Legend of dragon game guide part1

in #happy7 years ago (edited)

Hi guys this game is very difficult
I think this game is likely final fantasy
series but more attractive .Confused
Quest and more thinks about so ...
The Main Quest is all you must do in order to win the game. Let's get started
shall we

 Walthrought part 1

This game will start out with a rather entertaining scene. A large army is just
totally eliminating a village. They then take a mysterious girl away... after
that cutscene, the game begins. A woman is looking at a forest below, and a
young man named Dart appears. Suddenly, the ground will begin to shake and
he'll then see some nasty looking soldiers riding on horses. Dart will then get
in the way of two of them, and give them a good little threat. A large, green
monster will appear, and believe me it doesn't look nice. Dart will run away
from them and some women will help him a little. The village of Seles is under
attack. Just your luck.

Anyway, you will soon gain control of Dart. Head down a little to the south and
then jump over the fence. You will soon see a treasure chest. Unfortunately,
before you can open it you are ambushed by two soldiers. They are also picking
on a villager, so Dart will fight them. Both of them have very little HP and
you should have no trouble defeating them. Anyway, a description for Additions
was already given, so have Dart use Double Slash on them if you can. Whether
you use it or not, the two soldiers will die in just a few regular physical
hits, but still it WOULD be nice to use Double Slash on them...

After that easy battle, open the treasure chest for a Recovery Potion, and then
save your game at the nearby save point. Continue further down, and you'll run
into the mayor and a few more battles. The battles are no harder than the last
few battles were. After a little conversation about Dart's childhood friend
Shana being kidnapped with the mayor, go a little further and you'll see a
nasty looking man. Dart demands answers about Shana, and we're told that
Shana's in the prison of Hellena. But we do have to fight the commander,

Name: Commander
HP: 20
Party: Dart
Element: N/A
Difficulty: Easy

Well, what do you expect? This is the first boss of the game, so you can hardly
expect any ground-breaking difficulty.

The commander is a pushover, even though he does come accompanied with two
soldiers. Dart should have 30 HP so he could go down in a few hits. You should
really go for the two soldiers helping the commander. Remember, when doing
Double Slash, watch the X on the right, not the square. When the X goes down,
HIT X QUICKLY. This is a great tip if you aren't into using additions. The
soldiers should die in two hits at most. Doing this, you'll make the battle
much easier.

The commander's attacks are hardly any stronger than his two boys. After you
beat them down, he'll say a little stuff. Nothing of real importance. Anyway,
you should have a BurnOut at this point. If you do, use it on the Commander and
then mash X like a madman. You should do around 10 damage to the Commander,
sweet! After doing that, the Commander should be weakened severely. Just pound
on him with some more attacks. If you didn't beat the soldiers with him,
they'll just run away.

These soldiers are now goners. Around the exit of this town, you'll meet a
karate master who will teach you how to use your Additions, even though he is
pretty well wounded. There are also some kids around the exit too. After they
talk to Dart a little, go forward and leave this town, and we are on the world
map. It really isn't much of a world map, as it's a yellow straight line, but
it's the world map of Legend of Dragoon anyway! Just go straight on that line
to the forest ahead of you.


Suggested Level: 2

Somewhere near the entrance, you will see a merchant. If you want, he can teach
you how to use items, but you should definitely already know how to use items.
There's also a treasure chest he lets you have right near him. Now just go to
the right and you'll be in a maze-like area. There are also a good deal of
treasure chests here, but it's pretty straight and obvious. The enemies, the
Assasin Cock, Berserk Mouse, Trent, and Goblin aren't hard, so there's no
problem. You'll eventually get to the bottom. Take either path down, it doesn't

You will then be on the world map again. Follow this long line and you will
shortly arrive at the Hellena Prison. Ah, this is tons of fun, this little part


Suggested Level: 2

Pretty soon you will run into a merchant, and then you'll have to fight a
Hellena Warden. These guys are pussy-cats, just use Double Slash on them and
they'll die in no time. After defeating them, talk to the merchant and you can
buy some stuff from him if you wish. Once you're done with that, just go
forward to the upper-right. Cross the bridge right ahead, and you will find a
nice save point. After saving the game, go forward and you'll fight some
guards. They're absolutely no problem. Just take the lift up from there.

Now, when you get to the top via the lift, turn left and you will find a man
dressed in green, totally destroying a bunch of guards. He then turns to Dart,
but then he realizes that Dart is a friend. Then, Dart and the green man (his
name is Lavitz), have to face up with some more guards. Lavitz is slow, but
really strong. His Harpoon skill is easy to do, and powerful. After finishing
that easy fight, we'll have to wander around this prison to find out where
Shana is. Anyway, it's mostly a loop. Go to the left a few times and then head
to the upper-right the next time, and you'll find something sparkle up the

Don't bother going upward in this room, because a lot of guards are there, and
running into them is something that you can not do. Collect this item, and it
turns out to be the key to Shana's cell! Lavitz and Dart will talk a little,
but after you finish that, get out of this room and then return to where you
went to the left to enter that room. Now instead, go to the right and you'll
find a locked door. This is the reason why we collected the key. Open it with
the key and enter to proceed. There are a lot of guards around here, so fight
them if you want. When ready, just head to the upper left...

