
Thanks, I needed this!

I'm glad you found this post when you needed it! <3

No. 1 is my motto as well for years now: see the beauty in little things and find joy in simple things. But I struggle hard with No. 2! 🙈
I enjoy a walk through the city or in the nature when feeling bad. There is always something beautiful to discover. And I like to make myself a nice cup of tea and sit quietly in my room on the couch or in my armchair - with or without a book, with or without some music.
What makes me feel best - and unfortunately I can't share - is a hug by the hubby. Nothing's above!
These are good and important things you mentioned. Thank you for the article!

I can totally relate! I guess it depends what we need in that very moment.
Sometimes it's music, silence, being alone, catch up with friends or just talk to someone... Sometimes it's crying, dancing or singing our problems away. :)
But nature is definitely one of the best healers, but same as you, I struggle with going for walks and just be there, outside with my thoughts.

I totally agree with nr. 1 and 2.
People tend to be so busy and rushing everything that they miss all the wonderful things happening around them. Just dialing down the pace a bit could help quite a bit.

Unfortunately, it is true. A lot of small, simple, everyday blessings are being underestimated and unnoticed while we chase something bigger and better. We often think that's when we will be happy. Seems like we always need "a little bit more". Until we figure out that happiness is now and it can be so simple.
Thank you for your comment! :)

Really nice post and great tips thank you for sharing :) <3

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! :)))

Thanks for the great post!
I start my morning off with meditation. Letting go of yesterdays stress makes it easier to deal with the situations that arise during the day ahead.

That is a great way to start a new day! How long do you usually meditate in the morning?
I'm struggling with meditation a little bit but every time I do it, I feel amazing!

And find a good thing in every moment in your life! :)

Yes!! That's the best way to live your life! :D

Good advice!! I know a few people who should be reading this!! :-D

Thank you so much!
Haha, I think we all do! :D

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