[EN] Happy New Year Steemians! / [ES] ¡Feliz Año Nuevo Steemians!

in #happynewyear6 years ago (edited)
Hello Steemians! First of all, I want to wish you a happy new year, I hope that 2019 will come full of prosperity and wishes fulfilled for all of you. Today is a very special day, today is the day that many of us take a little while in our busy lives to take balance of how it has been the last year, something that we should certainly do more often no matter what day of the year it is. I've been thinking about making this post for days to reflect that balance, looking for adjectives that honor these 365 days and it really has not been easy…
No doubt, this year has been totally different from all the others in the last ten years and has changed my life in a way I never would have imagined. If I'm sure of something, it's been a year I'll never forget. I started the year a little depressed. I did not find any sense in my life, I felt stuck in a job that I did not like and which I had been doing for more than nine years, I did not have great motivations and even though I was looking for them, I was not able to find them.

¡Hola Steemians! Primero de todo, quiero desearos un feliz año, espero que el 2019 venga cargado de prosperidad y deseos cumplidos para todos vosotros. Hoy es un día muy especial, hoy es el día en que muchos de nosotros nos tomamos un ratito en nuestras ajetreadas vidas para hacer un balance de como ha sido el último año, algo que sin duda deberíamos hacer más a menudo sin importar en que día del año estamos. Llevo días pensando en hacer este post para reflejar ese balance, buscando adjetivos que hagan honor a estos 365 días y realmente no ha sido fácil... Sin duda, este año ha sido totalmente diferente a todos los demás en los últimos diez años y ha cambiado mi vida de una manera que nunca hubiera imaginado. Si de algo estoy segura es que es un año que nunca olvidaré. Empecé el año un poco depresiva. No le encontraba sentido a mi vida, me sentía estancada en un trabajo que no me gustaba y que llevaba realizando más de nueve años, no tenia grandes motivaciones y por más que las buscaba no era capaz de encontrarlas.

I wanted to quit my job, change my life and launch into adventure but everyone around me told me: "You're crazy! You have a stable job, with good hours, your colleagues and bosses value you thanks to your years of seniority and it is well paid if we talk about the current salaries in Spain ". Actually, few people supported and encouraged me to take the step to make that decision and, surely, the few ones who did it were because they knew that the last years had not been easy for me. I had lost my dog recently, my great partner for the last eleven years, who accompanied me everywhere, and my personal life was a little upside down. Definitely, I was not having a good time and they told me: "If that's what you want... go ahead! But think that you are still a bit depressed by everything that happened and maybe now you make decisions that you will regret later"

Quería dejar mi trabajo, cambiar de vida y lanzarme a la aventura pero todo el mundo que me rodeaba me decía: “¡Estás loca! Tienes un trabajo estable, con buenos horarios, tus compañeros y jefes te valoran gracias a tus años de antigüedad y está bien remunerado si hablamos de los salarios actuales de España”. Realmente, pocas personas me apoyaban y me animaban a dar el paso para tomar esa decisión y, seguramente, las pocas que lo hacían era porque sabían que los últimos años no habían sido fáciles para mi. Había perdido a perro recientemente, mi gran compañero durante los últimos once años y él que me acompañaba a todas partes, y mi vida personal estaba un poco patas arriba. Definitivamente, no estaba pasando un buen momento y me decían: “Sí eso es lo que quieres... ¡adelante! Pero piensa que aun estás un poco deprimida por todo lo ocurrido y quizás ahora tomes decisiones de las que más tarde te puedes arrepentir”

But in the midst of this chaos of emotions I was fortunate and met people who not only encouraged me to take the initiative but also gave me ideas to carry out that change and taught me that you do not have to settle for what you have if this does not bring true happiness and meaning to your life. So with many fears, insecurities and with a backpack full of illusions I made the decision and left my job. It was also then when I met Steemit. An incredible community full of artists, thinkers, dreamers and free souls with the crazy idea that you can change the world thanks to freedom of expression and decentralization. This was like a love at first sight, the more I knew about Steemit and its members the more engaged and connected I felt to this community.