You will find a door at the bottom, and several guards near it. This is Shana's
cell! Now, just beat up these guards. No harder than you'd think... go inside
the cell, and then Shana and Dart will greet each other. They haven't seen each
other for five years, you know. After this reunion, more guards attack. Bleh, I
think you know the strategy now, but do take note that you don't get Shana in
the party yet, bummer. After the fight, Shana really wants to join the party,
so Dart can't stop her. We now have Shana as a character, but little magic.
She's not as useful as Lavitz or Dart, sadly.

Now that we have Shana and we've done what we came for, our next goal is to get
the hell out of here. So just go all the way back to the entrance... and you'll
find out that a special someone was just waiting for you... Anyway, time for
another boss fight.

Name: Fruegel
HP: 90
Element: N/A

Name: Hellena Warden
HP: 12
Element: Fire

Name: Senior Warden
HP: 25
Element: Dark

Party: Dart, Lavitz, Shana
Difficulty: Easy

This is the first fight with Fruegel... and he's pathetic. The wardens guarding
him will do a little stuff though. They have some attacks that will hit the
entire party. This could be a little bit dangerous around Shana, because she
has so little HP, and her attacks are really weak, making her pretty much
useless in this fight.

I hope you have a few Healing Potions, because this is what Shana lives to do
in this fight. First of all, defeat the wardens. They will heal Fruegel if you
go for him first, so it is really not worth trying to fight Fruegel first. They
are both very easy, but I suggest defeating the Senior Warden first. He's a
little stronger, but neither of them should prove any difficulty. Don't bother
having Shana attack if anyone's below half of their HP though, because she does
about 5 damage per hit.

After these two guys are beaten, Fruegel should really be no threat. His
attacks can be a bit deadly, but that's why you have Healing Potions. First of
all, I found attacking items extremely useful in this fight. They should do
around 20 damage, so if you use these enough, you should really get Fruegel
defeated quickly. Just clobber on him with some attack items, Lavitz's Harpoon,
and Dart's Double Slash, and this fight will be over.

After that fight, everyone is out of the prison and Fruegel is gone... for now
anyway. Go to the world map, and just head to the Prairie right ahead. Also,
don't try to get out of the line and go to the villages, because you cannot.
Just head to the prairie.


Suggested Level: 4

Just our luck! When we enter, it seems normal. Just go ahead, and the party is
ambushed by Hellena Wardens! These guys start firing arrows, and one of them
hits Lavitz. Lavitz is then wounded severely, and can hardly go on. Just go on
a little bit forward and those bastards will be gone. Just proceed onward,
nothing more from them.

Before you start on this place, I thought I would speak about the enemies in
this place. Crescent Bee, Mantis, Vampire Kiwi, and Mole are the only enemies
in this place. None of them are even remotely tough except Mole, and Mole isn't
very difficult, but he's extremely annoying. The Mole can get underground and
it disappears too, making it a total pain in the neck. Defeat it as quickly as
possible when fighting it. Anyway, back to the walkthrough.

You will arrive at an intersection. Go to the northwest and you will find a
large river. Well, ignore that for now, and just go back and head to the
southwest. Around the upper-left side of this house, you'll find a totally dead
tree that's going to fall soon. Dart then thinks that he can use this to cross
the river, and he proceeds to cut it down, but he can't use a sword for this.
So now, just go back and down, and then head into the house at the bottom.

Inside the house, Dart and Lavitz will talk a little about Dart's past. We wil
now learn a little bit more about the Black Monster... anyway, after this rest,
check this room and you will find an axe. The perfect thing for cutting the
tree down! Go back to the fallen tree, and then Dart cuts it down, but he cuts
the entire tree down, and it falls. Shana then has a theory that it fell back
to the river...

Return to the river, and then the log will float to make a bridge to cross!
This is perfect. Just cross it and open the treasure chest around the exit.
There will also be some people there who don't have any place to go, and Lavitz
will offer them to stay at his huge house. Now just get out of here and go to
the world map. On the world map, go a little bit forward to reach the Limestone


Suggested Level: 4

Limestone Cave isn't a particularly dangerous place in terms of enemies. It's
got Evil Spider, Slime, Screaming Bat, Ugly Balloon, and Orc. Orc, Evil Spider,
and Ugly Balloon aren't nasty at all. Screaming Bat and Slime are a bit
annoying, but they still shouldn't be extremely difficult enemies. On to the
walkthrough now.

