What the coronavirus really is. The secret is the same today as it was in ancient times. Under luciferian practices the secret to get gain is to murder. The truth about all symptoms being One disease with one solution. Who tampers with the solution?

in #healing3 years ago (edited)

The interstitium is a contiguous fluid-filled space existing between a structural barrier, such as a cell wall or the skin, and internal structures, such as organs, including muscles and the circulatory system.

The fluid in this space is called interstitial fluid, comprises water and solutes, and drains into the lymph system.

The interstitial compartment is composed of connective and supporting tissues within the body – called the extracellular matrix – that are situated outside the blood and lymphatic vessels and the parenchyma of organs.

The non-fluid parts of the interstitium are predominantly collagen types I, III, and V, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans, such as hyaluronate and proteoglycans that are cross-linked to form a honeycomb-like reticulum. Such structural components exist both for the general interstitium of the body, and within individual organs, such as the myocardial interstitium of the heart, and the renal interstitium of the kidney.

The interstitial fluid is a reservoir and transportation system for nutrients and solutes distributing among organs, cells, and capillaries, for signaling molecules communicating between cells, and for antigens and cytokines participating in immune regulation.

The composition and chemical properties of the interstitial fluid vary among organs and undergo changes in chemical composition during normal function, as well as during body growth, conditions of inflammation, and development of diseases, as in heart failure and chronic kidney disease.

The total fluid volume of the interstitium during health is about 20% of body weight, but this space is dynamic and may change in volume and composition during immune responses and in conditions such as cancer, and specifically within the interstitium of tumors. The amount of interstitial fluid varies from about 50% of the tissue weight in skin to about 10% in skeletal muscle.

In people with lung diseases, heart disease, cancer, kidney disease, immune disorders, and periodontal disease, the interstitial fluid and lymph system are sites where disease mechanisms may arise or develop.

The blood and the cells purify themselves by pushing out waste into the interstitium.
The interstitium holds the waste so it can be released.
Released through urination, perspiration, respiration and defication.

Now when this builds up and the body cannot get rid of it's own waste, then it stores it in the connective tissue and fatty tissue.

So people are gaining acid when they are overweight.
Acid is a waste product of cellular breakdown.

When you look at the blood of someone who has been vaccinated by any vaccine or is taking medications. . .
if you look at the interstitial fluids, which represents 80% of the extracellular fluids then compare it to the 20% which is the vascular fluids when you have blood work done and they run it through a lab, then you have 100% of the information rather than what much of the western medical field relies on which is only 20% of info from that blood work.

For example, if someone is losing bone density. ..it is not a calcium or a bone problem. . .but the doctor cannot even tell you other than to quantify the information he/she gathers anatomically rather than at a Functional Level.

Functionally if you're testing the chemistry of interstitial fluid, what you would find is Hypercalcemia or high levels of calcium rather than low.

These high levels of calcium are coming from the interstitial waste of the bone.
In other words, the bone is being wasted in order to maintain the ph levels of the blood
because of what you're

All of these contributing factors are then being exposed to electromagnetic frequencies which destroys the red blood cells, destroys the hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin is a protein made up of four amino acid chains. Each of these chains contains heme, a compound that contains iron and transports oxygen in the bloodstream. Hemoglobin is responsible for the shape of RBCs, which usually appear like donuts—but with a thin center rather than a hole.

Hemoglobin plays a vital role in your body. It's the protein in red blood cells (RBCs) that carries oxygen from your lungs to all of your tissues and organs. As such, any abnormalities of hemoglobin levels or structure can lead to serious symptoms.

Symptoms associated with hemoglobin abnormalities can include fatigue, rapid heart rate, pale skin, and more.

The pigment in hemoglobin is responsible for the red color of blood.

Hemoglobin functions by binding and transporting oxygen from the capillaries in the lungs to all of the tissues in the body. It also plays a role in the transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body back to the lungs.1

Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide can also bind with hemoglobin. Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin much more readily than oxygen, and its presence actually prevents oxygen from binding to hemoglobin. This is why carbon monoxide poisoning is so serious.

