A Day in the Life of a Homeopath - 22nd Nov 2017

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday was a long day, 13 patients in all. I hope you find some of the cases interesting, one in particular is heartbreaking. I'd love to hear feedback & thoughts on the cases. Am I including enough detail, not enough, what else would you like me to include?

Case 1: M.R. Indonesia. Male, 6 years old, Autism & PANDAS.

Follow-up appointment. Initial symptoms: Aggression, anxiety, mood swings, non-verbal, hyperactive, no social interest, lots of spitting, no teeth (they had rotted in his mouth & had to be removed). We've previously given various remedies, a Steroid detox. Last prescription was a vaccine detox. He reacted well to the vacc detox with typical detox reactions: night sweats, lots of strong smelling urination, cold/flu symptoms for 10 days.

Results: He's doing well. He's babbling now & has begun calling 'mamma' (always an amazing event for a parent!), can say 'A...U...O", copying words (but in a very low voice). No more spitting, more comprehension & following instructions. He's now able to play games on parent's smartphone. Better self care - can now change TV channel, put on his own clothes, anger & anxiety reduced by 80% (according to mother).

Prescription: Thuja LM1 + Bufo 200c + Calc Fluor 6x for the next 4 weeks. After this we will work on detoxing metals.

This case kinda puts the 'homeopathy is just placebo' myth to bed: I can only communicate with the mother by text message as their internet & phone coverage is so patchy!

Case 2: New enquiry. Male, 5 years old, Autism. They have booked-in for a full appointment in the new year.

Case 3: Update. J.S. Male, 13 years, New York. Autism.

Very High Molybdenum levels shown on a hair metal test.

Previous prescription: Molybdenum metalliticum 8-week detox (using a homeopathic remedy MADE from the metal to stimulate the body into excreting excess levels).

Result: We only got to week 3 before mum had to stop the detox. 'It was hell' she stated - he became moody, irritable, angry, argumentative. Weirdly it led to excess (very dark) ear wax. Started flapping his hands. Since stopping the remedy these reactions have now subsided.

Analysis: He 'proved' the remedy. He just gave symptoms of Molyb toxicity. Plan B: I'm going to give him a remedy made from copper as this is a molyb antagonist. I'm hoping this will then allow his body to deal with the Molyb without spiking his symptoms.

Prescription: Cuprum Metallicum 30c + Phosphorus 200c.

Case 4: Update. An old case of OCD (compulsive confessing) that is mostly resolved. Occasionally needs a little 'tweak'. Unfortunately had to cancel at the last minute.

Case 5: Follow-up to ongoing case. Male. 3 years. USA. Global Development Delay.

Previous prescriptions included a childhood vaccine detox & 'flu vaccine detoxes. He responded to both & his symptoms improved. Recent blood tests showed extremely high levels of Epstein Barr Virus antibodies in his body.

Last Prescription: Epstein Barr 'detox' (it's not strictly a detox, I need to think of a new descriptive word!) + Carcinosin 200c + Morgan Pure 200c (a remedy made from bowel bacteria)

Result: 'It was rough' (according to mother). He had OCD flares with seriously messy nappies/diapers after each dose. Increased (and smelly) urination. Irritability/tantrums - helped by giving a detox footbath. Interestingly both his mother & father came down with symptoms very similar to Epstein Barr during the detox. Can the remedies cause viral 'shedding' that occurs after vaccinations? He is now healthier, he has grown 3" over recent months, his speech therapist reports that he's trying lots of new words, coping better with things that he couldn't previously - i.e Halloween, wearing hoods, change. Mum liked the Morgan remedy as he had perfect bowel movements each time this was given.

Analysis: He clearly reacted to this last round of remedies & I hope it has improved his overall health. Symptoms remaining: Still delayed speech, muscle weakness.

Prescription: Calc Carb 200c + Pituitary Gland 6c (this gland is important in development) + continue the Morgan

Case 6: Follow-up Appointment. Male. 5 years. UK. Autism.

Previously we had give a Vaccine detox + Lac Maternum 200

Result: There were clear signs of a detox (increased urination, fever, return of an old symptom - head banging), but no clear improvement in autism symptoms. Slight improvements: Sleeping better & holding eye contact longer...but a bit wishy washy!

Analysis: I suspected he had low vitality before this prescription. There's something else going on. He has some symptoms corresponding to parasite infection: teeth grinding at night (his teeth are quite ground down), itchy bottom, picking his nose a lot, hyperactivity/restlessness. Maybe he has a parasite infestation (quite common in autistic kids), and this is robbing him of his energy so he didn't quite have the 'ooomph' to mount a good detox to the vaccines.

