Heard of harmony?

in #harmonyone5 years ago (edited)

Harmony is probably new but so far, it has ticked all items on the list in the aspect of making life easier for its users. Harmony recently launched its mainnet on the 28th of June, 2019 to make its debut as the first fully sharded POS blockchain.

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The concept of what Harmony is could and only be understood when explained in detail. On that note, what is harmony?

According to harmony onepager,

Harmony is a fast and secured blockchain with key innovations in state sharding and peer to peer networking.

On that note, it is evident that Harmony helps provides a secure and efficient utilization of blockchain through its sharding technology.

Harmony achieves this feat by using decentralized randomness and secure proof of Stake for sharding and also uses cross-shard routing and fast block propagation to attain optimal networking.
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Benefit of using Harmony infrastructure

The main goal of harmony is to deliver scalability and decentralization, thus ensuring that the reason for setting up blockchain is truly met.

On that note, harmony is beneficial to business as it helps creates a market place of mutually interchangeable tokens such as energy credits and loyalty points and non interchangeable assets such as games collectibles and real estate.

Harmony is also secured and provides an effective and efficient utilization of the blockchain space

Harmony end-to-end integration allows us to iterate faster and make more aggressive optimizations than could be done with a modular approach.

What makes Harmony better than other sharding networks?

Unlike other state-sharding blockchains that adopted UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) data model, Harmony’s state sharding is applied on account-based data model. Each shard chain
contains its own account state, and all the tokens in existence are spread among all the shard.

It is evident that Harmony has the best sharding technology and it is probably the best among the lot. Depicted below is a picture that share more light on what makes Harmony different from other sharding networks
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The image above depictes in details how Harmony stands out and also entails what makes Harmony unique.

Effect of network that is resource efficient and able to scale linearly

Networks that are resource efficient and that are able to scale linearly are more effective than network that requires exponential resources. And some of the implications of the network using this innovation are that they are :

  • Fully Scalable: I.e shards both the processing and record keeping of the network.

  • Secure Sharding : which is achieved through distributed randomness generation process.

  • Fast and Efficient Consensus: PoS and more energy efficient than PoW alternatives

  • Adaptive-Threshold PoS: Staking requirements are adjusted based on total staking volumes so that Malicious stakeholders cannot concentrate on single shards

  • Scalable Networking Infrastructure: propagating of blocks faster within shards or across the network

  • Consistent Cross-Shard Transactions:
    Cross shard sharing happens via direct communication

Harmomy's sharding on multiple layers improves security and efficiency and some of the technical advantages of the use of harmony sharding technology is depicted in the image below

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Games and applications that have very heavy data thats needs to processed and sherd can only trust harmony to do a good job for them.
The pow blockchain employed by harmony makes this job more easier, faster, efficient and more secure.

The team behind harmony success all have a wide range of experience and focus in making the project successful

Some great organizations have patterned with harmony due to the perceived importance and success of the network. Some of the partners are been showed below.


To Learn more about Harmony.one, click the below Link


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