Pero en medio de este caos de emociones fui afortunada y conocí gente que no solo me animó a tomar la iniciativa si no que también me dio ideas para llevar a cabo ese cambio y me enseñó que no tienes que conformarte con lo que tienes si esto no aporta una verdadera felicidad y sentido a tu vida. Así que con muchos miedos, inseguridades y con una mochila cargada de ilusiones tomé la decisión y abandoné mi puesto de trabajo. Fue también entonces cuando conocí Steemit. Una increíble comunidad repleta de artistas, pensadores, soñadores y almas libres con la loca idea de que se puede cambiar el mundo gracias a la libertad de expresión y la descentralización. Esto fue como un amor a primera vista, cuanto más conocía sobre Steemit y sus integrantes más enganchada y conectada me sentía a esta comunidad.

The free time that unemployment gave me not only gave me the opportunity to learn more about the blockchain but I also returned to some hobbies that I had always been passionate about and I had abandoned, like photography. It gave me the opportunity to travel, get to know new places and improve my level of English, a pending subject for a long time and with which I could not move forward due to the emphasis that Spanish education places on teaching the language in Spanish and only through grammar, forgetting that the purpose of a language is communication.
I imagine you are wondering: "If you like Steemit so much and you are so in love whit the platform... why have you not published for more than two months, except for some pictures you took at Steemfest?" It's true, you are all right and I am also asking myself that same question right now while I do my annual balance. I think the only logical answer I can offer is that I'm still getting used to this new lifestyle. This year has been crazy, schedules and routine have been conspicuous by their absence. When I worked I had a few free hours a day and I was very aware that I had to take advantage of them which made me more productive since I had the hours counted and I could not postpone anything if I really wanted to do it. Now, there is always a... "well, tomorrow I have time to spare". Steemit is not a job and that is something that I love but, without a doubt, I have to learn to better manage my time as an unemployed.

El tiempo libre que me brindaba el desempleo no solo me dio la oportunidad de aprender más sobre la blockchain si no que también retomé algunos hobbies que siempre me habían apasionado y que tenia abandonados, como la fotografía. Me dio la oportunidad de viajar, conocer nuevos lugares y mejorar mi nivel de inglés, una asignatura que tenia pendiente desde hace mucho y en la que no conseguía avanzar debido al énfasis que pone la educación española en enseñar el idioma en castellano y solo mediante gramática, olvidando que el propósito de un idioma es la comunicación.
Imagino que te estarás preguntando: “Si tanto te gusta Steemit y tan enamorada estás de la plataforma... ¿porqué hace mas de dos meses que no publicas, a excepción de algunas fotografías que tomaste en Steemfest?” Es cierto, tienes toda la razón y yo también me estoy haciendo esa misma pregunta ahora mismo mientras hago mi balance anual. Creo que la única respuesta lógica que puedo ofrecer es que aún me estoy acostumbrando a este nuevo estilo de vida. Este año a sido una locura, los horarios y la rutina han brillado por su ausencia. Cuando trabajaba tenía unas pocas horas libres al día y era muy consciente de que tenía que aprovecharlas lo cual me hacia mas productiva ya que tenia las horas contadas y no podía posponer nada si realmente quería hacerlo. Ahora, siempre hay un... “bueno, mañana tengo tiempo de sobra”. Steemit no es un trabajo y eso es algo que me encanta pero, sin duda, tengo que aprender a gestionar mejor mi tiempo como desempleada.
On the other hand, although last year's overall balance is tremendously positive, there have also been some failures. I have invested a lot of time in projects that in the end have not been feasible but, after the frustration phase of these cases, I have realized that I have learned a lot while trying to make them succeed and, surely, these failures have given more value to the new projects that I now have in mind and those had been relegated to the background.

