HF 17's new tentative date!

in #hardfork8 years ago (edited)


The hardfork date for for HF 17 has been changed!

From this GitHub pull request Bump hf17 time #891 approved and merged a short while ago, it's now March 14th, 2017 11:00:00 EDT.

Note that I am not a Steemit Inc employee, and this is subject to change.

Edit: There are now new release notes for the first release candidate at https://github.com/steemit/steem/releases. Git tag is v0.17.0rc1.



Follow me! @bitcoiner


And vote for my witness bitcoiner!


How do you see this HF? Will it bring more demand/value to STEEM and the platform?

Well, as with all hardforks that bring many and major changes, it's very tough to see how it'll respond in the real world. But I see that all of the changes that will be in HF17 seems to be for a good direction. Things like removing comment depth limit (it brings confusion and frustration to commenters), removing pow mining (it's been broken one way or another since forever), steem power delegation, having a separate, more precise rewards balance from the main checking, option to pay beneficiaries, revised rewards curve, editing of past paid posts, and ability to reply to past paid posts I trust are valuable features to have. Some features might not be 100% positive in all scenarios, for example, if an account is hacked, all posts since day 1 could be defaced, or by removing bandwidth rate limiting from consensus, there might be an increased amount of spam.

One thing that other witnesses have commented on was that perhaps hardforks shouldn't have a ton of changes stuffed into each. More frequent hardforks with fewer changes in each one might be a better idea to be able to see how changes go and to iterate faster. But, we've braved through HF16 which also had quite the number of changes and it's been mostly fine.

Thank you for that information @bitcoiner appreciate it.

No problem! March (and the rest of the year) is going to be an interesting ride indeed!

I like the idea of having more hardforks and not so much crammed into each. Bite sized pieces always seem better than shoving the whole sandwich down. LOL I am excited about the changes, especially the comment depth. I am definitely curious about the power delegation option. It's all very intriguing.

I agree! There's a quote in the software world "fail quickly fail often", especially in beta when you can break things haha

Let's start breaking shit! LOL

Oo I love this quote!

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