This is a pretty big place, and the biggest thus far in the game (except for
maybe Hellena Prison). It's got a big boss not that far ahead, so you have to
be prepared for stuff. This place is full of river brooks near the entrance.
You can find a lot of nice treasure chests around here. Most of them are money
and weapons, which are both pretty worthwhile. To get the chests, slide on the
brooks and you will jump to them.

Go a bit forward, and Lavitz, Dart, and Shana will have to jump across a long
river brook by jumping the stones on it. This goes fine by just normal jumping
(it's automatically done), but at the end, Lavitz will almost slip, but Dart
will rescue him. That's the second time Dart has saved Lavitz's life. In case
you're running low on health, just go ahead a bit more and you will see some
creatures floating in the air. Shana will see that they are Rock Fireflies.
Talk to them and they will completely heal the party. Sweet!

After that, go to the right and you'll find some items. Also, just ignore that
rat, since it doesn't mean anything. Return to where the fireflies were and
just go down this time, and then get the items on the upper side in the next
screen. After getting them, go to the right and you'll see a Save Point and
some treasure chests. This is where the big part is coming! Save the game, and
then go forward to meet a large snake. Looks like we have to fight.

Boss: Urobolus
HP: 270
Element: Earth
Party: Dart, Lavitz, Shana
Difficulty: Medium

Urobolus is definitely a step up from Fruegel's or the Commander's difficulty.
He has quite powerful attacks, and he can even poison you. Hopefully, you've
got some Body Purifiers with you to cleanse the poison. Also, if you have a new
sword for Dart, that'd be pretty nice. Anyway, let's fight Urobolus now, shall

Hopefully, you have had some good practice on using Additions by now, because
Dart's Volcano and Lavitz's Spinning Cane are a step up in difficulty from
Double Slash and Harpoon, and both of them will each do 20-30 damage on
Urobolus, quickly lowering his HP. Since Shana is so weak, she shouldn't be
fighting Urobolus if you don't have any magic items. Instead, just have her use
Healing Potions, for now anyway...

When Urobolus loses a great deal of his HP, he will go through a hole on the
right and appear at the top of the cave. Now only Shana can hit it, since she's
the only one with a projectile weapon. Now have Dart and Lavitz use Body
Purifiers and Healing Potions. Right now, all Urobolus will do is spit poison;
he won't do physical attacks at all. Anyway, just have Shana attack while Dart
and Lavitz use Healing Potions, attack items, and support.

When Urobolus gets back down, try to defeat it as quickly as possible. You
really don't want this mother to get back through that hole, since if it does
you'll be well pissed off. Anyway, you should beat it pretty soon if you have a
good grip on Additions and attacking items.

After that fight, Dart and Lavitz will walk away, but Shana starts to feel
something. Urobolus then gets up and tries to kill Shana... but then I won't
spoil what happens. You'll want to find that out for yourself. Anyway, you will
then be on the world map. Just go a bit forward and you'll end up in Capital


Suggested Level: 6

Upon arriving in Bales, there may be some stuff you want to check out, as this
is a pretty big town! Anyway, I'll leave the shopping up to you. In case you
didn't know, a Green arrow is a normal path, a Blue arrow is a shop, and a
Yellow arrow is an Inn or a Clinic. You might want to stop at the clinic if
Urobolus put up a good fight, and you should definitely buy some weapons at an
equipment shop or some good attacking items/healing items at an item shop.
Anyway, that's that.

When you're ready to progress with the game, go to the left, and then head up a
long set of stairs and you'll arrive in Indel Castle. Anyway, it's pretty
straightforward from here... just go up all these stairs to reach the 3rd
floor, and you will reach the throne room. King Albert and Minister Noich are
here, and they will tell you a little about the Black Monster that killed
Dart's parents. Also, ignore the man in black. That's Lloyd, but he's not
important right now.

Anyway, right now we'll want to see Lavitz's parents. You might have already
seen a door that Lavitz doesn't go into because it's better to see King Albert
first. Now that you've seen King Albert, go to the right and you'll find a door
to his house. Enter and you will meet Lavitz's mother. Shana will then offer to
cook lunch with Lavitz's mother, and then Dart and Lavitz need something to do
while the two women are cooking. Dart will then offer four things to do with

If you choose any of the options except a tour of the house, Lavitz will say
some hilarious stuff. Anyway, just choose a tour of the house, and Lavitz will
say that his house isn't anything special, but Dart still wants to see it.
Lavitz will show Dart some ordinary stuff, but then he shows Dart his
treasure... and that's just the town, not some gem or important thing. =)
Anyway, Shana and Lavitz's mom will finally be ready. Lavitz and Dart will
automatically go back.

Lavitz's mom will then be extremely worried about him and Shana. Anyway, after
that just leave. It is now time to go to Hoax. Leave this town and just go
straight forward to Hoax. This is where we'll finally meet a few tough enemies,
and meet up with a new friend. This is where the storyline really starts!


