Happiness --- A poem by Raymond Carver

in #happiness6 years ago

Life is the mixture of thick and thin. It is up to the human caliber and the approach he/she adopts to get out of every complex situation in a smooth way. Happiness is the biggest blessing of the God at the same time it is very simple to get it. Those who have steel nerves and can easily control their emotions actually achieve the highest status of happiness in their life. I never say emotionless people enjoy the happiness, I mentioned those who have at least control on their emotions enjoy the beauty of life in an effective way.


So early it's still almost dark out.
I'm near the window with coffee,
and the usual early morning stuff
that passes for thought.

When I see the boy and his friend
walking up the road
to deliver the newspaper.

They wear caps and sweaters,
and one boy has a bag over his shoulder.
They are so happy
they aren't saying anything, these boys.

I think if they could, they would take
each other's arm.
It's early in the morning,
and they are doing this thing together.

They come on, slowly.
The sky is taking on light,
though the moon still hangs pale over the water.

Such beauty that for a minute
death and ambition, even love,
doesn't enter into this.

Happiness. It comes on
unexpectedly. And goes beyond, really,
any early morning talk about it.

~ Poet: Raymond Carver

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