Por otro lado, aunque el balance general del año pasado es tremendamente positivo, también ha habido algunos fracasos. He invertido mucho tiempo en proyectos que al final no han sido factibles pero, después de la fase de frustración propia de estos casos, me he dado cuenta de que he aprendido muchísimo mientras intentaba que estos tuvieran éxito y, seguramente, estos fracasos le han dado más valor a los nuevos proyectos que ahora tengo en mente y que se habían quedado relegados a un segundo plano.

Another thorn that I have stuck regarding this year is also related to Steemit. I have had the great luck of being able to attend the Stemmfest in my first year in the community, that is something that really made me very excited but I feel that I have not been able to live and enjoy it as I would have liked. Everyone who knows me knows that I am a very sociable person who enjoys interacting and meeting new people. But my difficulties with English do not even allow me to be that person and therefore Steemfest left me with a kind of bittersweet taste because I could not take advantage of it as I would have liked. I stayed with the desire to meet charming steemians and learn more about the many interesting projects they carry out, I just hope that they all understood my problems with the language and would not take a bad impression of me thinking that I did not feel like interacting with them. The feeling of not being able to communicate as I would have liked was a bit frustrating for me but I have not given up on English, on the contrary, it gave me more reasons to keep improving. I think I have made a lot of progress in less than 6 months and I hope to keep moving at the same pace. So, if I am lucky enough to attend again, I hope I can get rid of that thorn in Steemfest 2019.

Otra espina que tengo clavada con relación a este año también está relacionada con Steemit. He tenido la gran suerte de poder asistir al Stemmfest en mi primer año en la comunidad, eso es algo que realmente me hacía mucha ilusión pero siento que no lo he podido vivir y disfrutar como me hubiera gustado. Todo el que me conoce sabe que soy una persona muy sociable que disfruta relacionándose y conociendo gente nueva. Pero mis dificultades con el ingles no me permiten aún ser esa persona y por lo tanto Steemfest me dejó con especie de sabor agridulce porque no pude aprovecharlo como me hubiera gustado. Me quedé con las ganas de conocer a encantadores steemians y de aprender más sobre los muchos interesantes proyectos que llevan a cabo, solo espero que todos ellos entendieran mis problemas con el idioma y no se llevaran una mala impresión de mi pensando que no me apetecía relacionarme con ellos. La sensación de no poder comunicarte como me hubiera gustado fue un poco frustrante para mi pero no me he dado por vencida con el inglés, todo lo contrario, me dio más motivos para seguir mejorando. Creo que he hecho un gran progreso en menos de 6 meses y espero seguir avanzando al mismo ritmo. Así que, si tengo la suerte de volver a asistir, espero poder quitarme esa espina en Steemfest 2019.
The final conclusion is that 2018 has not only changed my life but it has also challenged me with challenges that have made me learn a lot and grow as a person. I have met incredible people who helped me to see the world in a different way and, above all, they have filled my year with unforgettable positive moments. Because in the end, that's what counts and makes you who you are, the number of special moments you can collect.

La conclusión final es que el 2018 no solo ha cambiado mi vida si no que también me ha desafiado con retos que me han hecho aprender mucho y crecer como persona. He conocido gente increíble que ayudado a ver el mundo de otra manera y, sobre todo, han llenado mi año de momentos positivos e inolvidables. Porque al final, eso es lo que cuenta y te hace ser quien eres, la cantidad de momentos especiales que puedes recopilar.

¡¡Feliz año a todos!!
Happy New Year to everyone!!


Happy New Year @tashidelek! :)

I absolutely understand how you feel about breaking through the cage of the life that most people are forced to live and it takes time to adjust to the idea that you have all this time to do what you want to do or nothing at all if you don't feel like doing stuff sometimes. I am sure you will find the right balance and rhythm though.

