in #happiness6 years ago

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I celebrate life every day! Every day provides us with opportunities to celebrate. Today is International Town Crier Day. Town Criers once served a vital role in society, they kept the public informed. Now they are ceremonial. They announce royal births and weddings. Many historic sites have a Town Crier on hand to add authenticity to their tours.

Town Crier

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Oyez, Oyez, Oyez,
it’s Town Crier Day!

In days of old,
Town Criers told,

The public the news.
They used two tools.

They rang a bell,
and their voice to yell.

They kept the public up to date,
on important matters of the state.

This was done,
not for fun,

but to keep people informed,
because illiteracy was the norm.

As literacy spread,
Town Criers did dread,

they would be soon replaced,
as daily newspapers were embraced.

They were right,
about their plight.

Now their role is ceremonial,
yet they remain jovial!

Town Criers hand bell.

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What is a Town Crier?- Town Criers date back to medieval times. They were responsible for keeping the public informed,

Video source


Budweiser Sends The Coolest Cease And Desist Letter Over 'Dilly Dilly' Beer-

Budweiser ran the "Dilly Dilly” marketing campaign for Bud Lite. A Minnesota craft brewery, Modist Brewing, created a beer named "Dilly Dilly." Since the campaign was set in the medieval period of history, they sent a Town Crier to deliver the cease and desist request. The unique delivery of the cease and desist request played out well for Budweiser, they didn't appear as a giant corporation out to crush a craft brewery.


Not much I can say about this. Where I come from maybe the closest that would resemble a town's crier is the town gossip lol. They are usually the source of news regardless whether true or not. And most of them were just made up.

Lol, a Town Crier offered official news. People might have paid more attention if he offered juicy gossip!

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