Halloween with Unusual Monsters

in #halloween8 years ago (edited)

During Halloween, the border between the real and the spirit world is almost erased. The evil spirits, demons and monsters break into our world in search of sinful and helpless souls. We are accustomed to werewolves, vampires, ghosts, who were born in the myths and tales of our ancestors. We know all of them, after all, modern culture uses these images to the fullest, mostly for commercial purposes.

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Well, let's hope that they are just a figment of the human imagination and don't exist in reality. Because in addition to the well-known monsters there are thousands more of the creatures come from cultures unfamiliar to us, which none of us would like to meet. But, just in case, let me introduce some of them... we still don't know enough about our world.

Stikini (Manowl)

A werewolf from the myths of the North American Indian tribes. They believed in cursed people, who have become owls at night, the truth is quite unusual owls, the size of a man. Day they looked like ordinary people and lived like their countrymen, but they had undergone a terrible transformation in full moon. To become an owl, werewolf spews all his internal organs and hung them on the trees, and then flies near human settlements in search of victims.

They eat human hearts, which are sucked through the mouth of the victim. Before dawn, the winged werewolves went back to their hanging entrails and swallowed them back, to take human form. To kill such a creature you need burn his intestines.


The Philippine vampire, which looks quite different from how we used to see vampires. She has the face and body of a beautiful elderly woman and a pair of wings like a bat. But her main feature - while hunting she separates the upper body from the lower, the upper half flies away to hunt with the hanging of the abdominal viscera.

Her food is the hearts of unborn babies, which Manananggal sucks right out of the womb of pregnant women with her hideous proboscis. Legend has it that the power of this monster in a black chick in her throat, Manananggal reproduces by regurgitating it in someone else's mouth. You can kill her if you will rub garlic or ash with salt on her lower half, when the body separately. Then the vampire could not find her second half and connected with it, and will die with the first rays of the sun.


The Slavic demigod-demon. This is a huge old man of a strong constitution, his main weapon is a look that can kill a man, and even burn entire villages. But he got huge eyelids, which reach almost to the ground and he cannot open it independently. Thats why he is accompanied by a small retinue of demons, which raise the eyelids with a forks, when Vij feels the sinful soul.

Vij overgrown with roots and moss, his voice terrible and nasty, his drawl monotone sound can bring to mind any man. The only way to fight him, is don't look in his eyes and wait for the dawn. But his servants- the demons will tempt you to a little bit open your tightly closed eyes.


A huge stone beast with iron teeth from Yakut mythology. Lives in a forest or under the ground. It born from a black stone, similar to the child. The older he gets the stone becomes more like a child. In the beginning it eats everything what people eat, but when it grows it begins to eat the people.

Adults Abaasy look like a one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged monster rising from the tree. They feed on the souls of humans and animals, they tempt people, inflict misfortune and illness, can deprive of mind. If the person died before its 70 years, it meant that his soul was eaten by Abaasy.

Rat King

The symbol of the plague, it's not even a myth but a reality, but his appearance in the middle ages caused a superstitious fear. A few rats, woven tails, constantly spew the masses of faeces and heartbreaking squeak. From the middle Ages until we reached a belief that the rat king brings disease and death to the house where he was found, he is the Herald of the misery and suffering.

In fact it is only half a myth, there are documented finds of rat kings, put forward a lot of theories as to why rat tails are woven, but failed to find even a one living king.


The spirit cannibal, he is a symbol of the insatiable hunger and the long winter, came from the mythology of North American Indians. Some say that the Wendigo was created when a brave warrior sold his soul to avert the danger from his tribe. When the threat was eliminated, he went into the thicket, and since then nobody saw him. According to another legend, Wendigo was slowly losing his human form due to the use of black magic, coupled with cannibalism and turned to the semblance of a decaying man - deer.

He is able to imitate the human voice to lure the victim into the forest, his hunger can be remove only by human's flesh and that at the time. The only thing they fear is fire. They cannot be killed by any weapon, they quickly recover and continue hunting.


Another monster of Philippine mythology. The tall humanoid with a horse's head and very long legs (when he sits his knees covering her ears). This creation is a symbol of the denial of abortion, according to legend, Tikbalang is a child who could not fully incarnate in the next life, and was sent back to earth as a reminder.

He lures his victims into a quiet place under false pretenses, teasing, raping and killing, scoring their hooves, then just disappears. It is impossible to kill Tikbalang, but you can avoid the attack if you wear clothes inside out.


In lean years, the Eskimos of Alaska had to perform terrible acts – if baby could not feed, he was carried to the tundra and left to die. Such a child after death became a vengeful spirit Angiak, who gain strength, had the ability to turn into animals and killed members of his family, which abandoned him. To escape from the vengeance of the deceased child, the Eskimos had to change its mooring place.

When the traveler goes through the snowy wilderness, he can hear the sounds, heralding the appearance of the monster: a crying child, quickly fading in the storm, or hooting snowy owls. At this time, you can still escape from Angiak, if will turn back and leave his territory. But if you continue the path, very soon you will meet white owl, and then will appear the monster. It can appear either in the form of a small man, covered with shaggy brown fur, with long curved claws and sharp teeth, or a giant owl. Sometimes in the form of whitened from the cold child.

Black Annis

Сharacter of English folklore, which is usually used to frighten children. Black Annis is mostly eat children and sheep, but can attack and adults, f she is very hungry. She makes belts from child's skin as trophies. It is believed that she takes the form of a one-eyed hag with long, sharp teeth and claws and very pale skin, her face is blue.

People so strongly believed in the existence of Black Annis, that in the houses, near the supposed place of her habitat, was only one small window, near which hung various talismans and "witch's herb", which was supposed to frighten away the monster. It was believed that Black Annis could to stick her hand out the window and steal the baby right from the cradle.


A woman of dazzling beauty from Japanese mythology. She seduces lonely men, intoxicates them with music and song, inclining to sex. During the sexual act takes her true form - a huge spider, the size of a man. It happens that Jorogumo did not immediately kill her prey, and lives with it for a long time.

During the day, she assumes the form of the meek and the obedient women, and night again turns into spider. Bewitched man can't get away from her, and every night she and her offspring feed on them until he dies. It can continue for many years.

image source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


This is only a small part of beings unknown to us, who follow humanity for centuries. They are woven from fears, superstitions and phobias of different peoples of the world. But as we all know every tale has some truth and should not exclude the option that the prototype of these horrible monsters were a real creatures. After all, even if we assume that a small part of what were described, takes place in real life, it becomes creepy… @natord


Thank you @timcliff! I tried to write about little-known creatures, But I'm interested in mythology since childhood, so it was hard for me to choose participants of this list, I hope that you never heard about bout most of them, and it was interesting for you to read :)

Yes, it was all new to me - and very interesting :)

nice writeup.

it's easy to see common themes across cultures with these monsters; vampires, cannibalism, the femme fatale

Thank you. And you are right about common themes in myths, all this creatures reflect the events which occur in any culture, they are formed from basic human fears and problems.

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