When it comes to language. Step by step try and make a conscious effort to improve any way you can. When I learned Norwegian I always was extremely shy to speak with natives, because I did not feel confident enough with my skills and I felt frustrated a lot. That frustration often was what actually was keeping me from progressing. I hope you find a way to get over that frustration part and then you will be truly free to grow :)

Also, I really hope to meet you in 2019! ^^

Happy new year to you too! 🎇

I absolutely understand how you feel about breaking through the cage of the life that most people are forced to live and it takes time to adjust to the idea that you have all this time to do what you want to do or nothing at all if you don't feel like doing stuff sometimes. I am sure you will find the right balance and rhythm though.

This reminded me of the first Post I wrote for steemit just when I quit my job. It was titled "Birds born in cages believe that flying is an illness"
It has been many months since then and I can not be happier to have made that decision, I am sure that soon I will find the right balance.

When it comes to language. Step by step try and make a conscious effort to improve any way you can. When I learned Norwegian I always was extremely shy to speak with natives, because I did not feel confident enough with my skills and I felt frustrated a lot. That frustration often was what actually was keeping me from progressing. I hope you find a way to get over that frustration part and then you will be truly free to grow.

I have to admit that when something frustrates me I spend some time blocked but that time helps me to gain momentum. Normally, I am always attracted by the situations that cause me the most fear and once I overcome them, they become another great victory that makes me proud of myself. I'm sure it will not be different with English. Thanks for sharing your experience with the Norwegian. Seeing other people who have gone through your same situation always gives encouragement. Looking forward to meet you this year!

Hola Amiga,

Feliz ano novo! Forgive me for the Portuguese but that is the language I need to improve right now ;>)

I'm happy to hear from you again, 2018 has been a wild ride indeed and - hearing more of your story - I see so many parallels, it's incredible.

I wish you all the best for 2019 and I fully believe that things can only get better from now on. Last year has been a year of changes, a rough year for a lot of us but also a transition year. I wholeheartedly believe that it was only the stepping stone to loads of good things.

Enjoy life as much as you can and let's stay in touch :>)

Un abrazo fuerte desde Portugal, where I just returned after 6 weeks in The Netherlands.


Hi Tashi, thanks for your personal insight in your 2018! Reading your post i recognize your excellant english! I think you lernt so much in the last months... that's awesome! Maybe you don't trust in yourself?

that Spanish education places on teaching the language in Spanish and only through grammar, forgetting that the purpose of a language is communication.

That is a very good point and i can tell you: in Germany (my time at school) it has been the same. No communication at all... So it is difficult to start speaking... i remember the SteemCamp ... i was'nt able to talk with you... haha - and we were the only women... ;-))))))
Your english is very good - believe in yourself! That is alesson many people have to learn... me too. At school we have to avoid mistakes... but we are learning that way... I wish you the very best for 2019 with more adventures, personal growing and a steemfest with talking the whole day in english! ;-) Regards Kadna

I'm sure that our English will improve and next time we meet it will be better. Steemit is a good way to get it! For that I'm keeping writing in English although this takes more time. I wish you a very happy 2019! 🤗

Cualquier decisión meditada es buena. Espero que encuentres lo que buscas y que almacenes muchos momentos especiales en este nuevo año.
Steem on

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Gracias @toofasteddie, espero que tu también llenes tu 2019 de grandes momentos. Un abrazo.

Happy New Year Tashi and it was so great to meet you at SteemFest. I think your English is better than you imagine it to be and you just need to practice it more. But then again, I have lived in Finland 15 years and don't speak the language, so what do I know. :D

I hope that our paths will cross before but, latest at Steemfest 4 :*

Well, you're not completely oblivious to our language because I tested it :P I guess the takeaway is to just speak even if you think you're bad at a language. Cannot learn if you don't try!

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You're right, the way to improve is practice. I'm good in conversations one to one but still it is hard follow the conversation a group of people. It is getting easier day to day so I hope to get over it soon. Happy new year!

