Photo: The pumpkin is ready for harvest!

in #harvest6 years ago

We are still over a month away from Halloween, but it's about time to harvest the first and only pumpkin of the season. We planted a few pumpkin plants, but only one of them survived the scorching hot summer, but then again, a single pumpkin is more than enough for an autumn harvest dinner.


I'm sure some of you are thinking that it's a bit too early to harvest it, and I would generally agree, but the problem is that they cannot really be harvested after a night where the ground freezes. It was only around 2°C last night, so it could drop below freezing point any time now, so I don't want to risk it getting spoiled after a cold night.

*Does anyone else here grow pumpkins? From what I understand, it's a vegetable that is grown and used in a lot of different cultures, especially those that celebrate Halloween. Anyway, thanks for stopping by!


pumpkin, my parents often plant the plants behind the house. :)

That's nice! Did you use it for soup or decoration?

usually the plant is served as other vegetables

Ah, that sounds nice :)

Gratulerer med fine graskar @Valth
Ser at temperaturen er slik at du må haust graskara dine litt tidleg.
Her på Vestlandet, på Stord, kom det litt snø oppe i fjella og nattemperaturen nede i låglandet var ikkje så mange plussgrader. Til vanleg plar me venta til oktober før me får dei første frostnettene.

Takk for det. Ja, kulden kom ganske tidlig i år. Det kan jo hende at det tar en liten stund før den dykker under 0, men jeg tør ikke ta sjansen, da jeg har lest at gresskar tåler denne første frostnatten veldig dårlig.

There are huge pumpkin fields in my area. Many of them get trucked into the city and carved as jack-o-lanterns for Halloween.

Oh, that sounds like a nice view to have close to your home! I guess they can even keep growing them for a bit longer when they are intended for decorative purposes as well.

wow, humongous pumpkin. Yes it's enough for family dinner.

It was only around 2°C last night, so it could drop below freezing point any time now, so I don't want to risk it getting spoiled after a cold night.

Yes action should be taken at the right time:). All the best for delicious taste of pumpkin:)

Yes action should be taken at the right time:). All the best for delicious taste of pumpkin:)

It was actually below zero the night after I published the post, so it would have been spoiled if I had waited another day :P

Being the only one THAT survived, makes it special... DOESN'T it?? ??

That's a good way to look at it :) And you're of course right, this one pumpkin now feel pretty special to me, which would not have happened if I had gotten like 10-15 of them.

We do grow pupmkins here in the Czech Republic too and we are experiencing a remarkable drop in temperatures too! It is just 7 C in my hometown now but it has been already freezing and snowing in the mountain areas of the country. It was over 30 C here just three days ago though! The weather is getting crazier and crazier.

Wow, that's a pretty crazy drop! It must be very strange to experience that. Sadly this type of extreme weather will likely be more and more common as we keep polluting and increasing the average global temperature. The global warming has some nasty side effects besides just heating the planet.

I like pumpkin, i usually eat it.
Pumpkin is small in my place.
I saw Hellowen on Tv and movie.
Have a good day @valth

It really tastes good with pumpkins :)

Have a good day you too, @aulnyaksyabandi!

Wow that beautiful pumpkin, its color is beautiful and it is very big.
In my country, Venezuela is a pumpkin season, although here we call it a pumpkin. It is so tasty and in this very economical time

Thanks! It's unfortunately a bit smaller than I had hoped for, but it's still a few kilos. And yeah, it's really tasty and good :)

Good but for the next the harvest will be more abundant, while enjoying your beautiful pumpkin =)

I hope it will be more next year as well! :)

I LoVe Halloween. It is my favorite Holiday of the year.

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Yeah, it's a great day for sure!

Wow... a perfect pumpkin... we grew some a few years ago and they took over the whole yard. They loved our clay soil

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Thanks! Oh, that's cool. I wish I had some who took over my garden, but my soil was apparently not that great for it, so I only got one.

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