My Health Status Update | Thu Sep 20 2018 01:43:33 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

in #health-status6 years ago


Such a great response I never expected from people specially related to dental concern. Hats Off to you all concern about your dental health.

Continue Further, to with our topic of dental anatomy,, Lets talk about layers of teeth and the difference between decideous(milk teeth) and permanent teeth.

Layers of teeth:

A tooth is basicalky composed of 4 layers namely:

  • Enamel

  • Dentin

  • Pulp

  • Cementum

Did you know? Most hardest tissue of human body is "Dental Enamel" but on the other haand its very easy to fracture though being hardest material.

The Dentin forms the second layer of the tooth and is responsible for the senstivity to cold objects when a tooth is exposed in oral cavity due to caries.

The Dental Pulp forms the 3rd layer and innermost layer of the tooth and is the main reason for complete senstivity to cold and hot objects.

Some Facts about human teeth

  • Enamel is most strongest boney tissue but, more prone to fracture

  • Enamel is composed of crystals which are hard at the centre and week towards the periphary.

  • The Dentin is soft as compared to enamel and is responsible for senstivity to cold objects.

  • The dental pulp the innermost layer of the teeth and is resposible to senstivity to hot and cold objects.

  • Mild to moderate damage to the pulp results in formation tertiarry or reparative dentin, the defense mechanism of tooth to bacterial invasion.

The cementum performs the role of anchoring tooth in the boney socket called alveoli.

It is because of the cementum the extraction and the orthodontic treatment takes place comfortably without causing much discomfort to the Patient.

Posted from myAirClinic Healthcare App. Download Android App on Google PLAYSTORE!


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