Finding Happiness #3 Memoirs of a Happy Life 😊 (6 Things You Should Never Give Up To Be Happy)

in #happy7 years ago

Happiness doesn’t depend on what you have or who you are, it solely relies on what you think. For most people, pursuing happiness is a life-goal. Happiness is very important. But what kind of happiness asks that you first give up things that you love to enjoy it? Would we call that happiness then?

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For many, once you’re happy, everything else in your life will work out for good. You can start to feel the importance of things and appreciate the little things that matter. Of course to be truly happy, there are certain things you’d have to give up. In our previous series, we spoke about 3 Habits You Must Quit to Be Happy.
If you missed it, Click here ➡➡

Let go of everything unnecessary, it can be old books, emotions and memories. For some safe tips on how to (Let go and Move on),
Click here ➡➡

But there are also things you should never give up. These are often small things that makes life have meaning, but which often get forgotten about as we chase big dreams. Let’s take a look some of those things.

Never Give Up Dreaming:

Most people say that they’ve decided to stop trying so hard and have accepted their limitations and are content and happy with who they are and what they’ve got. This is okay. But it’s a kind of belief that doesn’t work for everyone. Even as you achieve a milestone you set for yourself, you should start working on another. Otherwise you’d forget what it feels like to have a dream. You have to hold on to your dreams and never give up. You may not accomplish what you want at a certain age. That doesn’t mean it will not happen. Keep trying. Come to think of it, what is happiness without a dream?

Never Give Up Doing Things For You! (Investing In Yourself)

You come first. Ask any successful mogul what they think you should invest in more than anything, and they’ll tell you that you should invest in yourself. Enrich your mind with knowledge, enrich your soul. Nourish your body with healthy food. Keep your eye on your goals and never give up investing in yourself. Only you can make your dreams come true.

Never Give Up Your Friends

Some friends are a blessing. A friend is there for life. As you strive to pursue your dreams and aspire to be great, never forget your friends. Never forget those who matter. Because you can’t have memorable moments and all the happiness that comes with it without your friends.

Never Give Up Smiling

Did you smile today? Life is short, Smile while you still have teeth. Keep the smile, leave the tension, feel the joy, forget the worry, hold the peace, leave the pain and always be happy. As you travel on life’s way, with its many ups and downs, remember it’s quite true to say one smile is worth a dozen frowns.

Never Give Up Having Fun

One of the things that gets ignored and forgotten as we get older is the need as we human beings to have fun. This need is not only limited to children. It’s important to follow your dreams but don’t forget to have fun along the way. Life is always better when you are laughing. Time flies whether you’re having fun or not. The choice is yours.

Never Give Up Speaking Your Mind

Speak your mind and never apologise for being too real. It is often the words which you don’t say that haunt you for the longest time. Happiness comes from within, and it’s true that it thrives in a peaceful atmosphere. Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Speak your mind even if your voice shakes. If you don’t speak up, you might find that you lose your happiness as people try to cajole you to do things you don’t really want to do.

Always remember happiness is not out there, it’s in you

I hope you’ve found usefulness in this article and these advises somehow will help you to feel happier. Thank you for taking
out time to read this.

I will be happy to hear from you, so please, feel free to share your tips on how to be happy in the comment’s section below.



Thanks for sharing... Love it.

Thank you. Glad you loved it. It's comments like these that motivate me.

All the best and always be happy upvoted

I wish you the same 😊😊

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