100 days of happiness - intro

in #happydays6 years ago

In the hectics of everyday lives with small kids, we often get overwhelmed with everything that seems to be expected of us. Or more precisely what we seem to expect of ourselves. Our houses spotless, our patience impeccable, our kids happy and well behaved: doing great in school, going to all kinds of activities from sports to music. And on top of all that be a productive and successful worker and getting enough sleep, eating healthy and work out. All with a smile on your face. But you can't. I can't. No one can. We are only human and the day only has 24 hours. And when we feel overwhelmed the smallest of things can crack us. And the smallest of people.


One of my #NYR was to be a better, kinder parent. So I wanted to take another challenge, something I did on my facebook page a few years ago as a way to cope with postpartum depression, 100 days of happiness. The idea is to post a picture each day, a picture of what makes you happy, what makes you grateful. A picture accompanied by a small caption.
I think we as parents, mothers especially, tend to just be stuck in the harshness and mess of day to day lives and forget how beautiful that day could be. Forget how amazing those little humans you raise can be.

Parenting is something often dismissed by folks without kids. Kids are often looked on with a certain despise, certain disgust. Like annoying stuff, not even humans, that get in the way of enjoying the world. Like that annoying kid that cries in the store. Or the annoying kid that runs around the table when you try to drink coffee in peace. I get that vibe from many folks I know that have no kids. Even my fellow steemers here. Oh if the kids were like dogs, cats or something nice, fluffy and quite. Well, screw you. I honestly believe that folks who don't like and understand kids are humans and should be treated as such are shitty people. Kids are all that is great about being a human. They love unconditionally, they are constantly curious they laugh, they play, they are honest and notice even the smallest of things and tend to find beauty and marvel at everything. I sometimes wonder if the folks who hate kids are just miserable assholes jealous of their joy?

All those woke and hip people chanting about bringing change to the world and making it better and talking politics, and voting, and ecology and vegetarianism and whatnot all while at the same time being an asshole to small humans who are the future, who are the change. Humans who have the love and the curiosity and the will the learn everything about everything. So instead of belittling and dismissing them teach them about music, about animals and about traveling and about all kinds of people and cultures and movements and even politics. You don't have to give any kids (especially mine) special treatment just treat them as an equal. Just a smaller one. Cherish their innocence, give them love and respect and watch how they make the world better for you.


So back to the challenge. It's primarily a challenge for me. To remind myself of all the things I can be grateful and happy for. It's basically like an inspirational shit post challenge but sometimes the best things come in a few words. And a photo. So if you would like to follow along, use the #happydays hashtag and I'll give you my two cents. Literally. Because my voting power is so low. Have a 7 day happy challenge or a 30 day or even a 364 day one. It's up to you.

I look forward to seeing posts from you. I should probably come up with some catch finishing phrase for my posts.

Sveto Krštenje00063.jpg

The lovely photos I use in this post are one of the most cherished baby photos I have from my kids. They were all taken by this amazing photographer and a dear friend of mine Sanja Lydia. I shared her work in the past here on the platform but now she joyned Steemit so be sure to check her out.


I never comment on the parents of small children, even if they are naughty and really annoying. If you really can not tolerate - I go silently elsewhere. I myself from childhood raised my little sister and I know how difficult it is

<3 najbolja maminka <3

I see you are on steemit fire.
I was just thinking about parenting from a fathers view and how some fathers refuse to do things like wiping ass, or bathing your child or that sort of stuff.

Imas platformu sada. Super je tematika i nisam vidjela da Steemit ima bas puno daddy blogera. Sad mozes popratit sve iz ocinske perspektive, od poroda, dojenja, platnenih...

Uzivajte u najlepsem periodu svoga zivota, zelim Vam svu srecu

This is a truly great challenge. You've got my full support! And your kids are absolutely adorable! :-)

Thank you so much. It's such an honor to see a comment from you! I love your writing.

Aww, thank you so much! Means a lot :-)

Hey lovely! Just found your account. I don't have kids, but i've been any aunty since age 4 - (I have lots of brothers and sisters and our parents are in their 70s now). I now have 5 nieces and nephews to date and probably a few more to come. I think your point about treating kids like equals is so so important. Not only is it vital to their understanding and development, but also really does reflect back on the kind of person you are. Totally agree with your point. An interesting read. Also these photos are absolutely ADORABLE! Wishing you lots of luck on steemit!

Thank you so much for your feedback!

This is so true <3 what a lovely idea. I have also been trying to stop and find the joy.

Our kids so much back and sometimes we just rush through the day without seeing it

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