The pursuit of happiness is the key to all unhappiness. Go fuck yourself happiness.
Heres how to be happy in the modern era: RADICAL UNATTACHMENT
The random browsing of Insta images, Snapchat videos,,etc, activates the dopamine in your brain to rev your neurological fantasy engines that make you unhappy as fuck. Pretty People doing pretty things in pretty places eating fancy foods do nothing but create yearning inside your head.
It all sounds sexier than it is when you don’t have it. Lets try an experiment: NOTICE YOUR EMOTIONS CHANGE WHEN YOU EVEN BRIEFLY LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING PICTURE:
Radical Unattachment is a Stoic tool that has been around for centuries. It will give you more happiness than your heart can handle. Reject it all and it comes to you in droves. The more you ask it to fuck itself the more it presents itself to you. Go fuck yourself Happiness.
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