The ladies get together for a rather large Bunny Hash

The Bunny Hash is the women-only Hash House Harriers chapter here in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In cities and areas all around the world there are Bunny Hash Chapters although there are far fewer of them than there are men-only or mixed Hash Chapters.

The Hash House Harriers started out as a "men only " club for the British troops stationed in Malaysia. No one there was a woman hater but it was a different time and women were seen as a distraction that would take men's minds off the task at hand. Many people would suggest that this is often still the case, but I don't digress.

In Chiang Mai we have a men only Hash that takes place on Monday and this was based solely out of tradition, not because we are sexist. There have been no complaints about this because this is not Los Angeles. Complaints of sexism or even sillier, a lawsuit attempting to force us to allow women to participate would just be laughed at by any government official or court. Keep that craziness on the other side of the pond, I say.

However, we did create a Bunny Hash that is women only in order to compensate for it not because we were forced to, but because we wanted to and there was enough estrogen-filled people to make it work.


The Bunny Hash here in Chiang Mai often doesn't have enough interest in the events for it to truly be women only, so they will regularly allow men to attend provided they are willing to be forced to wear skirts, wigs, and other such things that are all just intended to be silly and fun. A recent Bunny Hash had enough people pre-order that they banned men from attending at all and good on ya! I say.


The women in our troop are normally involved in a relationship with some other male Hasher and that is how they came to know about HHH in the first place. However, they love it just as much as the men do and some would argue, I think successfully, that many of their events are better than the ones that the men are involved in. For one thing, they always tend to have food at their events.


If you look closely you will see that men are actually in attendance but unlike other events in the past, the men had no say in what took place here and were not invited to "the circle." They had to hang out in the back and just drink beer on their own while the ladies took control and did their thing. This is because this was an outstation - meaning that it had to be driven to and was out of town, and many of the women don't have a car or driving license. We have to get them there somehow after all.


There is plenty of making fun of each other and putting people on the ice but for the most part these proceedings take place exclusively in the Thai language because all of our local female Hash members are Thai. There is no reason for them to try to accommodate other languages even though they are all capable of speaking English.


It always pleases the entire organization when the women have these events not because we don't believe they can pull it off without men helping them, but because it is nice to see them be as interested in the entire idea of Hashing as much as we are.

The Bunny Hash doesn't have events as frequently as the rest of the chapters do, but they try to work in at least one event per month. If you like the idea of a women only Hash, which to be honest tend to be much less vulgar than the men-only or mixed-group ones, you can find their upcoming events at our official website .



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