Various Types of Benign Tumors Based on Their Location| Wed Jul 25 2018 01:40:00 GMT+0700 (WIB)

in #health-status6 years ago

Tumors are cells that grow at excessive speed and have no function whatsoever for the body. Tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign. Unlike cancer, benign tumors do not invade surrounding tissue and do not spread to other parts of the body.

Usually, cells will grow and divide to form new cells when the body needs. When the old cells in the body have become old and die, the cells will be replaced with new ones.

But sometimes, this cell turnover process is not working as it should. There are times when the old cell does not die when it is time, and new cells grow even when they are not needed. These excess cells can divide without stopping until they form tumors. Tumors in the body there are benign but some are ferocious.

Benign tumors will not invade surrounding tissue and do not spread to other body parts. In general, benign tumors are harmless and grow slowly. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Benign tumors can grow to a size large enough or are found near blood vessels, brain, nerves, or organs to suppress these vital structures. As a result, benign tumors can turn into serious so sometimes require special care.

Based on its location, benign tumors can be classified into several types, namely:

  • Lipoma, the most common type of benign tumor is found. Lipomas usually grow on body fat cells. They are often found on the back, shoulders, arms, or neck. Lipoma can be identified by its features such as round shape, smooth surface, and can be moved slightly under the skin. Treatment with steroids or surgery may be performed if the lipomas grow too fast or begin to show pain.

  • Nevi, also known as a mole and very commonly formed in the skin. The color ranges from pink and brown, to brown or black. However, be careful if the moles on your skin look different from normal (change shape, size and color, the limits of moles are not firm, moles feel itchy or start bleeding). Moles with these conditions have a higher risk of developing melanoma skin cancer.

  • Fibroids or fibroma, grown in fibrous tissue in organs. This type of benign tumor is most commonly present in the uterus until it is known as uterine fibroids. Although harmless, uterine fibroids can cause severe vaginal bleeding, voiding disorders, and hip pain.

  • Adenoma, a tumor formed in epithelial tissue lining the gland. The most common type of benign adenoma is polyps in the large intestine, but it is also possible to grow in the liver, adrenal gland, pituitary gland (under the brain), or thyroid gland. Surgery may be needed in some cases.

  • Mioma, a type of tumor that grows in muscles. The myoma can also grow in the smooth muscle of the uterus or blood vessel wall. To cure this type of benign tumor, surgery can be done or depreciation with drugs.

  • Hemangioma, accumulation of blood vessel cells in the skin or internal organs. Generally, hemangiomas appear as birthmarks that are red or bluish.

  • Meningiomas, benign tumors that develop in the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Treatment varies depending on location and symptoms.

  • Neuroma, a benign tumor that grows in the nerves. This type of tumor can usually be treated with procedures

  • Osteochondroma, a benign bone tumor that usually presents with features of a lump in the joint area (for example knee or shoulder). Surgery may be needed if this benign tumor causes symptoms such as pain or pressure on the nerves or blood vessels.

  • Papilloma, a benign tumor that grows in epithelial tissue on the skin, cervix, breast canal, or mucous membranes that cover the inside of the eyelids (conjunctiva). These tumors can be caused by direct contact with infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV). In some cases surgery may be done to rule out the possibility of cancer.

In many cases, benign tumors do not require treatment. Doctors may only monitor to make sure the tumor does not cause problems. However, if symptoms of the problem begin to appear, surgery will likely be needed to remove the benign tumor without damaging the surrounding tissue.
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tumor a serious problem in the world of mankind.

Yeah, scared

Many People actually admire naevi on their skins cos its subtle tumour.

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