Suggested Level: 6

When you finally reach Hoax, Shana will be confused about this place and think
it's a fortress, seeing as how big it is. Don't pay any attention to Shana,
just go up the stairs on the right and enter the small house. A woman will
await you there, and she'll talk a little about Emperor Doyle, King Albert's
uncle. Anyway, after talking with her, go back down the stairs and into the
house on the right, and you'll meet up with a guy named Kaiser. This also
happens to be a place for discussing war strategy.

Kaiser will speak a little bit about the defense, but nothing you really need
to pay attention to. Lavitz and Kaiser will then discuss the strategy and tell
you to come when you are ready. This is your time for preparation. Battles are
coming soon. Equip all the best stuff, and make sure you have some Healing
Potions and Angel Prayers, and you'd better also have a few attacking items.
When you're ready, talk to Kaiser, and it will then be the night.

Unfortunately, Shana cannot participate in these battles, because it's too
dangerous. Eventually, Sandora will start attacking. Some people will then be
killed, and Lavitz and Dart go down to engage the enemies. You'll fight some
regular Sandora soldiers. They're not very hard. At the top, trouble starts
brewing. A highly advanced soldier starts killing people, and then Dart says to
him that big talkers are usually cowards. Then, the fight with the Elite begins!

Boss: Sandora Elite
HP: 250
Element: Dark
Party: Dart, Lavitz
Difficulty: Easy

Just as Dart said, big talkers are real cowards. The Sandora Elite is, but he's
got some nasty tricks up his sleeve. First of all, the Sandora Elite is a dark
enemy, as his attacks will show you. This calls for light energy attacks. The
elite can summon a ball of green energy and do some damage to the party with
it, and he has some projectile attacks, but right now that's all he'll do.
Don't be scared yet, hehe. =)

Use your light attacks and other magic spells, as well as Volcano and Spinning
Cane, and soon the Sandora Elite will be down to 1/2 of his HP. He'll now be
ready for all action. He now summons a dark blue ball of energy and turns into
three enemies. This is where things start to get a little tricky, because it's
just a random guess. You'll know when you hit the right one, because then they
become one again and it actually does damage. If it's on the wrong one, nothing
will happen, but it'll do no damage to it or the real Elite.

Unleash all you have when the Sandora Elite becomes one again, because it's
really annoying to have to go through all that trouble again. Still, just smack
his ass, and then he'll be dead. He's not that hard, just annoying. But time
for the real challenge.

After the Sandora Elite is defeated, most of Sandora will retreat. But there
seems to be another enemy terrorizing around here. Go down to the bottom, and
then you'll meet a giant, and the last member of the Gigantos. His name is
Kongol, and he is hella strong. No one has ever survived against him, and he
wants you dead!

Boss: Kongol
HP: 250
Element: Earth
Party: Dart, Lavitz
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Kongol is much harder than the Sandora Elite. If the Sandora Elite did any bad
damage to you, then use a Healing Breeze on both Dart and Lavitz. If not on
both, use a regular Healing Potion. Anyway, onto this fight! This fight is one
in which we really need to show off our Addition skills. If you don't have good
skill in them, you could be doomed in this battle.

If you do a successful Addition on Kongol, it'll be about 25 damage. This is
very good, but it's bad if you don't complete it. If you fail to do this,
Kongol will end this with very small damage to himself, and he'll pick up the
character who attacked and he'll slam him down. Overall, not nice. It's not
like Kongol's regular attacks are any better either. Kongol can do about 40
damage when he attacks, and at this point it could be deadly, especially to

Supposing you aren't very skilled in Additions, you'll probably just want to
use attacking items in this fight, preferably wind items. Kongol's element is
Earth, making Wind especially effective. If you have Spear Frost, this should
also be very useful. If you know Additions well, just pummel away at Kongol
with physical attacks, until you reach the point where he throws his axe away
and fights with bare hands.

This is the real difficulty point in this battle. Now that Kongol doesn't have
his axe, he's much stronger. His physical attacks are stronger, he still slams
the characters, and he has a new attack where he picks both characters up and
throws them. This attack does about 50 damage to both Dart and Lavitz. The
Healing Potions should now be used, because Kongol will really wear you down.

Anyway, just use Spear Frost, and any wind magic that you have, and then Kongol
is defeated. A dark, mysterious woman appears (the woman that appeared at the
beginning of the game), and then a power awakens from within Dart and his
pendant. Dart then transforms into a Dragoon with super power, and then he hits
Kongol, severely wounding him and throwing him back. This will end this hard

All of Sandora will retreat, saying that Dart and everyone are not humans. Dart
will then transform back into a human again, and then he will pass out. You
will be in one of Hoax's house, and then the dark woman will introduce herself
as Rose, and she will talk a little about the Dragoons. She tells everyone a
good deal of interesting stuff, and she even joins the party. Dart can now
transform into a Dragoon after he's been hit enough, and Rose also has this
power. Lavitz and Shana don't yet though.

