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RE: Vaccines Are The Single Most Effective Medical Treatment Ever Invented

in #health8 years ago

If you read the science journal articles you'll come to only one sensible conclusion: vaccines are safe and effective. If you study beyond that you'll realize that the studies are little more than tobacco science. The data is forged, the problems are hidden, and the shots filled with mercury, formaldehyde, and other compounds harm kids. You're not an idiot for believing what you do, but you're a fool who has been tricked by astroturf. posts like this will end up hurting and killing kids. The simple answer is that sanitation, clean water, and access to healthy food eradicated illnesses. Vaccines came at the tail end of that and took credit.

You should watch Vaxxed as a starting point and do more research before other fools follow this idiotic advice and harm themselves or their kids.


I think they changed to Aluminum.. Still very neurotoxic.

I could bring evidence about mercury not being an issue since its all about % and not the compound itself , but fuck it. Let's take your logic instead.

You say:

//If you read the science journal articles you'll come to only one sensible conclusion: vaccines are safe and effective. If you study beyond that you'll realize that the studies are little more than tobacco science.//

and then you say

//The data is forged, the problems are hidden, and the shots filled with mercury, formaldehyde, and other compounds harm kids.//

How do you know which studies to believe? Obviouly you believe once set of data instead of another. You favor one source over another. Why?

Why? Because I'm a PhD chemist that's studied this shit for 4 years straight! Mercury is harmful when it's not in an elemental form. Go look up Minimata Disease. It's what fucked up millions of Japenese people because a mercury plant leaked into their water supply. What were the symptoms?!? Basically autisum. Yep that little dose of mercury in the shot (yes it's still in shots) that crosses the blood brain barrier and then sits in your brain decomposing your nueral network is apparently bad for you.

The CDC has been caught over and over manipulating the data.

Walk into a sped class at any local elementary school. Start asking what percentage of their kids have gastrointestinal issues. Ask what percentage of kids are fully vaccinated. Kids that have autism were vaccinated. Period. Go find me an unvaccinated kid with Autism that didn't get strangled by his own umbilical cord at birth and I'll give you every SD I have in my account. PS. Try not to get murdered or arrested when you ask these questions because powerful interests don't like people snooping around.

There is a hidden vaccine court that has given out billions. Look at the damage gardisil has caused. Look at what happened to India when Bill Gates was injecting everyone with his polio vaccine. You can look at before and after in these countries and see harm repeated over and over again.

Go sign up for some anti vax pages on facebook and listen to parents who will share the exact same story nearly every time. My baby was healthy, I gave them shots, they had fever and diarrhea, they were never the same and I will spend the rest of my life regretting that decision.

Look at the medical school textbooks. The images they print promoting vaccines typically go back to 1940. The data is often there before 1890. Why dont' they show all the data? Because 90% of the decrease in those diseases happens before the invention of the vaccine. The final 10% happens after the vaccine following the same 100 year trend line going down. This is like starting a small business at the end of the great depression right before WWII picks up and then claiming it was your small business that revitalized the economy.

@kyriacos it's not simply "I picked my data." It's that all the data that the drug companies produce on this shit is so full of lies it's amazing. It's more than $30B/yr and people that question it end up dead and systematically attacked. People constantly risk their careers to show how dangerous these shots are and the big pharma comes down on them so hard.

Bottom line. Your opinion based on one side of the argument having not investigated the other thoroughly is going to cause harm to the people that read this post. You seem like a nice guy and you shouldn't want that trauma on your hands because you naively believed the people that have enormous vested interests.

You believe what you're told to believe in your books, you science nuts are no different than religious nuts, trusting your books and all hail science. Dentist believe that sodium fluoride is harmless, and it isn't has many cases, articles, studies and support that is is very harmful and it isn't in just dental products, so little exposure argument is invalid. Calcium fluoride is harmless, but they use sodium fluoride, that is the word play because people are so trusting that they wont allow themselves a second opinion because because "the government and medical science" knows all and has our best interest at heart. Funny that a lot of rich elites funds these studies and say in their books and interviews how they want to decrease the population. check the population statistics and see how much they've dropped, check the stats on how much cancer, autism, diabetes and obesity has risen and no medical science has stopped the numbers from going higher.

Flashing me your title means nothing. it actually makes the whole thing more tragic. Let;s take apart your claims shall we?

//Mercury is harmful when it's not in an elemental form. Go look up Minimata Disease. It's what fucked up millions of Japenese people because a mercury plant leaked into their water supply. What were the symptoms?!? Basically autisum. Yep that little dose of mercury in the shot (yes it's still in shots) that crosses the blood brain barrier and then sits in your brain decomposing your nueral network is apparently bad for you.//

Vaccines used to contain thimerosal which is a mercury-containing preservative. It is a different compound than mercury. It hasn't been used in childhood vaccines since 2001, when the FDA opted to remove it even though studies show it's safe. Thimerosal's purpose was to keep bacteria from growing in multidose vaccine solutions. Vaccines that were once preserved with thimerosal are now put into single-dose vials or syringes that aren't susceptible to bacterial contamination.

//Walk into a sped class at any local elementary school. Start asking what percentage of their kids have gastrointestinal issues. Ask what percentage of kids are fully vaccinated. Kids that have autism were vaccinated. //

"There's absolutely no scientific evidence to support this claim. There is, however, a slew of research that shows the complete opposite: that vaccines do not cause autism," says Richard Rupp, M.D., director of the office of vaccine clinical trials at the Sealy Center for Vaccine Development at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. This myth persists because of a fraudulent study in which the lead researcher, a British doctor who has since lost his medical license, lied about finding a connection between the measles vaccine and autism. It doesn't help that the more noticeable signs of autism tend to appear around the 12-month mark, after a child gets a series of vaccines. "Often, signs of the disorder were present when the baby was younger. It's just that autism becomes easier to detect when a child starts missing milestones," says Dr. Rupp. Studies show that both vaccinated and unvaccinated children are equally at risk for autism."

really i can't be fucked to copy paste everything. it has been debunked many times int he past

Flashing me your title means nothing. it actually makes the whole thing more tragic

LOL very true.

Go find me an unvaccinated kid with Autism that didn't get strangled by his own umbilical cord at birth and I'll give you every SD I have in my account. PS. Try not to get murdered or arrested when you ask these questions because powerful interests don't like people snooping around.

My nephew. Please send me the SBD :)

How would you know which set of data is correct? I support neither side, because both sides could be wrong or right. But could you find any data how many medical stuff take a flu shot today?

@kyriacos "you didn't bring any scientific evidence, you brought hearsay from american retards." I don't know your nationality...although "anal wart" comes immediately to mind...YOU have NOT provided a single shred of evidence to back your claim...calling someone else out for the same thing is a page stolen right out of the Liberal hypocrisy handbook...BRAVO couldn't look any dumber if you attached a drool bucket beneath your chin!

I can't trust anybody other than historical records of death tolls by the tens of thousands. that's all the evidende I need.

You want to belive but you don't accept evidence that contradicts your belief because you don't want to accept the fact that you have been lied to.

you didn't bring any scientific evidence. you brought hearsay from american retards.

I gave you scientific study from NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.

You just don't want to see it because it will prove you wrong.

Fair enough.

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