STEEMIT GIRL HALO video verification for every one who thinks I am a scammer

in #halo8 years ago (edited)

I'm new at this and this is the first time I have posted a video. There may be an easier way but this way worked for me. Even though I posted a picture verification it was not enough because I did not write STEEMIT on the paper so I posted another picture with STEEMIT on it and am still being called a scammer. In a way this hurts , but in a way I am greatful that if there were pictures or videos of me @halo that anyone else but me @halo have posted you will downvote them. So if you see a picture or video of me @halo on here that was not posted by me @halo please downvote it and let me know. This is to prove to everyone calling me scammer that it is really me posting my pics and I am not a scammer. If this does not prove it I'm not sure how to prove to you.


Thank you for making this video. I want to let you know I've reversed my previous downvotes on your other posts. I hope you can understand that we're on alert due to a number of actual scam posts. It really was nothing personal, and I'd like to say welcome to the community. I hope you enjoy your time here as much as we will enjoy your posts!

I understand and thank you for reversing your downvote.

oh yeah you are very much on alert, specially when you defend rampant scammers like @lauralemons

Hello, once again I want to apologise for the inconvenience I caused you and hope that you aren't discouraged from posting on Steemit. Thank you also for being so understanding.

Just wonderig why you did not revise your downvote to an upvote on my other post, like you said you would.

Just upvoted one of your posts. The one with the blurry pink paper.

I agree , this should prove it to everyone. love the steemit logo on your belly!

Halo love that voice

would love to see longer videos

Verification Accepted. If you don't waste you time on scammer posts then they will fade into the Sea that is Steemit. This Community needs to be more friendly to new users.

Just face ...

My recommendation for your next post, if I may:
Halo's Cosplay Workout Tutorial, with you cosplaying in it and showing any workout routine you can come up with that looks sexy, maybe you can sing while you do it. You can easily get 10-15k for it now that they cant say you are a scammer, think about it.

Thanks for the idea I may try this.

keep it coming halo dont let @stellabelle and the thought police get you down,
now that they cant say you are a scammer, what are they gonna say?
we'll be right here by your side watching everything.

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