Dart and everyone else will then leave this town, ready to go. Kaiser then
talks to Lavitz a little bit, and when you're almost out, some people will talk
about how strong Dart was to be able to defeat Kongol. Anyway, you might want
to talk to Rose, as she'll teach you all you need to know about Dragoons,
ranging from SP to Additions to magic. When you're ready, just go to the exit.
Rose will then consider Dart a mature Dragoon, and then the story will advance.
Just head a bit forward on the golden line to arrive at a marshland.


Suggested Level: 7
Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose

There are two places to go in this Marshland, west to Volcano Villude or north
to the fortress of Basil. Go to the fortress of Basil FIRST. The enemies here
aren't any dangerous threat, although they can be a little annoying. Now is a
good chance to show off Rose's awesome strength with her Dragoon power/Whip
Smack Addition. Very nice. Keep going north until you reach a bridge where
several Sandora soldiers and Basil soldiers will be fighting.

We will now have to fight all of the Sandora soldiers. There will be five
battles, and each one is just two Sandora soldiers. Dart, Lavitz, and Rose can
easily beat them in a couple hits, since all they have is 60 HP. The only
powerful things they have to offer are usages of Spear Frost, which does about
50 damage. Besides that, all these fights are pushovers. After all of these
idiots are defeated, a Commander will come out of the Basil fortress to fight.

Boss: Commander
HP: 150
Element: Dark
Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose
Difficulty: Easy

OH what a joke this fight is. Really, the Commander doesn't have anything even
mildly serious, although the Healing Potions could help out in this fight. He
comes accompanied with two Sandora soldiers, so just aim for them first.
They're more annoying and once they are defeated, this fight has absolutely
nothing within it to make it difficult. By now, you should have Dart and Rose
at 100 SP.

This should be the first opportunity to use the Dragoon abilities. Transform
both Dart and Rose into Dragoons if they are at 100 SP. Rose should use Astral
Drain if the party is low on HP, but if it isn't then she should just
concentrate on killing the smaller fry if they are still alive. Lavitz should
now have Rod Typoon, so he's not entirely useless either. Dart should just some
Dragoon fire spells on these enemies and they'll die very quickly.

Overall, you should whoop these punks in a very short amount of time. They're
very easy.

After beating them, just go inside the fortress, and you will see many people
inside, nearly dead. After Lavitz talks to them a little, go down and collect
some items, and then just get out of this place. You can also pray for the dead
soldiers, if you wish. When you are ready to go, return to around the entrance
of this place, and turn left on the tree branch. Cross to the other side, and a
little bit forward, Shana will have a little trouble in her leg. It doesn't
mean anything... now anyway. Go a bit further, and you'll be on the world map.
Go a little bit further to come to Volcano Villude.


Suggested Level: 8
Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose

Almost all of the enemies that are met in this place are fire-elemental, making
Dart fairly useless in this place. Rose and Lavitz will be handling out most of
the damage, so you should basically have Dart use magic items and/or support.
The enemies aren't that hard though. Fire Spirit and Red Hot aren't bad, and
even though Salamander is quick, it isn't anything to worry about. Still,
Lavitz and Rose should still be kept handy just in case you fall into trouble,

Shortly after you come in, an angry Fire Bird appears. Shana recognizes it and
then the party runs away. We don't have to fight the Fire Bird yet... anyway,
on the right path you can find a treasure chest, although it really isn't worth
it. Just go left, and you'll be in a fairly large place, and then you'll see a
mysterious person. He doesn't mean anything now, so just ignore him. Just
continue a bit ahead.

There's a Save Point here and a tough boss fight coming up, so I recommend you
heal up and save. After you're ready, you'll find a lot of rocks in this huge
river of lava that you must jump across. This is similar to Limestone Cave, so
you should have the hang of this automatic jumping by now. When you get near
the end, Shana will feel something calling her. She then runs off. Go just a
little further to the left, and then you'll see a huge statue. Rose recognizes
it as a Virage. A battle now awaits.

Boss: Virage - Head
HP: 350
Element: N/A

Boss: Virage - Body
HP: 350
Element: N/A

Boss: Virage - Arm
HP: 50
Element: N/A

Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose
Difficulty: Medium

The Virage is a little bit harder than Kongol, mainly due to its overwhelming
amount of HP. It is also the first boss comprised of several parts. It has two
Arms, a body, and a head. To defeat it, the head and the body must both be
defeated. The Arms will just come back to life so it doesn't really matter if
you destroy them.

Anyway, you'd better have some healing items like Healing Potions and Body
Purifiers. The Virage has a fierce attack that Confuses, Stuns, and causes Fear
on a character. This is never good. It can also emit a red light that damages a
single character for about 80-100 damage, so that's not really anything to
worry about. The Arms can do about 40-50 damage an attack. They're not
particularly dangerous, so I definitely recommend that you take out the Body
first in this fight.