Now don't think for one second this information and technology is Known by bad actors/luciferians/controllers or whatever you wish to call them.

It is available to not only anatoically determine, but also to bio chemically determine lactic acid levels in their interstitium.

There is an opportunity for the luciferians and those being deceived by them to learn the Truth.
Many are resistant because they have been programmed to discount the truth.

It's a chance to Embrace truth as the entire cause of this pandemic has been ignorance.

The treatment is Common Sense.

If people go back to who they truly are. . .spiritual beings having a physical experience to learn and grow in this world of duality. . .we have to understand ALL have lessons to learn and generally what we haven't learned keeps cropping up and being thrown back in our paths.

Truth is on Our side.
The real God, living God, one True God is truth!

How do I know?
He says it Right Here. . .

John 14:6
King James Version
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Fluid has to be inside or outside of cells. . .intracellular and extracellular

Extracellular is divided into

  • Intravascular. . .fluid inside the blood vessels

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  • interstitial fluid outside the blood vessels

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Interstitial fluid
Bathes the outside of the blood vessels
Makes up about 3/4 of the extracellular fluid

What interstitial fluid contains

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Solutes include. . .
Salt Acids
Electrolytes. . .
An electrolyte is a substance that produces an electrically conducting solution when dissolved in a polar solvent, such as water.

  • an element or compound that breaks up into ions when dissolved in fluid.

Most common electrolytes
Na sodium
Cl- chloride
Ca calcium
HCO3- bicarbonate

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The genesis of sickness and disease according to Dr. Robert Stone begins in the interstitial fluid.

Think the fluid around the cells in organs, glands, blood
Inside the blood vessels you have plasma

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Plasma secrets it's waste through hydrostatic pressure out into the interstitial fluid.
The interstitial fluids of the interstitium, hold that fluid until it can be eliminated through the lymphatic system.. .
out through he pores of the skin or urination.

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This is why it is important that if you don't have the ability for an interstitial fluid test, you can test your urine, which is a product of your interstitial fluid.

The ph of your urine is a direct indicator of what's going on with your interstitial fluid.

People test throughout the day to get an indicator as it is the interstitial fluid that is saturating your cells.

Here is why this is important. . .
If you stay in decompensated acidosis which is anything below a ph of 7.2, this will then present cellular breakdown, genetic mutation which will lead to symptomologies.

One of the symptomologies such as in the corona effect
because once your cells are bathed in the blood or in the body fluids, such as the interstitial fluids. . .
if these cells are bathed in acidity it deteriorates the membrane causing. . .

the Corona Effect
That's what this is. ..not an Infection, but rather an Outfection!

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The Spiking of the body cell is evidence of like a ball of string coming unraveled.
The Spiking is a degenerative condition. . .
not because of infection, but rather a
pollution in the solution
Metabolic acids. . .
Two of the major acids the body tries to eliminate

  • Lactic Acid
  • Citrus Acid

This is why he doesn't recommend taking Vitamin C as it's a contributor to polluting the interstitial fluids.

When you're looking at these fluids, the ideal ph is anything above 7.2

If you are in a healing crisis where the body is trying to remove it's waste
to the pores of the skin
to the orifices of the body
the body will induce a fever
because the body will do everything it can to remove waste in order to preserve the integrity of the blood, because if the blood ph drops below 7.1 you go into a coma.

At 6.9 or even in an alkaline environment 7.11 or 6.9 you die.
You see, we're talking about a .20 difference.

** This is why Hydroxychloroquine works!**
It infuses alkalinity into the interstitial fluids
and raises the intracellular ph up to the ideal ph of 7.3 to 7.635

So by .20 supporting it giving the body a chance to recover from it's own poisoning. . .systemic poisoning.

Here is what acid looks like in the blood and what happens to body cells.

Here is an acid that has been crystallized

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The yellow crystals are liquids from eating proteins.

