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RE: Every Child in the US Regardless of Economic Situation Deserves Free Healthcare

in #health7 years ago

I also agree with you that all children should be covered. However, I think it would be best served by anything other than government. The US government has a tendency to make anything it touches worse. There has to be a private solution to this. Great post btw!


Like what? Care to spin a hypothetical or example?

I really don't know. Maybe something like doctors and other professional medical types get together and figure out the best private way forward. Get a little help from the multitude of US humanitarian organizations to help with funding. I would be the last person to give a viable option as I know next to nothing about this sector. I know it can be done. We can do anything, right?

Maybe add a small voluntary monthly insurance charge to help fund. I think the governments' role in all of this is to bring down the costs however they can. Why are medical costs so damn high in this country?
It truly is ridiculous. They don't seem very interested in doing this though.

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