Lavitz and Rose should concentrate all they have on either the body or the
head, although I personally went for the body. As for Dart... I recommend you
go for the Arms with him, since their attacks are extremely annoying at times.
You should definitely try and get Rose in Dragoon status, so she can use Astral
Drain. This awesome attack not only does major damage, but it heals you too!
Not bad.

If you used Shana in this fight... then it will be much harder. If you have any
Spear Frosts, they will be especially useful against the Virage's Body, since
it does 50-60 damage or so. Don't even think about having her attack, because
she'll do about 4-5 damage. Instead of having Dart support, she should support
instead, while Dart goes ahead and pummels the Virage's Head and Body. Also,
you'll definitely know when the Head/Body die off.

As long as you can manage to avoid the status effects, then as soon as you take
out the Body and Head, Dart will rush at the Virage and perform the finishing

After that fight, the party will chat a little, but when you regain control, go
back to the lake of lava, and jump to the right. When you get there, you'll
hear a man calling for help. Dart will then come in and save the life of a man
named Dabas. Dabas tells you to meet him in the commercial town of Lohan, and
he also opens up a shop. I recommend Healing Potions and attacking items right
now. He'll also give you a Sapphire Pin. Anyway, proceed even further and
you'll be in a large circular area. Then the Fire Bird comes and attacks!

Boss: Fire Bird
HP: 600
Element: Fire
Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose
Difficulty: Easy

And THIS was something that the party had to avoid at the beginning of Volcano
Villude? No matter what you might think, the Fire Bird is a cakewalk. To start
out with, sometimes he summons Volcano Balls. These bombs will explode and do
quite a bit of damage after three turns, but they only have 50 HP and are
easily defeated.

You'll want to get Lavitz with Rod Typhoon, and successfully using it every
turn. This will do a good amount of damage. None of the Fire Bird's attacks are
that powerful, so don't worry about them. If Rose reaches her Dragoon form
though, it'd be nice to just use Astral Drain on the Fire Bird to absorb a good
deal of its HP. If Volcano Balls appear, have Rose use Death Dimension, if you
have it. If you don't, just have Dart and Lavitz kill them, while Rose attacks
the Fire Bird.

If you have Shana, then use Spear Frosts to no end. This will do amazing damage
to the Fire Bird. Dart might want to support if Shana is not here, because he
is the same element as the Fire Bird. Anyway, you shouldn't really have much

After that fight, just go on a little bit and you'll find Dabas again. He'll
offer to sell you some more stuff, so if you're low on Spear Frosts, Angel's
Prayers, or Healing Potions, this is your chance to get them. Be warned that
tough fights are coming up, so get at least 10 Healing Potions, 6 Angel's
Prayers, and 4 Spear Frosts. You won't regret it. Anyway, get to the world map,
and then follow the line to the biggest place yet, the Nest of Dragon. This is
where we'll finally fight Feybrand.


Suggested Level: 10
Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose

Go on a little bit to collect a treasure chest, and then go on a little further
and Shana will start feeling something... it doesn't mean anything right now
and she'll feel better immediately, so worry not. You may see a curious looking
plant up ahead, but it's blocking the way and we can't deal with it yet. Ignore
it and take the other path, jumping across the rocks and collecting items. At
the other side, you will find yourself trapped, and you will drop. Bummer.

When you drop down, to the south you will find some healing water. This is good
because it completely heals you! Sweet. But there's one thing to take note of:
the enemies here are tough. The Run Fast is annoying, the Tricky Bat and Lizard
Man are easy, and the Mandrake and Man Eating Bud will just make you furious.
Don't bother with the Spear Frosts unless you fight something that puts a
Physical Barrier up, or you're in a battle with a Man Eating Bud, because it
has 120 HP.

Press X to climb the rock right above, and you'll find a lot of strange plants
around. Lavitz will then make a few comments on them. Now when you come to the
fork, turn to the left and examine the plant on the way, and the black stuff
below will then die away. That's good, we want as much of it to die as humanly
possible. The left and right paths here will then lead to treasure chests. Get
'em all!

Climb up the rock a high way above, and then kill all the green plants on the
way to destroy all the black ones. Go back to where you first entered this
place, and then drop down back to where the water was, and save the game. Then
go through the front hole right ahead, and then just go ahead and you'll meet a
dragoon that killed Lavitz's parents. His name is Greham, and we are now going
to fight Greham, and Feybrand!

Name: Greham
HP: 350
Element: Wind

Name: Feybrand
HP: 450
Element: Wind

Difficulty: Hard
Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose

This is the first boss fight where we'll have to make a huge choice of what
we'll want to kill first. Greham and Feybrand are both quite powerful, but
you'll likely not have many attacks that can hit both Feybrand and Greham.
Greham is very fast and has some annoying attacks/status effects, and Feybrand
does about 50-60 damage per hit, he can power himself up, and he can spit
poison. He's annoying, but I'd prefer to go for Greham first, mainly because
Greham has less HP.