Prescription: Cina 200c + Poly Metal Detox + Floradix food supplement.

Case 7: Update. 2 kids. USA.
Female, 14 years. Delayed puberty, very small & underweight.
Male, 17yrs. PANDAS & seizures

Female: Currently on a prescription aimed at stimulating her hormones. Has put on as much weight the last month as the previous 12 months. Continue prescription.

Male: Currently on a remedy Hyoscyamus which has been really beneficial to him. I also started him on Arsenicum He's doing really well on the Hyos (very few symptoms now remain), but 'proved' the Arsenicum (spike in anxiety & had panic attacks). I asked them to increase the Hyos & drop the Ars. I expect this case to be resolved in a couple more prescriptions.

Case 8: New enquiry. Female. 12 years. USA. Down Syndrome + Autism + PANDAS + hypothyroidism.
Very high Strep titers in her blood. There's a lot going on for this poor girl. I expect that homeopathy will be really beneficial for her. I have treated Down's kids before & we can get remarkable improvements (within the limitations of their condition of course).

Case 9: Follow-up. Male. 11 years. USA. Autism.

Interesting case & an intesting boy! We've previously detoxed metals, vaccines, Histamine (again, not really a 'detox', more like a reset of his histamine levels), Borrellia, Bartonella & Babesia. It's fair to say that he's not really autistic anymore. He's extremely bright & high functioning. Remaining symptoms are around social interactions. He has an inability to often tell his fantasy world apart from reality. He tells his school teachers he wants to kill them, or writes 'funny' songs about killing his teachers (!), but he is completely non-aggressive. He easily takes offence & holds grudges & plots revenge.

The last prescription was for his complaints of joint & muscle pain, especially in knees and pelvis. But also affecting his neck. He told his school counsellor that he 'wanted to kill himself' because of the pain. Aurum Metallicum 200c + Syphillinum 200c

Result: Pains completely gone. However he'd also been attending a chiropractor & been taking new supplements during the month, so we weren't able to tell what it was that fixed these symptoms. (One of the problems practising in the real world & not a laboratory)

Analysis: He's nearly fixed in my opinion, just a few 'quirks' to work on.

Prescription: Cannabis Indica 200c + Staphysagria 200c

Case 10: New Case. S.S. Female. 2.5 years. UK. Global Developmental Delay - Cerebellum Atrophy & progressive muscular weakness

This is a truly heartbreaking case. They came to my office, so I was able to observe the girl myself (as opposed to just speaking on Skype). She was a perfectly healthy baby, developing normally up until 15 or 16 months of age. After this began a slow decline in her skills, which still continues to this day. She lost her words, the ability to stand, then even to crawl, to point, hold a spoon, clap. Now she is at the stage where she requires a feeding tube as she can no longer swallow liquids & has to be supported by her parents as she can't hold herself up. Her bowel movements are also becoming an issue as her progressive muscular weakness even affects her alimentary canal. I saw a video of her at 12 months happy, walking, talking, engaged with the camera. The poor little girl in my office was just a floppy rag doll in her parents arms, she just stared around docilely.

Anyone who knows my methods will know what I did next, asked 'well what was going on at around 15 months of age, what is the probable CAUSE of these symptoms?' The only thing the parents say changed was: She was given a BCG (T.B), Hib. B, MMR & Mening. C vaccine at this time. Her mother believes the decline started AFTER the administration of these vaccines. As you can imagine, the doctors adamantly denied any POSSIBILITY of there being a connection & have muttered something about it being 'probably genetic'. Lots of tests have been done (literally hundreds according to the father), but they can find nothing wrong. Except... there has been a shrinkage in the Cerebellum. This region of the brain coordinates & regulates muscle activity. The family have been told nothing can be done & her condition is going to steadily get worse. Sometimes I feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders, I have to heal this little girl!

Analysis: Clearly I believe this is a case of vaccine damage & I want to address that. But she has extremely low energy levels & I suspect doing a detox at this time would be fruitless, she just wouldn't have the vitality to be able to make use of the remedies. I've decided to start by trying to help her symptoms. Anyone who knows their Greek philosophers will know that Socrates was compelled to commit suicide after upsetting 'the powers that shouldn't be' one too many times. He elected to take the poison Hemlock so as to retain his consciousness for as long as possible. This poison causes progressive paralysis starting in the feet & gradually rising up the body. Eventually death comes when the heart muscle & muscles involved in respiration are affected. Interestingly this little girl's symptoms started the same way - gradual muscular weakness from her feet gradually moving upwards.

