Tell us what your favorite Halloween costume was

in #halloween8 years ago

The first costume that I ever remember wearing was that little devil one from the mid-70s; I still remember the feeling of wicked delight from wearing it.

The BEST costume I ever wore was a homemade zombie Marine. I got out earlier that year, so I had plenty of torn up cammies to base this on. I started with a latex prosthetic of of a gaping wound, shaved my chest and spirit-gummed that sucker on. I put on a issue T-shirt that was pretty ratty itself, then tore a hole in the middle where the "chest wound was. I spirit-gummed the torn edges into the "wound", then soaked the entire area in fake blood. I put on the cammies and my boots. Then I applied zombie flesh to my face and hands.

Zombie flesh is a multi-use Halloween makeup. Use a little, and it looks like you have become old, with lots of wrinkles. Use a lot, and you look like you are decaying, with gaping cracks in your flesh.

The effect I had with this getup was perfect. I made my god-daughter cry. If you can make little kids cry, you have a scary Halloween costume. We went down to Sixth Street (Austin's biggest bar district), and I got a lot of good comments. I almost started a fight with some guy that yelled "Sad Sack" at me, but he backed down. (I was going to go into more detail on this, but I think that fighting, and why you should avoid it, should be the subject of it's own post...I was probably the bad guy in this story anyway).

Why do people dress up for Halloween?

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Author ejojola
Wikimedia Commons

Look at the costumes people wear and think of the categories they fit. Sex and death are major themes, or in the case of the lady above, a mixture of the two. Vampires, as a mix of sex and death, are popular costumes as well.

Good and evil are also common themes. Angels, devils, nuns, priests, cops, convicts abound...and of course, somehow, for some UNKNOWN reason (/snort), sex is often an element of costumes:

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Source Maxim Halloween Bash
*Wikimedia Commons
THIS is supposed to deter me from Hell?

Heroes and villains continue the Halloween archetypes. People dress up like rock stars, movie props...I mean actors, and politicians.

Entertainment Earth sells this Hillary Clinton mask
Still not as scary as the real life corruptocrat and would-be tyrant Clinton

People dress up because they LIKE TO, and Halloween gives folks a reason to let out their inner devil, their fascination with death, their slutty desires, or their lust for power in a fantasy manner. What people choose to wear can reflect quite a bit about themselves.

So tell us what YOU like to be on Halloween!

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