First of all, don't underestimate attacks. Only not attack unless you have
Shana here, or you're at the maximum Dragoon level for SP. I really recommend
having Dragoon LV. 2 by now for Rose and perhaps Dart, but it's not necessary.
Concentrate all power on Greham, since he'll be a slightly bigger threat than
Feybrand. When you finally reach the Dragoon, have Dart use Explosion and have
Rose use Astral Drain. Astral Drain will be immensely useful in this fight.

But what about Lavitz? I can say that he should be the support character in
this fight. Since he, Feybrand, and Greham are all of the Wind Element, he
won't be that useful. He can help out by using Spear Frosts or Meteor Falls on
Greham, because both of them will be extremely useful. Only do this if you
don't have Shana in the party though. If you do, just have Lavitz use Rod
Typhoon constantly.

If you do indeed have Shana in the party, this fight will be a lot harder.
She'll be the definite one for using Spear Frosts and Meteor Falls. If you have
her substituting for Lavitz (which if you use Shana, will be a GOOD idea), then
just have Dart and Rose attack nonstop. If you have Dart, Shana, and Lavitz,
this fight will be much harder. In fact, I can only recommend it if Lavitz has
a great spear and is a heavy physical attack/magic user. If that's the case,
have him and Shana use magic on Greham to no end.

After killing Greham, defeating Feybrand should be no problem. He really isn't
that tough without his boss. Anyway, as long as you're well equipped and ready,
this fight shouldn't be too difficult.

After that fight, Greham will then die. After he and Lavitz talk a little,
Lavitz inherits the Jade Dragoon Spirit. Congratulations, Lavitz is now a
Dragoon! But not all is well. Right then, Shana will fall down, sick. Dart will
then carry her out and up the web. The closest place to carry her would be the
commercial town of Lohan, and this is where our friend Dabas is. You'll be on
the world map shortly. Just head straight to Lohan. No tough bosses coming up
for a bit, so no need to worry.


Suggested Level: 11
Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose

On entering, Dart will be holding Shana. Shana just cannot enjoy the huge town
that is Lohan right now... Shana is taken to the doctor, and to cure her, a
herb called Dragoni Plant is needed. They are extremely rare, making there
little hope left for Shana... anyway, head out of the doctor and you will see
that Lohan is giant as shit. Really, it is. Anyway, exit the house and go
south, then southeast to Dabas's shop. Dabas will play some friendly jokes and
tell you where to find the Dragoni Plant. It can be found beyond the Nest of
Dragon. Remember the plant there?

To take out the plant, we need to take the healing water that recovered our HP
and MP to it. Only problem is that we need something to carry it in. Go back to
the entrance of Lohan (down the stairs), and a man with funny clothes will
await you. He'll see you a bottle for 1,000,000,000 Gil. Of course, Lavitz and
Dart refuse this. Keep telling him to make it cheaper until he offers it for
free. Buy it then, and you've got the bottle for absolutely nothing, you cheap
bastard. =P Anyway, go back to the Dragon's Nest.

Jump down the hole to where you found the water, and then pick it up with the
bottle. Now go back around to the entrance, and then turn to the plant. Give it
some of that water and it'll go down, revealing another world map path. Take
this one and go to the left, and then you will reach Shirley's Shrine. This is
supposedly where the Dragoni Plant is. Too bad the Shrine is full of enemies
and it also happens to be a very big place. Together with beautiful music.


Suggested Level: 11
Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose

The enemies in Shirley's shrine are the hardest we have fought yet. The Plague
Rat isn't bad, the Strong Man has strong physical attacks, the Gargoyles are
pretty nasty, the Living Statues aren't that hard, and the Crystal Golems are
just totally deadly. You'll want to have pure power around here, so make sure
you're built up enough. On the right of the entrance, you can find some water
to drink to restore your HP/MP. Climb up right ahead, and then jump across to
the other side. Jump across the rocks and then you will be inside the shrine

Just a little bit forward, a treasure chest says: "You lost, okay?" In the
entrance hall, you'll also be greeted with: "Don't mess with Sir Drake, get
out! I am busy! Get out!" Bah, just ignore that crap and go to the right.
You'll find some healing water in here. A silver statue is also right here.
You'll see that it's on the left, so remember this. Some more trash will be
talked to you from the treasure chests. Now just return to the entrance hall
and go to the left. You'll find a steering wheel, so turn on it and a path will

Take this path and you'll see a golden statue, pointing at the front. There
also some more treasure chest notes like "There's nothing in here. Don't you
get it? Welcome after coming all the way here. Good boy. Now get out!"
Whatever. Return to the hall and go north, to find you have to enter a code to
proceed onward. Unfortunately, we don't quite know it yet. Turn left and
upstairs, to find yet another annoying treasure chest. This one will say "Bye
bye" and take you to the river. But as you are going across it, parts of the
code will be heard! Hahaha.