Conium 6c (Hemlock!): 1 pill every morning & evening for 4 weeks

Helleborus 30c: 1 pill every Tues & Thrs
(I also want to try this remedy as it matches many of her symptoms)

Another unrecorded incident of terrible vaccine damage to add to that invisible mountain of harm growing rapidly behind pharmaceutical medicine.

Case 11: Update. One of my previously cured cases of autism. An eye-blinking tic has returned. I recommended a few doses of Mercurius 200c (this remedy had resolved this symptom in the past)

Case 12: New Patient. Male. Just over 2 years old. UK. 'suspected Autism'

I don't believe that this actually IS a case of autism. The boy is very precocious, teaching himself his alphabet & numbers (in both English & Greek!) at a very young age. His symptoms seem to revolve around sensory overload, in particular his hearing. He's extremely noise sensitive, consequently he can't bare to be in groups of children, or busy places. He also sleeps poorly, waking regularly throughout the night & has done so since birth. I suspect the waking is connected to the sound sensitivity. He also has a few other symptoms like loose bowels, some flapping & toe walking.

Analysis: His mother had a large number of ultrasounds during pregnancy. I suspect this might be the cause of the noise sensitivity (I've seen this in previous cases). I want to focus on this symptom first as I believe it will resolve lots of issues.

Prescription: Theridion 200c (this is a remedy made from a spider and whose main symptom is 'exquisitely sensitive to noise') ...I will do an Ultrasound detox at a later date.

His father is also suffering from ankylosing spondylitis - Inflammation of the joints of the spine. This appears to be getting worse & he's required to take increasing amounts of pain killers. Again I asked when it started & it appeared to begin after a snowboarding holiday in which he'd fallen repeatedly on his ass!

Prescription: Arnica 1m

His mother has high levels of killer T cells which had contributed to an earlier miscarriage. No known reason why, but she'd like to try for another baby & is worried of more miscarriages.

Prescription: Carcinosin 200c

Case 13: Update. This is an extremely anxious mother who seems to book 2 appointments a week with me! Worried about her daughters reaction to carcinosin. I explain that her reactions show the remedy is 'resonating with her' (i.e it's a good match) & prescribe something for lymphatic drainage.

Prescription: Hydrastis 30c

And that is the end of a very long day! Afterwards I walked to a nearby pub to grab a quick pint of beer & clear my head. £2.09 for TWO pints, this must be the cheapest in Birmingham?! This morning I attended a yoga class & now I'm in the library where I've just sent out all my prescription emails & completed this post. I hope it is well received.


This was so interesting. I felt very optimistic when I read your truthful words about vaccines but heartbroken for that poor little girl in particular. And her family. And all the others. At least that one has you as her homeopath. That beer was reasonable! You deserve it :)

Thank you :)

Wow! What a tiring day of work. I feel so badly for that poor child who is like a rag doll, and I can tell that you really, really want to help her and others.

Thanks for all that you do Alan!

Thanks CC. Damn, how much SP are you using?!

wow that is some days work, hats off to you for the work you do and the care you provide. That poor little girl with severe vaccination damage it's heart breaking. Very interested in the little boy with sound sensitivity and the link with ultrasounds, something I have never been a fan of. Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.

Thank you :) yeah ultrasounds are not without their risks. Luckily we can repair any issues.

Wow, Alan, that is a LONG day with some intense cases. Heartbreaking. I really hope you can help that little one regenerate her cerebellum.
Some interesting prescriptions. Taking notes as ever :-)

Stop taking notes :P ...unless it's 'he did that one wrong...& that...etc'!! Interesting example of Herrings Law of Direction of Cure in the 10th case, eh?

You mean the direction of her decline?
Very sad case.

Nah, I didn’t see anything I thought you did wrong 😄. It’s good to read because I get some ideas of things to try in similar cases (like pituitary etc).

That’s a very sad case. I hope for her sake this damage isnt irreparable. I have to work hard to not just feel fury and to keep moving forward with a positive mind, don’t you?

Amazing! Thanks for sharing, keep up the good work! I have been dealing with a lot of pediatric cases of Autism and using Nutrition to get them on track. Always brings me to tears when I can clean things up and get the non verbals talking.

Thank you for the lovely message Dana

Awesome post with quality contents @alanfreeston. Well done.

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