A Case of Autism Caused by Vaccine-Damage

in #health8 years ago

This morning I saw a case for the 3rd time. He's just over 3 years old now & the son of Pakistani parents.

On his first visit to me back in June I had drawn a timeline of the child's life, from preconception up to the present time. I was looking for possible reasons for his autistic symptoms - a traumatic birth, or developmental problems in the womb for example.

His presenting symptoms were:

  • Flapping his arms when excited
  • Continual head-banging
  • Spinning around and around, lost in his own world
  • No eye contact
  • Completely non-verbal
  • Poor comprehension, didn't respond to his own name or follow even simple instructions
  • Had daily bowel movements, but they were foul-smelling and accompanied by lots of gas.
  • No connection with those around him, no affection at all

I took his case as I said earlier & one interesting point was, that after a series of vaccines at one year old prior to a trip abroad he appeared to regress. Prior to these vaccines he had been an affectionate, smiley baby, he responded to his name, had good eye contact. But after these shots he got ill with a fever of 102 and regressed into the symptom picture listed above. He also started falling down a lot when walking, when previously he had been sure-footed.

Analysis: This looked like a clear case of vaccine damage to me. What I love about my method is, if I'm wrong then the prescription simply won't work, so I can use the remedies like a diagnostic tool, as well as for healing.

My first prescription: A vaccine detox protocol + a remedy called 'Helleborus'

Result after 8 weeks: (extract from an email his father sent me)

"30% less flapping , 50% reduced head banging , 20% improve listening , 20% better eye contact , 50% sleeping well , 30% less cry ,
30% more hugs&kisses ,started pointing to water or object ,40% reduced falling , 30% less frustrated ,
Major change he start making some sound words , hand movement in nursery environment .
Its all looks minor changes for normal kids but we feel difference and we know we still have to go very long way."

This is a brilliant result & confirmed my suspicion about the vaccines being at least one reason for his symptoms.

Second Prescription: Continue vaccine detox protocol + a remedy called Baryta-Carb

Result after second 8 weeks: (extract from another email that his father sent)

"His progress much better then before(Thanks to you) I didn't seen him flapping anymore...
He still got bad itchy eyes ...
He start making loud and some time very loud screaming voice from his throat specially when he very excited ,while watching cartoons or playing games.
He can operate himself tablet and can easily turn on YouTube or games.
He still fall but less then before.
He struggle to say something but can't,speak, so some time get frustrated.
His eye contact is better then before but not fully pay attention.
His sleep much much better before, relax and calm,some time he sleeps up to 11 am.

Wow! I got to see him again in my office and all I can say is, he is not a little boy with autism anymore! He came in greeted me, perfect eye contact, sat nicely playing on his dad's iPhone while we talked. He responded to his name, no flapping or headbanging or anything now & he's attempting to talk, copying the sound of nursery rhymes etc. All that remains is the lack of speech, but you can tell that it is coming - he understands, he's approximating noises now, there's just a bit of a delay.

I love my job, but the scandal continues. As the parents of my patient said to me... why are the doctors allowing this to happen?


Thank-you for helping this boy and his family! It is so good to hear of his success.
Are all homeopaths trained to do this type of work?

No, not many of us do it...I suppose it can be quite scary to go up against big-pharma forces. For me...I like it because I love results that are unequivocal...& we can say almost certainly that they're not down to some placebo effect.

It's wonderful to hear of the difference you're able to make with these children.

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