One of the worst things you can do if your ph is off is eat the fiber, blood and tissues from any animal.
Because it produces these sulfuric, uric acid crystals which then end up

The uric acid crystals can end up crystalizing and cause circulation problems.

You can also see white targets inside the cells of this blood slide. . .they are deficiencies in hemoglobin and the loss of hemoglobin.

One of the two top buffers to neutralize acids is . . .whether it be from alcohol, black tea, titanium dioxide, hydrogen arsenic, carbon monoxide. . .

The brownish orange you see in the slide is from an antibiotic, so you can tell this person was on an antibiotic.

Theoretically antibiotics kill the germ, but it pollutes the solution to your pollution so actually working Against what you need.

So it's pollution in your solution making the body have to crystallize it. . . thus not solving the problem at all.

This is Not the Correct solution to the pollutions we are being confronted with.

The number one acid that causes cancer is lactic acid

Note normal healthy blood on the left
In the middle is an acid crystal of lactic acid
What does lactic acid feel like?
Overexercise, wrong kinds of foods, any pain is a reflection of your body's ability to remove it's own waste.

**Lactic Acid is also the number one cause of SARS
which is Severe Respiratory Acute Syndrome

Since we know the pathology. . .it's no longer a syndrome.
We know that acids are the culprit that are polluting the interstitial fluids of the lung
causing cellular breakdown
and the deterioration of the membrane genetic mutation
thus giving birth to exosome

Exosome, nano-sized vesicle secreted from cells that contains any of various biomolecules, such as proteins or nucleic acids. Intercellular communication by exosomes plays a critical role in the regulation of physiological processes.

According to pubmed

Exosomes are nano-sized biovesicles released into surrounding body fluids upon fusion of multivesicular bodies and the plasma membrane. They were shown to carry cell-specific cargos of proteins, lipids, and genetic materials, and can be selectively taken up by neighboring or distant cells far from their release, reprogramming the recipient cells upon their bioactive compounds.

acids are the culprit that are polluting the interstitial fluids of the lung
causing cellular breakdown
and the deterioration of the membrane genetic mutation. ..

Giving birth to Spiking Cells
Giving birth to Corona Cells

Cells do not look like this in your body.
Dr. Robert Young has been to 150 countries and tested hundreds of thousands of people.

See more verification for his credentials here, and with him offering a natural solution through homeostasis balancing...ask yourself why he is targeted by a bloated industry that profits greatly off of the ailments of humanity?

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice was established in 2015 by a treaty signed by thousands of living souls across the globe. It is a law court and jurisdiction founded on the principles of Natural Justice, committed to the restoration of the rule of law. Its Judicial Commission of Inquiry into The Weaponisation of the Biosphere was held in Bali in June 2019.

From God's Mouth to OUR Ears - Are YOU Listening? The Testimony in Bali of Dr. Robert O Young

This is at the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponization of the Biosphere.

If people just had an opportunity to look at their blood and see what is actually happening they would know.

Check symptoms
You can do a self check.

  1. When you wake up in the morning take out your ph hydrant paper and test your urine
    If it's below 7.2 take an alkalizing dose to adjust that.

What is the number one buffer that is being manufactured in the human body?

The compound is called sodium bicarbonate.

The organ that produces it that is on the front line of immunity is the stomach.

The stomach is not an organ of digestion, but rather an organ of contribution
that gives you on a daily basis amounts of sodium bicarbonate
produced by receiving salt. . .

Now who is telling us that salt is bad for us and that we are eating too much salt?

Water. . .clean pristine alkaline water is needed, but it is being polluted. Why?

The last one is carbon dioxide.

How do we make carbon dioxide?


When the stomach has those three ingredients it can produce sodium bicarbonate

Who created lockdowns and discouraged you from exercise and clean air making you more sedentary if you listened to them, make you more susceptible to diseases by not getting what you really need?

The stomach cannot keep up with the pollution people are putting into their mouths.

