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Best thing that happened today: having a look around my place, I rediscovered Dune.

A special book for me, this was the first volume of a great series that marked the history of SciFi.

I received the book as a birthday gift, 22 years ago, when I was still a little boy. Can you imagine my childhood's nights and days, dreaming about the world created by Frank Herbert? First, it was the book, then the video game.

Just wondering, who can still remember the Dune 2000 real-time strategy game?


I spent most of today, reading, and thinking about my past 22 years. Such a wonderful way to spend a weekend!


Great book! Have you read anything from Orson Scott Card?

Thanks for the hint! I did not knew about him, but I will definitely look to get some of his books, as I loved the story line behind the Ender's Game. Any recommendation as a starting point?

if you already know about Ender's game I will start with this one, followed by the 3 other books from the series ( Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind). After this a more down to earth version in the 4 book series starting with Ender's Shadow.

Dune The Game You've said? :P

A great review, @free999enigma!
Unfortunate did not know about this one, but Dune 2000:

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