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RE: Halloween Contest #3 Entry - "Near Dark" is the Perfect Vampire Movie

in #halloween7 years ago

I've been considering a comedy vampire story to write... It's about Count Lugoz a 400 year old vampire who comes to America in search of new victims- he has wanted posters up all over Europe. While attacking a young woman she panics and runs off with his false fangs still in her neck. His thirst for blood still not sated, he selects another victim and is arrested while attempting to gum her to death.



I've got 4 more contests, so you've got time to write it!

Should be something in there about it being hard for him to pee, too!

I'm posting one today! I'll look for a place to slide that in... That one hits kinda close to home! By the way... I'll send you a little steem today for the Bot!

did you want to use the vampire one, or the one that you posted?

on that peeing thing, I have waaay on the backburner a short story about a porn producer trying to go mainstream horror, and he runs into a vampire; that was part of it ;>

kinda also hearkened back to the time I got the clap LOL

I was thinking of the enlarged prostate angle... can you imaging how big your prostate would be after 400 years???

You read them and pick.

can you imaging how big your prostate would be after 400 years???


thank you for the contribution! I'll put it to good use!

Well, my story about "Count Lumox" is done... I'll post in a bit! (And I got the "pee line" in!)

did you want to change your entry? or maybe save this one for next week?

One's kind of scary and one's funny... you decide which fits the category better

we'll go scary and already posted this week LOL, and funny vampire next week!

you want to get your readers to vote on your comment in the contest post! that's how I'm making the judgement!

I told Carl this, might as well tell you, too!

I never win these things... I only post because people ask me to.

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