How to Talk Positively to Your Kids About Exercise

in #happiness4 years ago

If you want to get your kids interested in exercise, it is important that you talk to them about it as soon as possible. Many children have a very resistant attitude to physical activity. The idea of exercise can scare some children and get them to turn their noses up at any form of exercise. When your child starts to get excited about exercise, encourage them. Even if they are initially reluctant, continue to talk to them about exercise and how it will improve their health and fitness.

Talk to your kids about the importance of exercise. Tell them that there are plenty of good role models for them to look to and that they need to follow them. Let them know that exercising is something that they should be excited about doing every chance they get. Every chance they get to go for a run or to join a pool or jogging class shows them that they are not being considered lazy or stupid.

Another way to get your kids interested in exercise is to make sure that they are constantly offered free snacks. If you are running out of snacks between classes or during snack times, offer them a package of cookies or a candy bar. While you do this, remind them about the benefits of exercise and the fact that every chance they get to participate in physical activity will help them slim down. This will encourage them to continue with their jogging lessons or swim lessons even when they get hungry between classes.

Have your child participate in as many sports as they can. It is imperative that kids get involved in as many sports as they possibly can so that they have the opportunity to get in shape. For example, you can get involved in a local Little League and take your child to play every other weekend. You can also sign them up for baseball, soccer, cheerleading or football. Doing so will make the exercise more accessible to them and it will be fun for them as well.

Talk to your kids about how great it is to be part of the "mileage club." In elementary school, ask them what their favorite teams or individuals are and then invite them to join the team or group whenever possible. Every child has a favorite teacher or sport that they like to follow. Taking the time to show your child how good role models are can help them to want to join their clubs. And every time they have an opportunity to do so, you can show them how good role models are.

If your child needs extra motivation to participate in physical activity, talk to them about an elliptical machine or treadmill. An elliptical machine or treadmill helps kids build leg muscles that build body strength and develop cardiovascular conditioning. These machines are easy on the joints, they simulate walking, running and jumping and the result is that they help your children to develop a healthier body image. Talk to your kids about how to talk positively to your kids about exercise and about healthy living.

There are many different excuses people use to avoid getting into shape. For some people it is a financial concern, for others it is because they don't want to get hurt or feel uncomfortable. When it comes to physical activity, there is no excuse for your kids not to be physically active. Tell them the best reasons for joining a fitness plan and show them exactly how the benefits will make them feel and look better. There is one big reason for everyone to be working out and that is to stay healthy. Talk to your kids about how great it feels when they do a push up, sit-up or jump.

Talk to your kids about how you noticed them falling behind in school. Talk to them about how it makes you feel when they don't maintain their grades. Encourage your kids to stay active and talk to them about why they are learning so much more than their peers. Talk to them about how great it feels when they do an extra mile. No matter what your kids' age is, exercising is the best way to increase their self-esteem, improve their self-image, keep them healthy, and keep them connected with their friends. With a little encouragement, and plenty of quality time spent with your kids, you can build a healthy, strong relationship, one that is built on trust, love, and support.

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