When you finally get out of the water, you'll be in the entrance. Return to
where the code was supposed to be entered, and then give it the code. For
example, if you got the numbers "2", "4", then "8" in the water, enter "248"
here and then we can go even further. Now, head up the stairs and you'll be
faced with a really long other set of stairs, along with two statues, one
silver and one gold. To start out with, ignore the silver/gold statues and head
up the stairs. At the top, they will make you slide all the way down! So how to
fix this...

The statues nearby are the answer. Turn the silver statue to the left, and the
golden statue to the front, and now you can head up the stairs. That was simple
enough... anyway, head up all of them and you will find a large "throne" and a
save point. A boss fight is coming up, so I strongly recommend that you save.
When you reach the "throne", you will be met by a nasty bandit. He will attack
you, so you'll have to fight him before we can get to Shirley, unfortunately.

Boss: Drake the Bandit
HP: 1150
Element: Wind
Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose
Difficulty: Medium

Drake the Bandit is a fairly difficult boss. First of all, his attacks are not
that strong. He can throw some daggers at you, but that's all for now. First of
all, just beat up on him. Don't turn into Dragoons with ANYONE yet though. Make
everyone (except maybe Lavitz, who hasn't reached the point yet), get the point
LV. 2 Dragoon with 200 SP, but not to transform into it. Then beat up on Drake.

Eventually, Drake tosses out three Bursting Bombs. These are slightly
dangerous. After three turns, they explode on a character for 90-100 damage.
This is never nice. Have Rose turn into a Dragoon and use Death Dimension. This
should sort out the bombs in little time, and it'll do major damage to Drake.
If someone was hit by a bomb in its time, have her use Astral Drain on Drake.
Also, if you're sure that a bomb will hit you, be sure to guard. The bombs will
always hit the character in front of them, so you can predict it.

When Drake hits about 1/2 of his HP, he tosses out a wire, and to hit him, you
have to destroy the wire. Here's where Lavitz should turn into a Dragoon. Have
him use physical attacks on the Wire, and try to get the D.Attack to absolute
perfection. With that and maybe a couple attacks from Rose, the Wire should be
destroyed. Now DON'T turn into a Dragoon with Dart yet. Try and build Rose up
to a LV. 2 or at least LV. 1 Dragoon until Drake reaches 1/4 of his HP. Why are
we doing this?

If Drake hits 1/4 of his HP, there's a chance he will heal himself for 360 HP.
This will have tons of our work wasted, so that's why when Drake is at such low
HP, we should deal with him. Dart should use a physical attack (if you're good
with them) or just a spell if you're not. Have Rose use Astral Drain on Drake,
and if Lavitz is a Dragoon, use Wing Blaster. If not, just have him use Gust of
Wind Dance if you have it. Rod Typhoon will work if you don't.

Supposing you don't let Drake cure himself up, you should have little trouble
in this fight.

After that fight, Shirley herself appears. She scolds Drake a little bit, and
then tells you that she has no Dragoni Plant. But, there is another way to cure
Shana. Shirley is the owner of the Silver Dragoon Spirit, and if this is given
to Shana, she will be healed. But Shirley decides to test you before giving it.

Boss: Shirley
HP: Infinite
Element: Light
Party: Dart, Lavitz, Rose
Difficulty: Very Easy

This battle is just a test to see what your party is really like. Don't bother
attacking Shirley, because it's just a waste of time. Shirley will transform
into Shana, and then Dart will have to talk to Shana. Don't worry about messing
up, because then Shirley will reset. Anyway, here is how the conversation
should be:

Shirley: Dart, Lavitz, why do you fight?

Dart: To protect those we love.

(Shirley transforms into Shana.)

Shana: Dart, I have been waiting. Why did you leave without saying a word?

Dart: To pursue the Black Monster.

Shana: What are you going to do after you find the Black Monster?

Dart: Of course, get revenge!

Shana: Please, forget about revenge and be with me. The Black Monster or me,

Dart: Shana.

Shana: Really? Dart, I'm so happy!

(Shirley transforms into Albert.)

Albert: Lavitz! What are you doing here! Forget Shana and go back.

Lavitz: That's not like you.

Albert: Lavitz! Are you disobeying my order! Choosing one over many?

Lavitz: Shana needs me!

(Shirley transforms to herself.)

Shirley: Dart, advancing will bring truth as well as ordeals. And you still
want to go?

Dart: No matter what, I will go.

Shirley: Lavitz, I ask you. Who is the most important person for you to protect?

Lavitz: Mother.

Shirley: Lastly Rose, I ask you. What does life mean to you?

Rose: I've never thought about it.

If all these choices are entered correctly, the battle will end and you will
get the White Dragoon Spirit. Well, that little battle was quite fun, was it

After the fight, Shirley grants you the White Dragoon Spirit. Now, all we have
to do is get out of this place and get back to Lohan. Save the game, get out of
the shrine, get to the world map, head to the Dragon's Nest, take the right
fork, go up and out, then you'll be on the world map again. Go to Lohan

This is the not ended I try to
another way thanks you
all of my friend


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