My Urinalysis Record 20190124 我的尿液分析记录 | Thu Jan 24 2019 21:14:27 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)

in #health-status6 years ago

Previous Records

2018 Dec || 2018年12月

pH continuous.pngpH Time of the Day.png

YearMonthDayHourMinuteVolume (mL)pHTDS (ppm)Remarks
2019010101552206.5515150cold red tea, strawberry flavored soft drink
20190101034531006.12tapioca chips
2019010109181305.6224800FU; SLP: 0400, WK: 0703, Iced coffee and red tea, kuey tiao spicy, Sotong, PaMo
2019010113021556.30艾灸: 0940 to 1035, iced coffee and red tea
2019010118381755.94KFC Snack Plate E
2019010121121656.54CLOUDY; Vermicelli + pork balls + coriander + sesame oil + white pepper powder, orange
2019010123111005.94orange, cold red tea
2019010200461006.67CLOUDY SLIGHTLY; PaMo, Hot shower
2019010210052055.3426800FU; SLP: 0053, WK: 0957
2019010213111855.17Roti lembing + butter, PaMo: 1043, 艾灸: 1102 to 1310
2019010220351105.18ALR Banana Leaf Tosai x2, Teh Ais, 1 urine, kuey chap, Iced Liang Teh, Iced coffee and red tea
201901022252955.58sesame chicken soup
2019010301461055.35tapioca chips, keropok, cold red tea
2019010309481605.3128450FU; SLP: 0149, WK: 0820, iced coffee and red tea
2019010316212356.20艾灸: 1003 to 1120, iced coffee and red tea, three eggs porridge, iced coffee and red tea, NAP: 1454 to1552, cold red tea
2019010317101005.93paler yellow
2019010322441206.30CLOUDY slightly; hot shower, keropok, tapioca chips, cold red tea, San Yau Kee plain-boiled chicken rice, orange 1
2019010400141156.72CLOUDY; hot shower, cold red tea
2019010409202405.2832250FU; SLP: 0500 to 0845
2019010412221305.59iced coffee and red tea, PaMo, three eggs porridge, Chee Cheong Fan 3x curry, PaMo
201901041450805.51艾灸: 1247 to 1410, hot shower
2019010420381155.85CLOUDY slightly; 1 urine, Taman Rinting Mydin Ais Kacang, Mee goreng Mamak, coleslaw, French fries, cold red tea
2019010422581406.73CLOUDY, cold red tea, vermicelli + tofu skin + sesame
2019010509202405.8131650FU; SLP: 0259 - 0914
2019010512341056.36iced coffee and red tea, fried kuey tiao, fried Mee, mee Siam
201901051438906.81CLOUDY; 艾灸: 1242 to 1411
2019010520002206.79CLOUDY; hot shower, Tong Yuen, San Yau Kee chicken rice, cold red tea, orange 1.5x, Tong Yuen
2019010601112206.46CLOUDY; hot shower
2019010612183305.3830550FU ; tapioca chips, SLP: 0323 to 1014, iced coffee and red tea, Mee Siam
2019010616251105.68PaMo, iced coffee and red tea, porridge + eggs 3x, kale borecole 橄榄菜 , 艾灸: 1528 to 1625
2019010618411206.40hot shower
2019010620401105.55nasi Lemak + luncheon meat + cucumber + fried egg, porridge (rice + cereal) + three layer pork + mushroom + kale borecole 橄榄菜
2019010700201006.10orange 1x
2019010710102805.1335700FU; SLP: 0157 to 0738, Iced coffee and red tea, Taman Melodies Roti Kosong 2x + chicken curry + fish curry
201901071841655.36PaMo, go Pelangi Mall, PaMo
201901071432905.42艾灸: 1233 to 1330
201901071743655.151500: hot shower, NAP: 1530 - 1600, tapioca chips, three layer pork cold
201901072128105cold red tea, Taman Century Pasar malam Fried Carrot cake 菜头粿,fried Mee Hoon, fried noodle
2019010810082705.7824900FU; SLP: 0102 - 0333, strawberry flavored carbonated soft drink, SLP: 0455 - 1004
2019010814081205.88iced coffee and red tea, 艾灸: 1200 - 1300
2019010819192706.45CLOUDY; bread + butter, Iced coffee and red tea, KSL KFC Super Jimat Snacker Box
2019010822452006.31CLOUDY; Yuen Yong 鸳鸯, cold red tea
2019010901301306.80CLOUDY; PaMo, 1 urine, hot shower
2019010910531705.4129050FU; SLP: 0215 - 0956, iced coffee and red tea
2019010913231005.56PaMo, 艾灸: 1116 - 1230
2019010918502106.27hot shower, iced coffee and red tea, 世纪信利 wanton noodle, KSL KFC super Jimat Snacker Box
2019010921221856.89CLOUDY VERY; 锡丰 Yong Tau Fu, cold red tea
2019010923092057.27CLOUDY VERY; cold red tea
2019011001361807.05CLOUDY VERY; cold red tea, tapioca chips
2019011010002405.6829650FU; SLP: 0500 - 0957
2019011011461555.98PaMo, Iced coffee and red tea
2019011012161506.50Pale Yellow and clear; 艾灸中
2019011016541806.16艾灸: 1139 - 1300, SLP: 1433 - 1616
2019011022462106.48CLOUDY SLIGHTLY; pork belly, iced coffee and red tea, tapioca chips, Yong tau fu, Popiah 3x
2019011110102756.1626200FU, CLOUDY VERY; hot shower, SLP: 0148 - 0856, Iced coffee and red tea
2019011113431656.49PaMo, three eggs porridge, 艾灸: 1230 - 1330
201901111548806.45iced coffee and red tea, PaMo
2019011120212006.18tapioca chips, San Yau Kee chicken rice, cold red tea
2019011123482806.48CLOUDY VERY; cold red tea, orange 1x
2019011205282605.41FU; PaMo, hot shower, SLP: 0201 - 0528
2019011210351705.03SLP: 0630 - 1030, PaMo

