
Nice image Halo. I do find myself drawn to images that pull the eye around with their lines. Saw a beautiful B&W fog photo a couple of days ago that had lighter and lighter gradients of grey on thw left and right trees that drew the eye to the woman walking in the centre. Wish i could remember the artist.

Here in your photo the lines of the flower all draw into our little friend. I would challenge someone to try and not let your eyes get drawn in by the lines. Human nature. You have done it quite naturally - artistic intuition :)

Sorry for the long posts :) i get carried away - both my eye and my mind ;)
Cheers my friend

Thank You and , No problem on the long reply it's a good change from the 1 word to 1 sentence comments , not to lessen them it's hard to write a long comment when all I post is a photo. I just like my photos to speak for themselves :)

Understood. I'll looking at all the copy/paste comments here on this posting :( You must get a lot of that. "Great idea" "ok i upvot to you and reply" Oh my. I am new to Steemit so I don't what it has BEEN like, but the amount of total spam I am seeing in here is disheartening. I hope there will be a way to keep this crap under control.

It only started to get bad a few months ago, I ignore most of it but flag when people start posting links to there post that have nothing to do with my post. I always give a warning asking them to please remove their spam some do , but other refuse and I have to flag them.

Sad that it has to come to that. I do hope that there are measures put in place to help stop that. I have only been here for a short while and I have seen some of the anti-spam activities.

Being a seasoned users, if you have any suggestions for me to help with that cause I would like to hear.

wow! nice blog i have upvoted ur blog please upvote and comment on my blog also and follow me.

ok i upvot to you and reply

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