It can't keep up with the high acidic lifestyle.

It can't keep up with what you are

These symptoms which incorporates the whole into
One Sickness. . .over acidification of the blood
One Disease. . .the interstitial fluid. . .the largest organ of the body called the interstitium, due to an inverted way of living. . .so Change needs to be the model people adopt.

One Treatment
so Change needs to be the model people adopt.
So for each person. . .they need to say, "I must be the change I want to see because I am the cause of all my sickness and disease.


When you own that and look at all of these symptoms and realize there is only
ONE sickness
ONE Disease
ONE Treatment. . .is to Alkalize to support the alkaline design of the human body fluids
To support the stomach by ingesting salt
by eliminating sugar. . .That's the Duality!

You have a choice!

As a transformer, a coach, a trainer. . .it's about training and teaching people how to maintain the physicality of their bodies, so that their spirit which is integrated in a colloidal system between two energy fields
One that wants to limit and just exist and partake of what appears to be good even if just short term
and another that wants to experience All that life has so that humanity can have joy that is everlasting.

The whole etiology that there is This disease and That disease that have to be treated with a mirage of different confusing medicines is nothing more than profit!

See here for more in depth information on the background of this. . .


Do you know what the Great and Abominable Secret is?

I can Kill
I can maim
I can steal
that which has been earned by another
and take their wealth from them
take their production and I can have it for myself.

Who is a prime example of this?

Think Bill Gates.
His wealth increased in the last 10 months by 10 billion dollars.

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So where Did that money come from?

It looks like many of wealthy people got a Whole lot richer during the pandemic.
So what is the deal with that. ..and if "progressives" are so against wealthy billionaires, why do they support so many elite globalists? Weird right?


What did God say?

Matthew 7
Matthew 7:16-23
King James Version
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


So under the Gates and Fauci plan many people are dying.
They are not dying from a virus, but rather a pollution within the solution of the biological entity our Creator in whose image we are created after made to be self healing.

What happens when the solution to disease is polluted?

How are they polluted?
Various ways.
Who did Gates partner with. . .Monsanto, big pharma, gmo foods.

What does he push? Vaccines.
Bill Gates states, "We're taking things that are, Genetically Modified Organisms and we're injecting them into little kids arms, we just shoot 'em right into the vein."

Bill Gates wants to depopulate using Vaccines


Are these globalist elites practicing a great luciferian old practice?
The Great and Vulnerable, the Great and Abominable?

Carried out by Cain when he slew Abel
Went on with the Babylonians and goes on today.

The secret does Not change
The secret to get gain is to murder!

See more information on what occurred to keep healing and a cure out of people's hands.
For those of you familiar with Bards FM, this is a conversation with Dr. Lee Merritt on May7, 2021

Scott Kesterson, Bards, (SK) Dr. Lee Merritt, (LM)

What is the bioweapon that we are facing?

LM: I trained at Rochester, NY, and I am an orthopedic and spinal surgeon by profession. I was semi-retired and now completely retired from orthopedics when this whole thing started. I was a military surgeon for 10 years and I served on NRAC which is a congressional subcommittee which looked at defense strategies and technologies for the Navy. By law they had to have a physician on the committee…

LM: When this whole thing started, I was appalled. Before Trump ever mentioned hydroxychloroquine (hdxq) doctors all over the world were watching this disease come across Asia and into Lombardy, Italy and we were communicating with each other. I was on emails with doctors in France, with Zalenko, and all these people dealing with sick people and how they were figuring this out. We knew about hdxq and I thought ‘we’ve got this.’ Then Trump mentioned it and then there was a sudden back-pedaling. 5 governors criminalized the use of it.

LM: I researched the literature and found that we had known since 1974 that we had treatment for viral illnesses. I want to point out what a big cosmic shakeup that is for medicine. I started medical school in 1976. I may have missed this; they were doing research and may not have figured it out as there is a lag in what we know and how we practice medicine. I’ll give them credit in how they didn’t teach it to me.

