December Danger Hash

The events are still going strong here in Chiang Mai and although it is still technically the end of monsoon / rainy season, we have been getting very lucky as far as the weather is concerned. This was our first Hash for our kennel and it took place on a not rainy Thursday. The skies looked pretty threatening but not a drop fell.


There are a lot of rice paddies in the Chiang Mai suburbs and these generally work out pretty nicely for our trails because there are lots of ways to make people take the wrong path. One thing we do have to be careful about is to not damage any of the water barricades because as always, we are technically trespassing on most of our runs and if we were to damage something like that (accidentally, of course) the farmers might not be so welcoming to our returns in the future.

This run also featured a few, rather treacherous bits and these are always a welcome addition because it spices things up a bit.


Fortunately, nobody fell in and this is a very good things because that water looks skanky as hell. We had a few people that were showing off a bit and one person "took a knee" you can see the mud on it above. Everyone loves these little challenges, even the people that occasionally fall in.


This is yet another thing that we need to be very careful to be courteous about. As you can see this is just something that a farmer threw together and is in no way industrial. Therefore we are very careful to not break anything and if we ever did (it happened once) we would find the owner and pay to have it replaced. I'm sure we paid at least 3 times what it actually cost, just so there wouldn't be any hurt feelings.


The circle went down like you would expect with plenty of laughs, plenty of beers, and a whole lotta sitting your butt on a freezing ice block while being berated by your peers.


As usual the trail wasn't too long and it wasn't too short. There was no complaining about the distance because this area is not hilly and tends to be almost completely flat. It was a winner of a day with about 25 attendees which is great considering that over half of our members are currently trapped outside of the country with no chance of getting back in.


Hello chaingmai.hhh!

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