#FOOD # 5 of the series of 30 healthy foods to lose weight#

in #healt6 years ago

Hello community

The food number 5 of this series will surprise many that is included in this list of healthy foods to lose weight and it is because most people and dietitians remove it from the diet for being a carbohydrate, but today I'm going to give reasons and a trick so that you can eat it even if you want to lose weight. I'm talking about RICE, so keep reading my healthy arguments for this nutritious and popular food.


Today I bring you a very special food that we like very much to Latin Americans and especially adored by Asians, but usually when we seek to lose weight or eat healthier we usually leave out because we have the impression and in general there is a popular belief that fattening and it is not necessarily like that.

Rice is associated with weight gain and it is mainly because it is very rich in starch, or carbohydrates and basically its energy contribution comes from there, and we also know that when we decrease a bit the carbohydrates in the diet we automatically lose weight. But, what about rice, if it is a food that is rich in carbohydrates, and has a bit of protein but really very little, but among all the carbohydrate foods that we usually consume rice is one of the best and most healthier actually, because it is a whole grain and is mostly consumed in this way and we do not eat it as much in flour.

Usually the other refined carbohydrates are usually flours. In the post of the series published yesterday (below I leave the link in case you have not read yet) we talked a little bit about the GLICEMIC INDEX because rice is a food that has high IG over 90 of 100. Eating whole or rice versions that have lower GIs are a good option, like basmati rice for example or rice varieties that are used in Asian food in general are usually a bit more healthy in terms of the value of the IG .

Today I bring you a very special food that we like very much to Latin Americans and especially adored by Asians, but usually when we seek to lose weight or eat healthier we usually leave out because we have the impression and in general there is a popular belief that fattening and it is not necessarily like that.

Rice is associated with weight gain and it is mainly because it is very rich in starch, or carbohydrates and basically its energy contribution comes from there, and we also know that when we decrease a bit the carbohydrates in the diet we automatically lose weight. But, what about rice, if it is a food that is rich in carbohydrates, and has a bit of protein but really very little, but among all the carbohydrate foods that we usually consume rice is one of the best and most healthier actually, because it is a whole grain and is mostly consumed in this way and we do not eat it as much in flour.

Usually the other refined carbohydrates are usually flours. In the post of the series published yesterday (below I leave the link in case you have not read yet) we talked a little bit about the GLICEMIC INDEX because rice is a food that has high IG over 90 of 100. Eating whole or rice versions that have lower GIs are a good option, like basmati rice for example or rice varieties that are used in Asian food in general are usually a bit more healthy in terms of the value of the IG.

Here is the trick that I know you will love to lower the calories to rice very much and be able to increase the amount and transform a substance that has inside that has been shown to be super healthy which is called the starch resistant and it is a type of starch that we do not absorb, that is, we do not digest it when we eat. This type of starch is not absorbed in the small intestine and as it behaves like a fiber, it is basically a type of fiber and it has been shown that this type of fiber also has prebiotic effects, that is, once it is in the small intestine as it is not absorbed, not digested stays there and is fermented and serves as food to the beneficial bacteria of our intestine and when we have a good balance of bacteria in our intestine we have better health we have a better immune system we have better state of spirit.

People who are overweight or obese have a microbiota in the intestine that is very different from that of healthy people and with a healthy weight is now known that the role played by the intestinal flora in general health and loss of Weight is huge and important and the resistant starch helps maintain a healthy healthy intestinal flora that contributes to the burning of fat.

We can make rice so that it has a good percentage of resistant starch and bring all those benefits for health and for weight loss and also greatly reduce the calories because this manara would not be contributing energy to the body and can be decreased to in 40% the calories of the rice with this transformation towards the resistant starch.

How is it done? very easy your kitchen, cooks in the rice in the usual way, I put garlic and a little olive or coconut oil, then I place the rice and stir a few minutes, then I put 2 times the amount of rice in water or broth Vegetables I let it cook for a few minutes at high heat and when the most liquid has been absorbed, I put a lid on it and under fire to the minimum until the rice absorbs the entire liquid (this is done in Venezuela). The trick to transform it into resistant starch is that you eat it at once but you keep it in airtight glass containers in the refrigerator and consume at least an 8 hours later or the next day. You can heat it in the microwave or in a normal pot, it knows exactly the same as I assure you, when we eat it that way we are increasing the amount of resistant starch and you will have transformed part of the rice starch into a type of starch that is super beneficial for Your Health.

Ahhh an extra information you can apply the same trick to all natural starches such as: potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, cassava, that is to say all the root tubers that normally have a high GI and their energy comes from starches.
You already know you do not have to restrain yourself from eating rice if you are on a diet or you want to lose weight or if you like rice a lot and you are afraid of carbohydrate, in this way you can not only eat it but also increase its nutritional benefits.

See you tomorrow with another healthy food that will improve your health, promote weight loss in a healthy and healthy way.

If you want you can follow the previous posts of this seri of 30 healthy foods to lose weight here



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