LM: I asked my son who is a recently admitted general surgeon and now in training in fellowship if he had ever heard in all his training that we could treat viruses with anti-microbial agents. I am not talking about these weird anti-virals that we use for herpes and other things. I am talking about real treatment like we treat bacteria. They always taught us that we could not treat viruses because they did not have a cell wall.

LM: Bacteria have cell walls and we can punch holes in them with penicillin, etc. and kill them. We were never told it was possible to do this with viruses and they knew this for a long time. I asked a friend of mine who is a 40-year professor of medicine in a major university if he had heard about this. Even if they are not using them you hear about things in research. He had heard nothing… this is a huge cover-up and you cannot hide this information easily. They suppressed medical literature, basic science literature and research, they suppressed medical school and pharmaceutical school teaching, publications and journals. It’s amazing.

LM: The other thing was the masks. The reason I got propelled into this thing is I went to city council to protest the mask mandate in Omaha, Nebraska. I don’t think they cared about the data. They should care about the children. It’s tragic what they are doing to children. I lived in a mask for 40 years. I can research the science about masks and I know about masks.

Everything they are telling you is a complete lie. It is not just a lie about the masks, but the nature of reality that justifies them saying about the masks. We live in an information matrix. It is not medical and we are being manipulated about our world view so we can believe all this… that is how I got into all this.

SK: what exactly is covid. Dr. Carrie Madej says there is not a strain they are holding but they are developing a ‘cure’ with a CRSPR mRNA genetic modifying input into our bodies. What exactly are we dealing with? Is this natural occurring, man-made or just a flu virus?

LM: that is a good question and science usually becomes clearer with time. Take Legionnaire’s for example. I had a friend who was instrumental in figuring that out. Essentially, we do research, we look at the pathology of the dead people from the disease, we put together the data and we clarify what is going on. None of that was done. I don’t think this is by accident.

LM: As you go into this more and more you find out that maybe the corona virus that we are dealing with was patented. People have been researching and for some reason the corona virus is the neat, genetic darling of the gene manipulators…the guys in the virology labs like Ralph Barrick and Dr. Xi from the Wuhan labs. For some reason the corona virus has a lot of properties that they really like and they like to manipulate it and mix it with other viruses and create these chimeric monsters.

LM: It is shocking how long this has been going on all over the world. It is also shocking that we funded it, no question about that. I really think the NIH is at the heart of this as well as Ralph Barrick, Frank Plummer who is now dead, and there is a lot of finger pointing to go around. We don’t exactly know the whole point but I would say that there is a lot of manipulation that makes this very unclear. I used to think we knew that corona virus in nature just caused a cold, but then it was manipulated in a lab. The spike protein of the corona virus was manipulated by what is called adding a fur and cleavage site that allowed it to get into your pathways.

LM: Humans have H2 pathways in their bodies and once these got genetically manipulated, this once nothing-burger virus now can get in and damage your brain, your lungs, your liver, attach to your fat cells which is why obese people go down. It seemed for a while that it was getting clearer and we kind of knew who was at risk. It was obese people and people with low vitamin D. Those are the 2 big risk factors. Being black is probably related to the low Vitamin D.

LM: We have known for decades that Vitamin D helps you fight off viruses. If you have low Vitamin D you are more at risk. When this came out it appeared to be a bi-modal disease and most people just walked away from it. Even in China the vast majority of people didn’t die. They didn’t even get seriously ill. They got a cold or a flu like illness and they walked away from it. But a small percentage ended up in the ICU or dead.

LM: I kept thinking if the CDC really cared about us they would look at this. Won’t they figure out what the difference is between the two groups of people? We really need to know and if they did it, they kept it silent. The Indonesians did and they looked at the 800 people in their hospitals with covid. Then they looked at who was going to the ICU and dying. They tried to look at factors that made a difference and the biggest factor was Vitamin D levels. If your D level was above 30 you had less than a 4.2% chance of ending up in the ICU or dead.

