Why do we run?

Running actually isn't required if you ever feel like joining a Hash House Harriers. There are multiple members of our groups that don't ever run. Hell, it isn't even required that you TRY to run. This most dishonorable position is normally reserved for the elderly but there's no rule that says you HAVE to run.


Some of the people who turn up to our events just have a go at doing as much of it as they can, then turn back around to the starting point in order to hang out with the other people who also turned back or were never actually going to do the runs anyway.


The only rule is that if you start drinking beer before the runners get back, you have to pay for them or bring your own. The prices we charge for runs not just here but around the world are so minimal that honestly, we probably lose money every year anyway.

You probably wouldn't choose to sit on the ice before anyone returns anyway.

As a rule, the Hares are not supposed to be on trail anyway and someone has to look after the cars while we are out running. But this is just a friendly reminder that the Hash House Harriers is not a group of super-athletic people. Hell, some of the people that turn up to our events have injuries that make it difficult to even stand up.

We are a social club first, the running part of it is just tradition.


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