkable successes with homeopathy, I see lots of patients, and yet I live in a rented 2-bedroomed terrace house in a cheap part of town. Something is wrong with this picture! Yes, yes I know...just charge more money and take the money in advance!

Steem On!


Great article. Metal detox is very important. I have an adult sister with downs syndrome. She's always been very happy and talkative. She just stopped talking a few years ago and became pretty anti-social. She tried anti depressants which failed miserably just made her more miserable. Our mom started taking her to a homeopathic doctor and got her on a strict organic diet and a regimen of supplements designed to detox her from heavy metals. There is also a foot bath thing she does that detoxes the metals from her feet. It's shown great results. She is healthier and happier than I have seen her in years.

You already know the answer to all of your problems Alan..

Steem On!!!

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