REPORT: Nearly All Of U.S. Drinking Water Contaminated With Cancer Causing Chemicals

in #health7 years ago

The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit research organization environmental watchdog, released a searchable database Thursday that shows almost 50,000 public water systems in the U.S. are contaminated with dozens of harmful chemicals.

Some of the chemicals found in your drinking water include – arsenic, hexavalent chromium, radiation, chloroform, perfluorooctanoic acid, Bromodichloromethane, Dichloroacetic acid, Barium, and Uranium; and that’s just scratching the surface of the 250-plus contaminants the group discovered.

EWG researchers spent the last two years collecting data from independent state agencies and the EPA for drinking water tests conducted from 2010 to 2015 by 48,712 water utilities in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Researchers tested the utilities for approximately 500 different contaminants, finding a whopping 267 contaminations of Americans’ water supplies.

EWG’s database is an interactive map where you can click on each state and review their test results.

In the results are listed contaminants found above health guidelines and above legal limits.

A subsequent report released with the database noted that contaminants detected in the nation’s tap water included:

  • 93 linked to an increased risk of cancer. More than 40,000 water systems had detections of known or likely carcinogens exceeding established federal or state health guidelines – levels that pose minimal but real health risks, but are not legally enforceable.
  • 78 associated with brain and nervous system damage.
  • 63 connected to developmental harm to children or fetuses.
  • 45 linked to hormone disruption.
  • 38 that may cause fertility problems.
  • Chromium-6, made notorious by the film “Erin Brockovich.” This carcinogen, for which there are no federal regulations, was detected in the drinking water supplies serving 250 million Americans in all 50 states.
  • 1,4-Dioxane, an unregulated compound that contaminates tap water supplies for 8.5 million people in 27 states at levels above those the EPA considers to pose a minimal cancer risk.
  • Nitrate, chemical from animal waste or agricultural fertilizers, was detected in more than 1,800 water systems in 2015, serving 7 million people in 48 states above the level that research by the National Cancer Institute shows increases the risk of cancer – a level just half of the federal government’s legal limit for nitrate in drinking water.

“Legal is not safe,” argued Nneka Leiba, director of Healthy Living Science at the EWG. “In many cases, it’s far from safe.” Overall, the organization found more than 250 million Americans are drinking water with “unsafe” levels of various contaminants.

Last year, the EWG found that two-thirds of Americans’ water is contaminated with the carcinogen that Erin Brockovich exposed – chemical chromium 6 or hexavalent chromium – affecting the tap water of more than 218 million Americans. That’s an additional 32 million Americans that are affected by other chemicals highlighted in this new study.

A 2008 study by the National Toxicology Program found that chromium-6 in drinking water caused cancer in rats and mice that were exposed to the chemical.

EWG is urging consumers to use a drinking water filter to reduce the level of chemical intake in the human body. They’re also pressing the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to update their rules on chemical contaminants found in drinking water that “can pose what scientists say are serious health risks – and still be legal.”

“Americans deserve the fullest picture possible of what’s in their tap water,” EWG President Ken Cook said. “But they won’t get that information from the government or, in many cases, from their utilities. The only place they’ll find that is EWG’s drinking water report.”

“Just because your tap water gets a passing grade from the government doesn’t always mean it’s safe,” Cook added. “It’s time to stop basing environmental regulations on political or economic compromises, and instead listen to what scientists say about the long-term effects of toxic chemicals and empower Americans to protect themselves from pollutants even as they demand the protective action they deserve from government.”

It’s been 20 years since the EPA last passed any new drinking water regulations. Regardless, it’s clear that municipalities have not been following them.

If you’re in the U.S. you can check your own water supply by visiting the Tap Water Database, which allows anyone in the U.S. to enter their zip code or local utility’s name and find out what’s lurking in their local water supply.

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You gotta filter.

I live in the UK and I don't think our water is much better. We bought a Berkey water filter after noticing our water tasted very 'chemically' compared to a filtered water we had just tried.
There seems to be very little awareness about the quality of our water though. Friends and family think I'm bonkers for having a filter...or even call me paranoid for not trusting our tap water.

Yes, and those people drinking "tap water" are insane.
It must all be filtered until we reclaim global sustainable evolution
and not only clean up the planet, but clean up our societies,
politically, economically, energetically, ecologically, mentally,
physically, and spiritually. Keep the quality posts coming thru,
we need knowledge, wisdom and edu-tainment on Steemit and
not garbage and viral greed posts that many ppl are pouring forth.
The waters have been fouled over most of our beautiful planet.
Time for an Evolutionary Response!

If you drink bottled water, it's even worse, as the plastics leach into it. You need a real water filter, that does heavy metals, like a Berkey.

I can't imagine not having a drinking water:(

you best get a water filter now, because this is not just the USA.

Wow! This is quite scary!

If the U.S is exposed to such level of contamination, despite its organized system and well-structured health policies, then I wonder what can be said of contamination in Third-world or developing countries in Asia or Africa.

This is global. Guaranteed.

You cannot talk to anyone who doesn't know someone or themselves are dealing with cancer. I am not saying it is only from drinking water but you add that to all the chemicals in foods and plastics and they all contribute.

My water company (and most municipal providers ) does not have the ability to remove all the pharmaceutical drugs that get "flushed" each day. So you need a really good water filter. I invested in a high end Reverse Osmosis system recently, hope it helps.

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