I was a pleasure to meet you too. Maybe we have the chance to meet the next summer when Finland will be warmer 😅, who knows... But definitely I would love that our path will cross again at least at Steemfest 4. Happy new year to you and your lovely family! 🤗

Feliz Año preciosa. Wow me ha encantado el post, me alegra ver que los momentos agradables te hicieran superar esos amargos momentos.
Eres muy valiente por la decisión de buscar tu felicidad y la suerte que tuviste de encontrarla. Soy tu fan ijijji Un fuerte abrazo ;)

Gracias bonita! Espero que este año venga cargado de cosas buenas para ti porque realmente te lo mereces. Gracias por la ayuda que me has brindado este año y por llenar steemit de creatividad. Ya sabes que yo también soy fan de tus relatos! Tú ya sabes cuáles son mis preferidos 😜 Feliz año! 😘🤗

JIjiijiijji lo tendré en cuenta. Mi niña linda 😘🤗

You quit your job of 9 years?! That's crazy, in a good way that is :D To do what you think is best for you.

I never quite knew you even though we met at Steemest, so this was really nice to read.

Regarding your English: you write really well, for real. And even if you feel like talking in English is clumsy for you, it doesn't matter, because people appreciate when you try to communicate with them with a language they know, regardless of your level. And if they don't, they're probably assholes anyway :D

Happy new year!

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And even if you feel like talking in English is clumsy for you, it doesn't matter, because people appreciate when you try to communicate with them with a language they know, regardless of your level. And if they don't, they're probably assholes anyway :D

Totally agree with you. Thanks for reminding me :D


Igualmente a ti :D

I just hope that they understood my problems with the language and it would not take a bad impression of that thinking that I did not feel like interacting with them.

Honestly, I wasn't aware that you were 'shy' about your English at Steemfest. I would have made a concerted effort to give you some of my atrocious Spanish!

They are tough to learn for some, while others can speak 3/4/5. I think easier when you are younger (no offence!), I'm 40 now and pretty sure the connections are harder to make and keep than they were listening to my French teacher at school.

I could really do with a Spanish partner/teacher - 3 years in Spain and I should really be doing better!

Good luck and best wishes for 2019, so glad to hear there are more people who gave the middle finger to a longterm job :D

Hola @abh12345!

Actually, It was not shyness. I can perfectly have one to one conversations even if my English is not perfect and I do not feel shy. My problem was that my ears were not used to it and a conversation of a group of people with different accents. It was too much for me at that point. Now, I feel that my listenig improves day by day and that makes me very happy because if I understand what people tell me I can also answer. I have heard that over the years it becomes more complicated to learn languages ​​but I am not entirely in agreement with that. Perhaps it's true that over the years adults stopped paying attention to our environment. Many people just hear, not really listen. Surely, children are better than us living here and now :)

If you need help with your Spanish do not hesitate to let me know. Don't give up! ^^

I wish you have a great 2019 full of love, health and success.

feliz año nuevo!!! que 2019 os traiga mucha salud, amor y felicidad!.

Me alegra que hayas tomado la difícil decisión que tomaste, verás que a medida que pase el tiempo te darás mas cuenta de lo importante que ha sido dicha decisión. Yo la tomé hace.mas de 10 años y estoy cada día mas feliz de haberlo hecho (con todo y sus altibajos).

Un abrazo desde Barcelona a los tres :)

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Feliz año nuevo @greencross! Espero que este año venga cargado de felicidad y deseos cumplidos para ti. Recuerdo que estuvimos hablando de esto mismo en Steemfest y sin duda se nota que es una de las mejores decisiones que tomaste en tu vida. Estoy segura que también ha sido una de las mías. Por lo que veo has vuelto a Barcelona a tu pesar 😅. Quizás podamos quedar algún día cuando estemos de regreso a Málaga, tenemos que pasar por allí 😃 Un fuerte abrazo de parte de los tres!

Seguro que sí, aunque estoy devolviendome el viernes a Austria... Pero estamos en contacto igual.estoy de vuelta para cuando paséis por BCN :)

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El mundo es de los soñadores!!!
Feliz año nuevo @tashidelek y mucho éxito!!! Todos los mejores deseos para el 2019!!!

Feliz año nuevo y gracias por el apoyo que siempre me brindais! 🤗

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