A Road to a Happier You: Commitment and Accomplishment

in #happy7 years ago (edited)


I’m sure I’ve blogged about commitment and love many times before. Today, I’m blogging about a different type of commitment. This is commitment to activities. I accidentally slept in more than I intended to today, and I have a LOT to do today. One of my biggest commitments in life is to my yoga practice. My body did not want to get on my mat; however, I knew if I put it off that I would skip my practice. I practiced until my final pose (above), and then finished with backbends and finishing poses. I kept my commitment. Did I do anything spectacular during my practice? No (I actually had a rather sloppy practice). The key is I completed my practice.
Now, I need to clean the house, go grocery shopping, and help my child with his report on the government. None of this sounds particularly fun. I don't want to do any of it, but I am committed to do these things.
So how does this make me a happier person? I will have a sense of accomplishment once I finish. Sometimes the road to happiness is not filled with rainbows, sunshine, and doing whatever one would prefer to, but accomplishing what needs to be done. (A heaping dusting of the aforementioned ideas does lead to happiness.)


great, keep it up, discipline is very important in the achievement of success

You’re certainly right!

I relate to everything that you wrote!I also have days when the last thing on my mind is to workout,but I know that if I get up and do it I will feel 10 times better than if I don’t 👍💪

Keep it up dear, have a nice day

Thanks! You too.

Commitment and accomplishment are both necessary.

Really short but important post, sometimes we decide to do something which is really important for us but sometimes we miss it due to many reasons but you should make some adjustments and you should perform that activity, for example, i like to run and i want to run everyday but sometimes it's not possible but i try to adjust and i try to run everyday because that's give the sense of accomplishment. Thanks for sharing this post with us. 🙂

Stay Blessed.

very great.keep it up
Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you @songtiejun

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