Going on a trip to kimberly bc for halloween weekend
Time to get out and visit some people. Leaving my current location soon. Need this small break, long work weeks as a drone as usual. Now I can settle down, drink some absinthe and perhaps write some blogs and new music! Halloween Weekend!!There will be a japanese exchange student there. Last night I had a knock on the door and some foreign travellers were asking for money for a youth travel organisation. They were selling cheesy art you would find at a tourist attraction or mall. Suffice to say I was not interested. The japanese lady then asked if I had pocket change. I gave her some. I gave her a few polite bows and she gave me a real nice japanese bow. Gave them a couple more nods and they were off.
Synchronicity - Get some of that cross cultural communication in there. I took some japanese language in high school.
I like Sailor Moon ya know. (I even have a friend named Sarah Moon). She is a 14 year old heroine! It makes the bad guys soooo weak that a 14 year old can completely destroy evil and make it look absolutely lame and pathetic. The student is around that age. I wonder if she is any comparison to Sailor Moon. Probably. Yeah, the japanese are overworked, repressed so I feel sorry for them. Yea our wonderous consumer culture to the west. Nose to the grind stone the world over.
Not much time to say much else. I will probably take some pictures. Kimberly is a touristy type town, based on some german styled architechture.