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RE: Patience with the Hardfork - There Must Be Consensus

in #hardfork-178 years ago (edited)

actually, the community needs straight up truth not spin bullshit.

Had the post stated a failure to reach consensus then there may be an issue as it implies fault on the witness side. Inability is just that, inability and it could come from both sides.

Maybe you need to be less nitpicky and more open to honest communication. Or does it offend your fragile sensibility?

We've had more than enough lack of communication. We need more communication and honesty.


The inability to communicate is what is causing most cryptos to remain a small unsuccessful market. Proper communication is not spin or bull shit. Your statement totally confirms what I am trying to communicate. The crypto space totally does not understand marketing or mass public communications.

By the way it is not a community. It is a market, and should be treated as such.

YOU may think it is a market.. those of us who contribute regularly see it as a community and it is US that is most effected by the changes in a hardfork. Your attitude that we are a market is what can and will kill what is being built. People are used as commodities on places like Reddit and Facebook, that is more of the disaster there.

Unable to reply to your last so will briefly reply here. Since the length of the chain has expired as guess it is just as well we cut this conversation as well. Just want to say that, I have contributed far, far, far more to this community than you will ever know.

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