Find Happiness in little things.

in #happiness6 years ago

Good evening friends, it's cloudy day here in New Delhi India. Friends we always search the reason of happiness and start ignoring the little things and happiness associated with them is completely ignored by us maybe due to ignorance or today's speedy life style and we always complain we don't have enough time and there is no happiness in life, yes this is happening with everyone there could be several reasons like we ignore the importance of little things or we are still searching happiness in materialistic and those things which we can buy through our wallet power.


Friends life is completely different what we think or feel, the real happiness could be find easily and for free and it will pour your heart by joy and happiness. If our attitude will be positive and we open our mind and flash the dust of ignorance from our mind that happiness can be in expensive things or we can buy them, then we will find the true reasons which we are ignoring and searching happiness on those things which will make you more greedy, and lead to egoism and will ruin your life.


Friends there are thousands way you can feel and enjoy the happiness but first of all you have to ready to accept the importance of little things because true happiness is just behind the little curtain of those little things, for example from the very beginning of the day the cool gust of wind can make you happy, the view of sunrise at the bay of a river, at sea sore or any hill region, the song of little birds, the first ray of sun coming from the snowy mountains or sun is shining behind the clouds, the cloudy day, the colours of cloud, the blue sky, the roaring of the sea, the play of little birds, little cub, little kittens, little turtles, little dogs or anything which is little but have a big message, cute smile of your little baby, full of love hug if your spouse, love of our parents, our favourite foods, or that dish which is our weakness, the old friend, the old tree under which we played on our childhood, have you ever helped any needy person no matters it's through money, it can be a little lift to his destination, or support to a old man to cross the road, many things if you start searching can give you happiness, the blood donation to an accident victim which relatives are not there and he is dwelling with life and death, just imagine if for any your good deed brings happiness to someone face or to a single family the value and feelings of this happiness is very valuable than purchasing an iPhone x truly friends start realising and recognising the value of little things in your life and you will find your life more vivid, rainbow is now more brighter and life is full of charm and happiness and it's looking lovely and our craziness about searching happiness or you can say you feel a little kick of happiness a blow or pinch of happiness when you feels these things and now you ignored thousands of anxiety and miseries, just start smiling on little things and little happiness.


Friends just open your heart and start accepting and recognising the value of little things and you will find that yes the true happiness is behind these little things, and we are running after money and all the materialistic items only which will give us temporary happiness and leads to another greed of more luxurious item and this is rat race which will never ends and we always putting our valuable happiness sideways and running after finding the costly watches, phones, cars, bungalow etc. Friends these things will give you happiness but when you find someone who is more richer than you or your neighbors purchased BMW then you start jealous on him and now your happiness wiped out and lust for more money, more luxury, more power starts and this will never ends.


So friends start recognising the value of little things and you will be surprised after the joy and happiness you received through these little things.

Enjoy your day. Good day.

Thank you.

Self declaration: Friends I am poor in English grammar so please forgive my grammatical errors.


This post made me feel good! Thank you for sharing good energy with us all!

Dear sir, your valuable support is inspiring me always to do better and better again.
Thank you for your valuable support.


Thank you dear friend.

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