LM: That is a pretty big piece of information. Vitamin D is cheap. We have a global problem with Vitamin D levels of people who don’t live naked on the equator. In Scotland they give away Vitamin D for free from the public health service to people who want it. They know that getting your Vitamin D level up decreases the burden on the national health service. It helps everything—cancer, infection, everything. Why in America do our institutes not tell us about it and literally tell us that we don’t need to take Vitamin D supplements? The 400 you get from multi-vitamin is okay.

LM: I am telling you as an orthopedic surgeon that is a flat out lie. I see people with adult rickets all the time.
Rickets was that childhood disease that gave people deformities and we saw it from people like my dad in the depression who got it because they didn’t have a good diet. And there was a lack of them being out in the sun. It is a bad thing; it’s easy to treat.

Adults take 10,000 units a day, or even 5,000 units a day and we are being told to take 400 units a day. They have set us up for this and they have totally lied to us about a lot of things and that is a big one. I think it’s getting more confusing that we don’t know what is going on biologically.

But it’s getting clearer politically…this is not just a viral outbreak. This is a world-wide attack on humanity. I used to not say that as I didn’t want to sound like a crazy crackpot, but it appears to be this. I am not going to back down from that now.

This is about controlling us.

LM: The masks don’t stop viruses and when you see the nonsensical things like wearing a mask 6 feet into a restaurant, and when you are 6 feet in you can sit at your table and you are safe. But if you have to go to the bathroom you have to put the mask back on to walk past several tables with unmasked people.

This is not contagion control, especially when you take this dirty mask off. You put this on your dining table and you touch everything with your dirty hands.

This is insane and that is not contagion control. That is what Albert Viedermann, a psychologist said. It is part of his chart of coercion of how you get people to obey you.

One way is enforcing nonsensical, trivial demands. You cannot trust your life decisions to these people who would believe in that. It’s crazy.

SK: what you are saying we are seeing all the time. Even the recent statement by the DC mayor that now people cannot dance at a wedding…

LM: or sing at church…

SK: the stupidity of these rules is unbelievable but there is something going on now. They have gotten people to accept these injections.

It is almost as if they have created a transmissible injection of some fashion and there is something now that is having some real consequences. This SARS COV2 is more like a flu and they have created something out of nothing and now when you get the injection you become toxic.

LM: exactly and I think you just nailed what is really going on here.
This is a huge psychological operation against humans and they really don’t want you to have treatment.

We know a lot about treatment and prevention now. There are always good things that come out of warfare like prosthetic devices from Vietnam and Iraq. Now we have learned a lot about viral treatment and prevention from this.

Unfortunately it is all being censored. And they blew up 2 precursor plants for hdxq on the same day last year—one in Mexico and one in Illinois.

And they just torched…you can’t say that 3 plants spontaneously combusted, one in Taiwan that was the 2nd largest hdxq plant on the planet. And they hounded this couple in Canada who were making and distributing it cheaply. It is unbelievable and they really don’t want you to have treatment.

let me interject
Instead they do things like this and Double down. If you go and do a simple search as I did in duck duck go you will find this. . .

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My question is WHY are they begging this, yet they are fine with a jab that is only considered experimental? A jab that has been halted at times? Did you see them begging you Not to take that or quite the opposite?

LM: But they have used a huge psychological operation against us to create the kind of panic that gets people to flock to take these experimental jabs. What is this all about? The psychological operation works like this and you can look at Dr. Biderman ‘s chart of coercion. He looked at Korean war veterans that came back who were brainwashed, Manchurian candidates. They came back kind of turned against America. He was tasked by the US government to look at these people and figure out what this was about. Did they poison them? What did they do?

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LM: He said it was just standard psychological operations. If you want people to be obedient to you and do what you say the first thing that you do is to isolate them. That was the lockdowns. Then you monopolize their perception and just think of the censorship and the constant bombardment of mainstream media telling us that we are all going to die. This is not true for a world-wide disease last year that was 99.92% survivable.