*Blank entries imply measurements were not made 空白项目测量数据从缺













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Hello. Interesting stuff. May I ask why you are doing this and what is a normal pH for a person’s urine?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @streetstyle , thanks for showing interest in my work 😊

Regarding why I'm doing this, it's actually because I'm a fish farmer and I've got pH meter and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter at hands. So I thought, why not start measuring my urine pH and TDS just to see what it's like, and somehow I persist till today 😅

Normal human urine pH should be in the range of 5 to 7.5, but value below 5.5 is somewhat acidic.

Posted using Partiko Android

@bsfmalaysia thanks for the reply.

I read or heard somewhere about body pH and cancer.... not sure but I think it said something about cancer not being able to thrive in alkaline.

Have you ever tried taking a little apple cider vinegar to see what effect that has on your pH? Many people into health consume apple cider vinegar for it’s health benefit
And supposedly making your body more alkaline helps prevent cancer. It would be interesting to test if pH is affected by consuming Apple Cider Vinegar. Thanks fir your time!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @streetstyle the body pH - cancer theory has been debunked.

But that being said, food DOES have obvious effects on urine pH. The problem is, urine pH does not tell much about the biochemistry of our bodies. Nevertheless, when urine pH is low for a long period (say one to two weeks) of time, it's probably a good idea to switch to diets that increase urine pH and vice versa.

Many of my friends are regularly drinking apple vinegar and they find themselves feeling better. I once wanted to try it out but I just can't stand the strong acidity so gave up in the end. 😅

Posted using Partiko Android

Do you think apple cider vinegar affects the pH of the body (skin test?) as well as that of urine?

Also, what do tou think of alkaline water? Just a gimmick??

Posted using Partiko iOS

Absolutely! I would love to see people conduct such researches and report on the observations. 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

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