Beware of Foods Dangerous to the Brain

in #health7 years ago


Although it feels like the world is filled with unhealthy foods, according to Jamie Vespa, a dietitian, there are some foods that can actually cause brain inflammation and accelerate your mental decline.

Some of these are probably the foods you love most, anything? Check it out here.

1. Butter

Butter is also a saturated fat and eating too much butter can decrease cognitive function, both short-term memory, as well as long-term memory.

Replace butter with olive oil for better brain health, because the fatty acids contained in it can reduce the risk of dementia. In addition, some studies have also shown that replacing the use of saturated fats with vegetable fats and whole grains can reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Cheese

Sources of concentrate from saturated fat, full fat milk should be consumed to a minimum, because it can cause inflammation in the brain.

A high-fat diet with cheese can also cause inflammation in other parts of the body and damage the hypothalamus area, the part of the brain that regulates weight.

3. Red meat

Red meat plays an important role in the buildup of plaque in the brain that can cause oxidative damage by free radicals and inflammation.

If you like to eat beef, pork, lamb, or processed meat, such as bacon, sausage and chicken skin, reduce the fat, to prevent brain inflammation.


by @aa9


As I know that cheese was good for our healthy. It was contain great calcium for our body. But that was right if we consume the cheese too much, it was bad for our healthy. Thanks fot sharing a use

Same same

I knew of these foods being a problem in other areas regarding health, such like the heart and too much fat etc but the brain is a new one for me... Interesting and thank you for sharing

Thank you very much for sharing the good information like this brother. We have to know about health information like this. Just like you said that consuming butter more and more can make our buddy abnormal in weight.

Same same

Thanks for sharing yhe useful healthy information sir. I agreed with you, that red meat has an important role in the buildup of plaque in our brain that can cause oxidative damage, when the meet was not burn enough, it was not clean to eat.

Oke friend

Good information to keep in mind😀

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