LM: You create fear and if you add confusion to the fear, you get anxiety. The confusion was Dr. Fauci. He would say we shouldn’t wear masks as that was just for medical people. Then he would say that we needed to wear a mask all the time, and then he said, on no, it is just there so you don’t touch your face. The New England Journal of Medicine had an article that said it really doesn’t protect the medical people but it acts as a talisman …it acts as an occult symbol and they admit it. The talisman makes them ‘feel more protected.’

LM: How crazy is all this? Now you have to wear multiple masks and then he changed it the next day and said that was not true. He is the doctor of confusion. When you add confusion to people who are afraid then they have anxiety and people will do anything to get out of anxiety including taking an experimental, unapproved genetic agent that has never been used on humans before. Keep in mind that these so-called vaccines are not vaccines. They are genetic agents have never been used and this technology has never been used. There are chemicals in there that we have never used on humans before.

LM: We know that some of these chemicals have known toxicities and they have never worked out very well. They don’t have to tell us in the Experimental Use Authorization (EUA) that goes through the FDA at this point because it is an experiment. They don’t have to list all the ingredients.

LM: So let’s get this right. People who will not buy the first edition of a car line because they are worried the bugs haven’t been worked out, are willing to stand in line and be experimented upon. They don’t know anything about the ‘vaccine’ and their doctors don’t know anything about the ‘vaccine.’ Quite frankly, this is what really upsets me about my own profession. Physicians are not looking at the data themselves; they are just respecting authority and marching along like little German shock troopers saying ‘you will get your vaccine because the CDC guidelines say to do that ‘

LM: You better read what is in this stuff because doctors are morally culpable here. They don’t really know what is in it and I know that because we tried to know what is in it. A bunch of us from the America’s Frontline Doctors got together electronically and we tried to hash this out. We just don’t know completely how this works because they don’t give you enough information. So somebody at the top of the research arm are the only people that really know what this is about. The point is that this is an unknown, untried thing and people have been set up to take it.

LM: We are already seeing incredible problems. Before I get into the secondary complications I will tell you that I have been studying VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Event Reporting System. In this system you can look up various things. You can look up by symptoms so the first thing I looked up just to see how this compared to previous vaccinated years was to look at total deaths. The VAERS looks at total vaccine deaths. I looked at the total deaths from all vaccines put together in 2021 and compared it to the 3 years before.

LM: 1st quarter of 2018 there were 12 deaths reported in VAERS’ in 2019 there were 18 deaths. In 2020 there were 23 deaths (same quarter). In 2021 there were 2917 deaths. 99% of them were the Covid Vaccine and 1% were all the other vaccines put together. I looked up thrombo-cytopenia—remember the doctor down in Florida, the 56 year old OB-GYN doctor who died of no platelets. That is what thrombo-cytopenia means – you have lost the platelets in your blood stream that plug holes in your arteries and veins to keep you from bleeding out. You have to have platelets and you usually have 150,000 and that doctor had zero. This is not anything we have ever seen before.

LM: We know about ITPP, idiopathic thrombocytic peniperpura, but they don’t act like this. We can always support people, keep them alive, until we figure things out and more than half reverse themselves. So thrombocytopenia in 2018 was a total of 2, 2019 was a total of 2, 2020 was a total of 2, and 2021is 94 (comparing 1st quarters). Here’s the 2nd point. The VAERS is supposed to give you safety signals and according to the CDC they say VAERS is designed to rapidly detect unusual or unexpected patterns of events, also known as safety signals.

LM: Compared to the 1st quarter of the previous 3 years, vaccine deaths have increased over 12,000% and 99% of those deaths are Covid vaccinations. All other vaccinations total 1%. We have passed the threshold where safety signals need to be taken seriously by medical authorities. They are not looking at this and here is a kicker…talk about transmission. Whatever they have done, not only are people dying, and I just pulled out seizures and neurologic deaths. We have young people just dropping over dead in the hospital. A 23-year- old guy works in a hospital and took the vaccine. 4 days later he was found dead on the floor. He had no medical problems.

