User story: Take control of your Mental Health with SWEATCOIN.

in #health6 years ago

I would love to talk about this new app that allows you earn cryptocurrency by doing healthy exercises. Getting victorious!


This is ultimate revolution in our peoples lives as the health sector and sport sector are combined together with blockchain sector, making it profitable not only as earning income but getting fit physically and mentally.

With that last part said "Mentally", let me be clear what i am talking today here. I am talking an possible solution when you are fighting a battle with mental illness. To be said, there are many people around the world with problems.

I want to focus that mental health thing with my article because it is important and solves some major problems.

I'm the one who have courage to speak out. I am letting people know that here might be an solution for people like me also. This thing works for everybody, but it really helps spreading the solution to our problems.

The app I'm talking about is called Sweatcoin and this app has its own algorythms that analyzes steps while going for a walk.
Every sweat isn't just an burning fat. It is something much more.

I am using this app and let me tell you about my thoughts as actually diagnozed with mental illnesses so people know what effect this app has given to me and how this might benefit to you as well.

Well let me tell you my story. I am diagnozed with skizofrenia and personality disorder. I could black out from emotions while surrounding with people and that kind of things.

That happens while staying a long time in public places. I'm also having a panic disorder and with all that mental package the result is that i'm staying indoors all the time.

This condition goes better when i have some motivation to go outdoors - for an example would like to go to SPA vacation and things like that then there is no problem to go outside, but it is hard to find that kind of motivational all the time and i am not that rich that can go to spa vacation every day.

So this depends on the conditions but usually it feels normal for me to stay on my house like 2 weeks a row - sometimes i even wont open curtains from windows. Is it really normal? I think not.
So we know the problem, what is the solution for this?

SWEATCOIN! Let me say why.

Sweatcoin changed my life routine in a positive way. When i discovered the app i started to play with it a little, tried to make steps indoor to cheat the app, well this is fun for every boy to always chat, but then i noticed that its algorythm knows pretty much everything and it is going better and better in time.

Right now this app knows a lot, so well cannot cheat the app i wanted to test it outdoors. I had to go outside to test it while i was holding my smartphone with me.

I started walking and every step i made the app recognized and saved it perfectly.

I made some steps more and pretty sure that i was forgot all my problems within 5 minutes or so when i discovered that i actually started walking a longer distance. Snap... like that.

Later in the same day i felt so good somehow - motivated and inspired to go outdoors for gaining more steps as 1,000 steps right now equals 1 token.
Is this really a possible that some app pays me for walking and getting myself fit?

Money talks i guess, but with this app money talks when you make the walks. This is innovative and inspiring and now i am walking outdoors and this app really saves people like me from being in mental prison. Go outside and getting yourself together, making yourself fit while earing cryptocurrency with every sweat you are taking.

It is the one thing that needed to inspire you to go outside and get your things together.

I do not know how to say why this works so good - My very first motivation was to earn cryptocurrency but it developed and advanced for something different tottaly.

Now it isn't only about cryptocurrency, but i feel like i am having some unique relationship with myself thanks to this app. I am motivated to get fit and healthy both mentally and physically.

It just gives you boost to go outside and making yourself feel better.

Thank you so much for allowing this app to the people, because it will help people to get healthy mentally and physically in same time earning cryptocurrency.

This is a revolution in sport, health and mental topics. I am truly grateful as i am sure also other people who will try this by themselves.

Here is the referral link if you want to test it out now and start earning while walking around. Make your steps count @

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