LM: This is way beyond anything we have ever let happen and not stopped it. We recently had a one-month-old baby breast feeding from the mother. The mother took the 2nd Pfizer shot and the baby died of thrombocytopenia. That means the child lost all its platelets…this was from the breast milk. That case alone should cause the CDC and the FDA to say hold on, what is going on here? They are telling pregnant women to go ahead and get this shot. I ran the numbers on miscarriages and it’s up 16,000% in VAERS this year.

LM: They tell people it is okay to get this (shot) when you are pregnant or breast feeding. This is unbelievable and now they are giving this to children. Keep in mind that Oxford University said that children have less of a chance of dying from Covid than they do of lightning strikes. Why on earth would you give your child an experimental genetic agent that might alter their genome for the rest of their lives? For what? A disease they don’t die from? So do you see the psychological operation here? We have convinced people to literally experiment on their own children. This is a tragedy beyond words.

LM: And what started as a trickle about a month ago and now it’s a flood, an avalanche. I’ll give you exact stories because people talk to doctors. A woman who works in a salon is the only unvaccinated person and when all the other people started getting vaccinated she had flu-like symptoms that she couldn’t get over. At first we thought, ‘how could that be?’ I had to talk to Judy Mikovits about this and she said she didn’t think it could be shedding the virus. She thought it is reactivating latent viruses in the recipients’ genomes. So when a person gets a vaccine it allows for their own native viruses to be expressed.

LM: Keep in mind that these so-called vaccines, these RNA agents should not theoretically get into your DNA. People ask if they are going to be a “GMO human.” It’s not really for that reason. But the RNA is an epigenetic controlled of DNA. In other words when you take this genetic device, this Moderna, Pfizer or whatever, mRNA technology that mRNA has the potential to control your DNA. We know that they put in there a suppressor to suppress your innate immune system so you didn’t reject the live vaccine. That is going on.

LM: We don’t know exactly how this is working, how it is transmitting. We don’t know what went through the breast milk. That should be investigated to the nth degree and we should stop this until we figure this out. The next thing we heard is that women were starting to bleed. Women who were around all these vaccinated people and are not vaccinated themselves, are suddenly after having totally normal menstrual periods are not now menstruating. Or they are having big clots, or they are having lots of blood or the cycle is not coming at the right time and it’s irregular.

See more here,

Vaccine dangers and what is really occurring

The mRNA in injections goes directly into the blood stream and invades the cells lining the blood vessels then turns them into factories that produce the spike proteins.

The technicians of Pfizer and Moderna have manufactured these spike proteins to be a powerful toxins which will dissolve cell walls.

The leucocytes will recognize these spike proteins, trace them to their source and kill the cells producing them.

Screen Shot 2021-09-24 at 1.46.57 PM.png

So if the jabs do what they were designed to do. . .in the vaccinated they will penetrate the cells in vital organs.

This can and does include the cells of the ovaries of women and the placentas of pregnant women and even the cells of infants in the womb, turning them into toxic spikes producers.

The leucocytes fight no matter what to eliminate all these spike protein producers.
This can cause a great deal of miscarriages.
If you are watching he VAERS report. . .those that Get Reported as we have had many testimonies that they do not. . .plenty have already happened.

You can use the WONDER data base for VAERS to search.
Stands for Wide-Ranging Online Data for Epidemiological Research

How to Access Data from CDC’s VAERS WONDER System

Verification you don't get all reports as they take a great deal of time and there are other various reasons named as to why medical professionals won't report.

Find VAERS right here,

WHY would this all happen when people the think the government is here to Help them?
There are those infiltrated who carry out the wishes of the evil side.
This is a WAR between Good and Evil and satan has always hated humans from the get go for all the reasons I have been telling you for years here and in my TestingTheNarrative channel on Bitchute.



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